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Arch Reference

Menu location
Arch → Reference
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Arch BuildingPart


The Reference tool allows you to place an object in the current document that copies its shape and colors from an Part-based object (including Arch BuildingPart) stored in another FreeCAD file. If that FreeCAD file changes, the reference object is marked to be reloaded.

How to use

  1. Press the Arch Reference button
  2. Press the "Choose file..." button and select an existing FreeCAD file
  3. Select one of the included Part-based objects from the drop-down list
  4. Press OK


  • The reference object can be moved and rotated, the current position will be retained after reloading the object
  • If the original object gets moved in containing file, this movement will reflect in the reference object
  • By right-clicking a Reference object in the tree view, you have the options to reload the original object, or open the containing file
  • To reference several object at once, place them inside an Arch BuildingPart
  • When turning off the Update Colors view property of the Reference, it son't reload the original colors anymore, so you can safely change them


  • ДанныеFile: The base file this component is built upon
  • ДанныеPart: The part to use from the base file
  • ВидUpdate Colors: If true, the colors from the linked file will be kept updated


The BuildingPart tool can by used in macros and from the python console by using the following function:

makeReference ([file_path,object_name])

creates a Reference object from the given object in the given file.


import Arch