Makro FCInfo

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Revision as of 22:15, 23 November 2016 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs)

File:FCInfo Macro_FCInfo

Dává řadu informací o tvaru.

Version macro : 01.15 (19/12/2015)
Autor: Mario52
01.15 (19/12/2015)
Datum poslední úpravy
Verze FreeCAD
Výchozí zástupce
Viz též

Dává řadu informací o vybraném tvaru a může zobrazit konverzi délky, sklonu (stupně, radiány, procenta) tělesa, povrchu, objemu a váhy tvaru s měrnou hmotností vybranou v různých jednotkách hmotnosti mezinárodních i Anglo-Saských.



Select an object or launch the application and select an object, and a series of informations appear. His calculations based on unity of FreeCAD, which is the mm to each new selection, the length unit always comes back on mm and angle on decimal degrees.

upper window
upper window

lower window

Sector 1

  • Document name
  • Label of the object
  • Internal Name of the object
  • Sub element name of the object
  • Type of the object

Sector 2

  • Coordinates X,Y and Z click to mouse

Sector 3

  • Length of the object if the object is a face perimeter is displayed unit size can be selected :
    km, hm, dam, m, dm, cm, mm, µm, nm, pm, fm, inch, link, foot, yard, perch, chain, furlong, mile, league, nautique.
  • Perimeter of the shape

Sector 4

  • Vertexes and details of the shape (compt_Edge), (compt_Faces), (compt_Vector of the Face)
    max 200 lines in the table, if there are more than 200 lines it appears (!+ 200) and the number of lines
    (full details can save be the Save button in a file in CSV format and can be viewed the file in spreadsheet with the Read or by an external spreadsheet as LibreOffice OpenOffice or other)

Sector 5

  • Inclinations of the object can be displayed in:
  • decimal degree, ex: 174.831872611°
  • degree minute seconde, ex: 174° 49' 54.741401''
  • radian, ex: 3.05139181449 rad
  • grade, ex: 194.257636235 gon
  • pourcent ex: 30° = 57.74%
  • Inclinations in planes XY, YZ, ZX and their coordinates

Sector 6

  • Surface of the form displayed unit size can be selected
  • Surface of the face displayed unit size can be selected

Sector 7

  • Volume of the form displayed unit size can be selected
  • The gram buttom unit mass can be chosen :
    ton,quintal, kg, hg, dag, gram, dg, cg, mg, µg, ng, pg, fg, gr (grain), dr (drachm), oz (once), oz t (once troy),
    lb t (livre troy), lb (livre av), st (stone), qtr (quarter), cwt (hundredweight), tonneau fr, ct
  • weight of the form displayed unit mass can be selected
  • density of the material in kg by dm3
    (the "spinBox" is set to 7,5 kg, average density of steel. If you want a different default value, change the value of the density, line 204)

Sector 8

  • Center of the shape and these coordinates XYZ
  • Center of mass and these coordinates XYZ
  • BoundBox extreme dimensions of the shape

Sector 9

  • Moment of inertia and these coordinates


  • Read : Open a file .FCInfo
  • Save : Save a file .FCInfo
  • Exit : Exit the macro and delete it from memory
  • Ref  : Refresh the display of data in report view
  • CheckBox : If this CheckBox is checked the informations are displayed in the report view window

Once launched macro, the macro remains active and the window remains visible. To exit the macro by pressing Exit. If you leave by the cross, the macro remains in memory and the data appears in the "report view" of FreeCAD.


Použité jednotky

Délková jednotka:

km, hm, dam, m, dm, cm, mm, µm, nm, pm, fm, inch(palec), link, foot(stopa), yard, perch, chain, furlong, mile, league, nautique.

Úhlové stupně :
  1. dekadické stupně, např: 174.831872611°
  2. stupně minuty vteřiny, např.: 174° 49' 54.741401''
  3. radiány, např.: 3.05139181449 rad
  4. grade, např.: 194.257636235 gon
  5. procenta např.: 30° = 57.74%

Understanding of angles in FCInfo display.

Weight unit :

ton, quintal, kg, hg, dag, gram, dg, cg, mg, µg, ng, pg, fg, gr (grain), dr (drachm), oz (once), oz t (once troy),
lb t (livre troy), lb (livre av), st (stone), qtr (quarter), cwt (hundredweight), tonneau fr, ct

the "spinBox" is set to 7,5 kg, average density of steel. If you want a different default value, change the value of the density, line 206

global densite       ; densite       = 7.5  # (steel = 7.5 kg par dm3)

Soubor můůže být vytvořen tlačítkem Save. Takto je vytvořen soubor jako .csv soubor, data mohou být prohlížena v tabulkovém editoru ve FreeCADu nebo Openoffice, LibreOffice...


Copy the contents of the macro in a file named "FCInfo.FCMacro"

  • Windows: the form is usually " drive:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\ "
  • Ubuntu: the form is usually " /home/your_user_name/.FreeCAD ".

Or, directly in the interface of FreeCAD
The icon must be in the same directory as the macro.
Download image positioning on the icon and then drag the mouse right click "save as" (do not change the name)
PS: too long to be contained in the wiki page (for the time being the wiki pages accept only 64 KB) the macro code has been placed in the forum

There is also FCInfo_Alternate_Linux for only for FreeCAD version 0.13... and PyQt4

There is also a Macro_FCInfo_Alternate_Linux here the code is changed (due to the character display error : ² ³ ° μ ordinal not in range (128)") which posed problems in certain configurations the functions are the same
Example :

global uniteSs       ; uniteSs       = u"mm²"
global uniteVs       ; uniteVs       = u"mm³"
global uniteAs       ; uniteAs       = u"°"

remplacés par

global uniteSs       ; uniteSs       = "mm"+iso8859(unichr(178))
global uniteVs       ; uniteVs       = "mm"+iso8859(unichr(179))
global uniteAs       ; uniteAs       = iso8859(unichr(176))

Files saved with this version is incompatible with the other version (docked or not)

Dwnload the file on gist docked to right FCInfo_en_Ver_latest_Docked.FCMacro. PySide

(Or On the forum. )

PS: this macro uses getSelection() and the list of object begin to 1 ex: for a box Edge1 to Edge12 and the code in the console start at 0 ex: for a box Edge[0] to Edge[11]
This is normal the counting on arrays/lists inside OpenCascade always starts at 1 and not at 0


Pro ukončení vždy používejte tlačítko Exit. Ukončení jiným způsobem zapříčiní, že program zůstane v paměti a běží a zobrazuje data v "reportovacím pohledu". Abyste uvolnili pamět, musíte ukončit celý FreeCAD.
V tabulce je viditelných pouze prvních 200 prvků objektu. Je-li jich v objektu více zobrazí se upozornění "'(! +200)" '. Kompletní seznam dat je viditelný v souboru uloženém pomocí tlačítka Save.

read the file directly in a table. done
matches the "Edges" and their coordinates done
Association of a substance to its density
inclination on the element rather than the global object done
inlay right in the interface of FreeCAD done

ver 1.15 , 19/12/2015 suppression PyQt4 option see , add checkBox for editing infos in report view
ver 1.14 , 04/08/2014 replace PyQt4 and PySide and correct tooltip not displayed cause on PySide and add fg
ver 1.13 , 27/07/2014 replace FCInfo_en_Ver_1-12_Docked.FCMacro to FCInfo_en_Ver_1-13_Docked.FCMacro accept PyQt4 and PySide
ver 1.12 , 10/03/2014 adding tooltip
ver 1.11 , 04/03/2014 adding µm, nm, pm, fm, µg, ng, pg, pourcent, fixed of grandeur carat "cd" in "ct", display of the label and internal name, fixed calculation of angles XY YZ ZX could give an error on a compound shape, window dockable in FreeCAD
ver 1.10.b , 19/11/2013 buttons outside the scrollbar and the dimensions of the window blocking
(ver 1.10 , 18/11/2013 create scrollbar)
ver 1.08.b , 10/11/2013 translation units in English, error correction to display the area of the faces listed in the table and replacement of the"print" by "App.Console.PrintMessage"
ver 1.09 , 04/11/2013 works perfectly on Windows and Linux (cause of errors on Linux the characters : ² ³ ° "ordinal not in range(128)")
In a Linux distribution and in the case of an error of "ordinal not in range (128)" an alternative version exists on this page Macro_FCInfo_Alternate_Linux
ver 1.08 , 24/10/2013 correction of high top "Faces" and "Edges" displaying 100 objects (in the saved file)
ver 1.07 , 11/10/2013 matches the "Faces" and their coordinates.
ver 1.06 , 22/09/2013 matches the "Edges" and their coordinates, inclination on the element rather than the global object
ver 1.05 , 17/09/2013 added an icon for the spreadsheet, conversion barrel fr, affichage des dimensions overall instead of coordinates.
ver 1.04 , 11/09/2013: read the file directly in a table.
ver 1.03 , 09/09/2013: clearer display in view report and replacement by "typeObject = sel[0].Shape.ShapeType"
ver 1.02 , 7/09/2013 : small updates
ver 1.00 , 6/09/2013


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