
From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 02:59, 10 July 2019 by Wconly (talk | contribs) (Created page with "一个常见的用例是所依赖的关系图(graph)有所损坏。(您可以通过{{MenuCommand|Tools → Dependency graph}}来查阅依赖关系图。)从模型树...")

Sketcher MapSketch

Menu location
Part Design/Sketch → Map sketch to face...
Sketcher, PartDesign
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Create a new sketch




  • 草图被创建在一个标准的平面上(XY, XZ, YZ),而您却想将其映射至一个实体面上,从而进一步在此构建一个特征。
  • 草图被映射至实体的某个特定面上,而您却需要把它映射至另一个不同的面上。
  • 修复一个坏掉的模型。


  • 选择一个PartDesign特征上的面或一个实体上的面。
  • 点击工具栏中的Sketcher_MapSketch Map sketch to face图标(或前往当前所用工作台中的PartDesign或Sketch菜单找此工具)。
  • 在打开的Select sketch对话窗口中的列表里选择待映射至面上的草图,并点击OK。
  • 草图将自动在编辑模式下打开。



一个常见的用例是所依赖的关系图(graph)有所损坏。(您可以通过Tools → Dependency graph来查阅依赖关系图。)从模型树中删除某个特征可能是造成这个问题的罪魁祸首。在以下示例中,我们将实际破坏并修复一个模型。

This is the base model. It has one pad, a pocket, and a pad inside that pocket. Note that the dependency graph is linear.

Now we have deleted the pocket and the sketch that created the pocket (Pocket and Sketch001). Note that the dependency graph is broken. To repair this model we want to attach Sketch002 to the top face of Pad. In the view of the model you can see that it would be easy to select the wrong face.

To repair the model we first change the visibility of the solids. We make Pad001 hidden and we make Pad visible.

Now we select the top face of Pad and then select the Map A Sketch To A Face tool. In the dialog that appears we select Sketch002. Our model is now repaired. In the model view we make Pad001 visible and Pad hidden and we can see the correct model.