Installieren auf Mac

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 14:37, 7 January 2018 by Wollhaar (talk | contribs)

FreeCAD kann in in einem Schritt auf Mac OS X installiert werden, unter Verwendung eines Installationswerkzeuges (Installer).


This page describes the usage and features of the FreeCAD installer. It also includes uninstallation instructions. Once installed, you can get started!

Simple Installation

The FreeCAD installer is provided as a app package (.app) enclosed in a disk image file.

You can download the latest installer from the Download page. After downloading the file, just mount the disk image, then drag it to the Application folder or a folder of your choice.

That's it.Just click on the app to launch FreeCAD. If you have this message "FreeCAD can't be open as it is from unidentified developer. " Open the folder (Application) and right click on the app then click open and accept to open the application.


Momentan gibt es keinen De-Installer für FreeCAD. Um FreeCAD und alle installierten Komponenten zu entfernen, ziehen Sie die folgenden Dateien und Ordner zum Papierkorb:

  • In /Applications:
    • FreeCAD

That's it.