Arbeitsbereich PartDesign

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 07:31, 8 March 2018 by HarryGeier (talk | contribs)

Die Part Design Workbench wurde im Releasewechsel 0.16 auf 0.17 grundlegend überarbeitet und erweitert. Insbesondere wurde die Struktur der Modelle für komplexere Konstruktionen angepasst.

Nutzer der Version 0.16 finden die dazu passenden Seiten in PartDesign Legacy

Die deutsche Übersetzung (0.17) ist aktuell in Arbeit.

Die Part Design Workbench ist gedacht um komplexe Teile mit Hilfe der "eingeschränkten Geometrie" zu erstellen. Dabei wird als Zeichenwerkzeug die Sketcher Workbench intern genutzt.


=== Erstellen von "Features"

Während die Part Workbench und andere FreeCAD "Workbenches" Modelle aus der Kombination von 3D Primitiven erstellen, nutze die Part Design Workbench features. Ein feature ist eine formgebende Veränderung eines 3D Objekts via geometrischer Definition. Der Begriff "Feature" wird allgemein in 3D Systemanleitungen nicht übersetzt.

Das erste Feature in einem Körper ( Body ) wird allgemein als das "base feature" bezeichnet. Die weiteren Features bauen im allgemeinen auf Oberflächen oder definierten Flächen der bereits vorhandenen Features auf. Im Grunde spiegelt diese Vorgehensweise den Prozess der formgebenden Mechanischen Bearbeitung wieder. Ein Rohteil wird durch Anschweißen, Bohren, Fräsen usw. Schritt für Schritt verändert. Jeder Arbeitsschritt entspricht einem Feature

Alle Features sind in ihrem Ablauf im "Modell Baum" ( Baumansicht ) aufgelistet und können von dort aus zum Bearbeiten gewählt werden. Das letzte Feature repräsentiert das endgültige Teil dieses Modells ( außer wenn eine abweichende "Spitze" definiert wurde )

Es gibt folgende Kategorien von Features

  • Profil-basierend: Diese Features beginnen mit einem im "Sketcher" erstellten Umriß, dem Umriß einer vorhandene Oberfläche oder einem in den altiven Körper ( Body ) eingefügten Objekt aus "Draft".
  • Additive: Additive ( aufbauende ) Features fügen Material zu. Diese sind in gelben Icons dargestellt.
  • Subtractive: Subtraktive ( abtragende ) Features nehmen Material vom Objekt weg. Deren Icons sind blau dargestellt.
  • Primitive-based: basieren auf primitiven ( Quader, Zylinder, Konus, Torus ... ). Diese können additiv oder subtraktiv sein.
  • Transformation: Diese Features ( Spiegeln, Lineares Muster, Polares Muster, Mehrfach Transformation ) transformieren vorhandene Features.
  • Dress-up: Diese Features verändern per Parameter Kanten oder Flächen, darunter fallen Abrundungen, Fasen oder Formschrägen und Aufdickungen.
  • Prozedural: sind alle Features die nicht auf Umrissen basieren. Hierzu gehören "Dress-Up" und "Transformation" Features.

The Body is a container that groups a sequence of features forming a single contiguous solid.


Only for a development version of FreeCAD that is not currently available as a binary or installer:

There can only be one feature visible at a time. It is possible to toggle the visibility of any feature in the body, by selecting it in the Model tree and pressing the spacebar, in effect going back in the history of the body.

Body Origin

Moving and Reordering Objects

It is possible to temporarily redefine the tip to a feature in the middle of the Body tree to insert new objects (features, sketches or datum geometry). It is also possible to reorder objects under a Body, or to move them to a different Body. Select the object and right-click to get a contextual menu that will offer both options. The operation may be prevented if the object has dependencies in the source Body, such as being attached to a face. To move a sketch to another Body, it should not contain links to external geometry.

Datum Geometry

Datum geometry consists of custom planes, lines, points or externally linked shapes. They can be created for use as reference by sketches and features. There is a multitude of attachment possibilities for datums.


It is possible to cross-reference elements from a body in another body via datums. For example the datum shape binder allows to copy over faces from a body as reference in another one. This should make it easy to build a box with fitting cover in two different bodies. FreeCAD helps you to not accidentally link to other bodies and queries your intent.


Object attachment is not a specific PartDesign tool, but rather a Part utility introduced in v0.17 that can be found in the Part menu. It is heavily used in the PartDesign workbench to attach sketches and reference geometry to the standard planes and axes of the Body. Very extensive ways of creating datum points, lines and planes are available. Optional attachment offset parameters make this tool very versatile.

More info can be found in the Attachment page.

Advice for creating stable models

The idea of parametric modeling implies that you can change the values of certain parameters and subsequent steps are changed according to the new values. However, when severe changes are made, the model can break. Compared to previous FreeCAD versions breaking can be minimized when you respect the following design principles:

  • Basically, you need to stop mapping sketches to faces - entirely! Place your sketches on standard planes, or on custom datum planes.
  • When creating datum geometry, do not base it on the part topology, base it on standard planes/axes and/or sketches.
  • Use a "master sketch". That is a preferably not too complicated sketch which contains basic geometric elements of your model. These elements can be referenced when modeling subsequent features. Such a master sketch will often be the first sketch in the Body but it doesn't have to be; in fact you don't even have to use it at all for anything else but being referenced.
  • If you inevitably have to reference an intermediate feature, e.g. the result of a thickness operation, use the first reference possible in the list of subsequent features where the referenced geometric element occurs. From FreeCAD 0.17 on you don't have to use the latest feature. If you take an early feature as reference, all changes to intermediate steps won't break your model.

The Tools

The Part Design tools are all located in the Part Design menu and the PartDesign toolbar that appear when you load the Part Design workbench.

Template:Structure Tools

Part Design Helper tools

  • Create body: Creates a Body in the active document and makes it active.
  • Create sketch: creates‎ a new sketch on a selected face or plane. If no face is selected while this tool is executed, the user is prompted to select a plane from the Tasks panel. The interface then switches to the Sketcher_Workbench in sketch editing mode.
  • Map sketch to face: Maps a sketch to a previously selected plane or a face of the active body.

Part Design Modeling tools

Datum tools

Additive tools

These are tools for creating base features or adding material to an existing solid body.

  • Pad: extrudes a solid from a selected sketch.
  • Revolution: creates a solid by revolving a sketch around an axis. The sketch must form a closed profile.
  • Additive loft: creates a solid by making a transition between two or more sketches.
  • Additive pipe: creates a solid by sweeping one or more sketches along an open or closed path.

Subtractive tools

These are tools for subtracting material from an existing body.

  • Pocket: creates a pocket from a selected sketch.
  • Hole: creates a hole feature from a selected sketch. The sketch must contain one or multiple circles.
  • Groove: creates a groove by revolving a sketch around an axis.
  • Subtractive loft: creates a solid shape by making a transition between two or more sketches and subtracts it from the active body.
  • Subtractive pipe: creates a solid shape by sweeping one or more sketches along an open or closed path and subtracts it from the active body.

Transformation tools

These are tools for transforming existing features. They will allow you to choose which features to transform.

  • Mirrored: mirrors one or more features on a plane or face.
  • Linear Pattern: creates a linear pattern based on one or more features.

Dress-up tools

These tools apply a treatment to the selected edges or faces.

  • Fillet: fillets (rounds) edges of the active body.
  • Chamfer: chamfers edges of the active body.
  • Draft: applies and angular draft to faces of the active body.
  • Thickness: creates a thick shell from the active body and opens selected face(s).


  • Boolean operation: imports one or more Bodies or PartDesign Clones into the active body and applies a Boolean operation.


Some additional functionality found in the Part Design menu:

  • Migrate: migrates files created with older FreeCAD versions. If the file is pure PartDesign feature-based, migration should succeed. If the file contains mixed Part/Part Design/Draft objects, the conversion will most likely fail.
  • Shaft design wizard: Generates a shaft from a table of values and allows to analyze forces and moments. The shaft is made with a revolved sketch that can be edited.
  • Involute gear: creates an involute gear profile that can be used by a Pad.

Contextual Menu tools

  • Set tip: redefines the tip, which is the feature exposed outside of the Body.
  • Move object after other object: allows reordering of the Body tree by moving the selected sketch, datum geometry or feature after another object in the Body.



Part Workbench
Path Workbench