FEM ConstraintContact

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FEM ConstraintContact

Системное название
FEM ConstraintContact
Расположение в меню
FEM → Constraint contact
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FEM tutorial


Creates a FEM constraint for contact between 2 surfaces.


  1. Click on or choose FEM Constraint contact from the top menu.
  2. Select the master face.
  3. Select the slave face.
  4. Enter a contact stiffness.
  5. Enter a friction coefficient.


  1. The contact constraint can only be applied to two faces.


  1. The contact stiffness should be 10 times the young's modulus of the material for hard contact. The higher the value for contact stiffness, the harder the contact between surfaces.
  2. The slave face is the face which penetrates into the master face, and therefore experiences more deformation.
  3. The *CONTACT PAIR card is used for modeling contact in CalculiX. The constraint uses Face-to-Face penalty contact and the contact formulation is explained in detail at http://web.mit.edu/calculix_v2.7/CalculiX/ccx_2.7/doc/ccx/node112.html
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