Arch: Bara de armătură îndoită în U

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Arch Rebar UShape

Menu location
Arch → Rebar tools
Default shortcut
See also
LShape Rebar
This command is part of the Reinforcement AddOn, that you can install via menu Tools → Addons Manager


Instrumentul UShape Rebar permite utilizatorului să creeze o armătură UShape reinforcing în elementul structural.

Cum se folosește

  1. Creați un element structure
  2. Selectați orice fațetă a structurii
  3. Apoi selectați butonul UShape Rebar dintre instrumentele rebar tools
  4. A task panel will pop-out on the left side of the screen as shown below
  5. Select the desired orientation
  6. Give the inputs like front cover, right side cover, left side cover, bottom cover, top cover, rounding factor and diameter of the rebar
  7. Select the mode of distribution either amount or spacing
  8. If spacing is selected, a user can also opt for custom spacing
  9. Alegeți fața selectată care este utilizată pentru a verifica sau schimba fațeta pentru distribuția barei
  10. Click pe tasta OK sau Apply pentru a genera rebars
  11. Click pe tasta Cancel pentru a ieși din task panel


  • DateOrientation: It decides the orientation of the rebar (like a bottom, top, right and left).
  • DateFront Cover: The distance between rebar and selected face.
  • DateRight Cover: The distance between the right end of the rebar to right face of the structure.
  • DateLeft Cover: The distance between the left end of the rebar to the left face of the structure.
  • DateBottom Cover: The distance between rebar from the bottom face of the structure.
  • DateTop Cover: The distance between rebar from the top face of the structure.
  • DateRounding: A rounding value to be applied to the corners of the bars, expressed in times the diameter.
  • DateAmount: The amount of rebars.
  • DateSpacing: The distance between the axes of each bar.


Instrumentul UShape Rebar poate fi utilizat în macros și din consola Python prin utilizarea următoarea funcție:

makeUShapeRebar(FrontCover, BottomCover, RightCover, LeftCover, Diameter, Topcover, Rounding, AmountSpacingCheck, AmountSpacingValue, Orientation, Structure, Facename)
  • The UShape Rebar have four different orientations:
    • Bottom
    • Top
    • Right
    • Left
  • Adds a UShape reinforcing bar object to the given structural object.
  • If no Structure and Facename is given, it will take user selected face as input.
  • Returns the new Rebar object.

Exemplu: Crearea unei armături tip bară în U.

import Arch, UShapeRebar
structure = Arch.makeStructure(length=1000.0, width=1000.0, height=400.0)
structure.ViewObject.Transparency = 80
rebar = UShapeRebar.makeUShapeRebar(20, 20, 20, 20, 8, 20, 4, True, 10, "Bottom", structure, "Face1")

Schimbarea proprietăților barei în U.

import UShapeRebar
UShapeRebar.editUShapeRebar(rebar, 25, 25, 25, 25, 16, 25, 2, True, 15, "Top")