Sketcher "Переориентировать эскиз"

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 02:41, 8 July 2019 by Mad max (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Как использовать==")

Переориентировать эскиз

Системное название
Sketcher Reorient
Расположение в меню
Part design/Sketcher → Переориентировать эскиз
Sketcher, PartDesign
Быстрые клавиши
Представлено в версии
См. также
Разместить эскиз на грани, Новый эскиз


Позволяет отделить эскиз от грани и прикрепить его к одной из основных плоскостей (со смещением).

Как использовать

  1. Select the sketch to be re-oriented in the tree-view
  2. Choose Sketch Reorient sketch from the top menu
  3. A menu will pop up and ask you if you want to detach the sketch from its face
  4. Selecting Yes will give you the same menu as in Sketch New Sketch
  5. You can attach the sketch to one of the main planes
  6. You also have the possibility to add a positive or negative offset


  • When selecting Cancel in the second menu the sketch is simply detached from its face.
  • As long as no sketch is selected, the command is greyed out.