Pobieranie programu

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 11:15, 30 November 2019 by Kaktus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Aktualne stabilne wersje==")
Zwróć uwagę, że FreeCAD jest nadal w fazie rozwoju i w naszym odczuciu nie osiągnął statusu wersji 1.0. Może nie jest gotowy do użycia w produkcji, ale wiele osób już używa do zastosowań profesjonalnych. Aby dowiedzieć się, czy FreeCAD jest odpowiedni dla Twojego projektu, odwiedź FreeCAD forum.

Aktualne stabilne wersje

The first 0.18 release of FreeCAD (16093) was published on 2019-03-12. The latest bug fix release 0.18.4 (16146) was published on 2019-10-26. To find out what's new, see the release notes.

You will find SHA256 checksums to verify the integrity of your download on the 0.18.4 release page.


32-bit | 64-bit


Mac OS X 64-bit


AppImage 64-bit

Notes for Windows users

  • The 32-bit installer (x86) supports the following versions of Windows: 7/8/10.
  • The 64-bit installer (x64) supports the following versions of Windows: 7/8/10.
  • A portable version (64-bit) that doesn't need installation is in the release page.

Notes for Mac OS X users

Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan is the minimum supported version.

Notes for GNU/Linux users

Most distributions carry FreeCAD in their official repositories, however, if the distribution doesn't follow a rolling release model the version they provide might be outdated. Instead you can download the AppImage above, mark it as executable and launch it without installation.

Please see the Install on Unix page for more installation options, including daily packages for Ubuntu and derivatives.

Development versions

FreeCAD's development is active.

  • For Linux users, check out the development AppImage.
  • For MacOS, Windows, and development source code, see the FreeCAD/releases page.

Additional modules and macros

The FreeCAD community provides many additional modules and macros. Since 0.17 they can be easily installed from within FreeCAD using the Addon manager .