
From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 20:26, 6 February 2017 by Holdi (talk | contribs)

Die vorliegende Aufstellung enthält die aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzten, in FreeCAD gebrauchten Begriffe und deren Erklärungen in deutsch. Sie ist zugleich Basis für Übersetzungen der original englischen Wiki-Texte ins Deutsche. Die alphabetische Reihenfolge ist unverändert, sie wird von den englischen Begriffen bestimmt. Der jeweilige deutsche Begriff steht hinter dem einleitenden englischen Begriff.

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Arc > Bogen
Arch > Architektur
Kurzwort für den gleichnamigen, vorwiegend zum Modellieren von Gebäuden und anderen Bauwerken vorgesehenen Arbeitsbereich (nahe verwandt mit Arbeitsbereich Draft)
Assembly > Zusammenstellung
1.  ein Satz von Körpern mit festgelegter Position untereinander
2.  der künftige Arbeitsbereich Assembly, mit dessen Hilfe Teile zusammen gestellt werden können.
Axis > Achse
eine der Achsen des xyz-Koordinatensystems oder eine von ihnen abgeleitete Bezugsachse


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Bezier Curve > Bezier-Kurve
siehe Bezier Curve
Blueprint >Blaupause
alter Begriff aus der Zeit, als technische Zeichnungen von Hand auf Transparentpapier angefertigt wurden. Eine Blaupause war eine blau auf weiß erscheinende Kopie des Originals.
Boolean Logic > Boole'sche Funktion
mathematischer Begriff aus der Boole'schen Algebra, siehe Boole'sche Funktion
Boolean Operation > Boole'sche Verknüpfung
Verwendung der Booles'schen Funktionen Vereinigung (Fuse), Differenz (Cut), Gemeinsames (Intersection) und Section
Boolean Operations check (BOPcheck) > Boole'sche Verknüpfung, Prüfung
A setting that allows the Check Geometry tools in the Part WB and OpenSCAD WB to also check geometry made from Boolean logic. The default setting is "false" (or off) but the user can enable it to provide more accuracy when running a Check Geometry, but this is at the expense of longer Check Geometry processing times. The setting is enabled by navigating to Tools > Edit Parameters > Preferences folder > Mod folder > Part folder > Check geometry folder, then double-clicking "false" in the right pane, changing the value to "true", clicking the "OK" button, clicking the "Save to disk" button, then clicking the "Close" button. A corresponding screen grab and description of how to enable BOPCheck is in this forum post.
brep > File-Format *.brep
ursprüngliches File-Format von Open ADCASCADE das von FreeCAD zum Speichern benutzt werden kann
Boundary representation (B-rep) > Grenzflächen-Repräsentation
Repräsentation eines Körpers durch seine ihn begrenzenden Flächen (siehe boundary representation), eine von zwei in FreeCAD verwendete Methoden (die andere ist die mesh-Repräsentation)
BSpline > Spline
eine an eine tatsächliche Kurve angenäherte einfachere Kurve , siehe BSpline


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Callout > erklärender Text mit hinzeigender Linie
Text in einer Zeichnung mit zum Detail, das damit erklärt wird, hinzeigender Linie
Chamfer > Kantenschräge
Clipping Plane > Schnittebene
eine Ebene, die das Modell in der 3D-Ansicht in zwei Teile schneidet, wonach eins der beiden Teile unsichtbar wird
Clone > Kopie
parametrische Kopie eines Objekts (ändert sich mit, wenn das Original geändert wird)
Coin > COIN
auch Coin3D genannt, eine von FreeCAD für 3D-Repräsentationen gebrauchte Drittpartei-Bibliothek
ein Austausch-Fileformat für mesh-Modelle: Fileendung = *.dae.
Compound > Teileverbund
andere als Boole'sche Vereinigung (boolean union)
Constraint > Unbestimmtheiten
Summe der Unbestimmtheiten (fehlende Abmessungen und Platzierungsmaße) in den geometrischen Grundelementen in einer Skizze (Sketch)
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) > aus geometrischen Grundkörpern entstandener Körper
aus geometrischen Grundkörpern (primitives) durch Anwendung Boole'scher Funktionen (boolean operations) entstandener Körper
Coordinate > Koordinatenwerte
kartesische (siehe coordinate system )Koordinatenwerte zur Bestimmung der relativen Position eines Objekts
Coplanar > in gleicher Ebene befindlich
Cut > Differenzvolumen zweier Körper
Ergebnis einer Boole'schen Differenzbidung (boolean difference)


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Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) > Freiheitsgrad
eine Zahl > 0 als Summe der Unbestimmtheiten in den geometrischen Grundelementen einer Skizze (bzw. als Summe der verbleibenden Freiheiten für die Auslegung der geometrischen Grundelemente), siehe Constraints
Draft > Entwurf oder Formschräge
1.  Arbeitsbereich Entwerfen, vorwiegend 2D
2.  Formschräge von Gussteilen, die für deren Entnahme aus der Gussform erforderlich ist, siehe PartDesign Draft
Drawing > 2-dimensionale Standardansichten
1.  Erzeugen 2-dimensionaler Standardansichten 3-dimensionaler Objekte
2.  ein Arbeitsbereich zum Erzeugen 2-dimensionaler Standardansichten 3-dimensionaler Objekte, ergänzt zur technischen Zeichnung mittels Rahmen und Schriftfeld


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Edge > Kante
Körperkante (oder gemeinsame Linie zweier Flächen ), gerade oder kurvig
Extrude > Extrusion
Erzeugen eines Körpers durch Bewegen einer ebenen Umrandung entlang einer beliebigen Bahnkurve im Raum, siehe auch Pad.


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Face > eine 2-dimensinale Fläche eines 3-dimensionalen Objekts
ein Würfel hat z.B. 6 solche Flächen
Facet > Masche in einer netzartigen Oberfläche
FC > FC, Kurzform von FreeCAD
FCStd > Standardformat von FreeCAD-Dateien
Datei-Endungen *.fcstd, *.FCStd
bestimmte Schritte im Arbeitsbereich Part Design, wobei aus einer skizzierten 2D-Umrandung ein 3D-Objekt oder eine 3D-Objekterweiterung entsteht: die Werkzeuge sind Pad, Pocket, Groove, Fillet u.a.
Fillet > Rundung
eine Rundung an einer Ecke oder einer Kante, siehe Part Fillet und PartDesign Fillet
See Forked Model.
Forked Model
A modeling method, usually accidental and incorrect in FreeCAD, that creates two or more versions of a model from a previous item. (Not to be confused with intentional operations like Array, Clone, PolarPattern, etc.)
When Sweeping a profile along a 3D path, the Frenet parameter controls the orientation of the profile as it travels along the path. If Frenet is true, the profiles are oriented using the Frenet Frame (tangent,binormal,normal) of the path. If Frenet is false the profile's rotation is not restricted. [1]
A freely available software library used to extract information from font definition files.
The portion of a solid that lies between two parallel planes cutting it. Used in computer graphics to describe the three-dimensional region which is visible on the screen, the "viewing frustum"
Fully Constrained > vollständig bestimmt, Freiheitsgrad f = 0
siehe Constraints.
Fuse > Boole'sche Vereinigung
siehe boolean union


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Geometric modeling kernel
Also called CAD kernel. A set of complex software libraries responsible for the creation of 3D shapes. All operations on objects (extrude, boolean operations, chamfer, fillet) rely on the geometric modeling kernel.
Distributed revision control system used by FreeCAD to host and manage its code base.
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Graphical User Interface. Allows users to interact with FreeCAD through graphical icons and the mouse pointer.


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Half Space
When a plane completely divides a 3D Euclidian space, the plane forms two half spaces.


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A file format for the exchange of product data models. Files extensions are *.iges, *.igs. See also STEP.
That portion of two or more geometric entities that is common to all. For example, the intersection of two lines is a point.


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A proprietary 3D data format developed by Siemens PLM Software. FreeCAD has no support for JT at this time.


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Keyhole Markup Language - an XML-based geospatial 3D data definition file used by Google Earth. FreeCAD has no support for KML at this time.


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A straight path between two points.
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OA topological form created by linking consequetive profiles with a surface. Similar to the process used to make fabric covered aeroplanes or boats. Also the FreeCAD function for creating such a form.


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A saved sequence of FreeCAD instructions, often written by end users.
Bug tracking system used by the FreeCAD project.
Polygon mesh
Also called 3D model. Computer representation of a three-dimensional part or assembly.
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An unique identifer for a FreeCAD document object. Once assigned by the program, the Name can not be easily changed. Contrast with Label.
Null Shape
A Shape property that has not been initialized by a program/macro. Usually an error condition.


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Open CASCADE Community Edition. It provides patches, improvements and experiments contributed by users over the official Open CASCADE library. FreeCAD is known to work on either OCC or OCE.
The geometric modeling kernel (software library) underlying FreeCAD. Also called OCC or OCCT. See also OCE.
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The center of the coordinate system. Everything goes out from here in either the positive or negative directions. As is our view of the universe with Earth being the “origin”.
Orthographic projection and Multiview orthographic projection


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An extension of a Sketch in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the Sketch. See also Extrude.
1.  A FreeCAD Workbench primarily used for a Constructive Solid Geometry workflow.
2.  A unibody solid. The lowest level component in an assembly.
projection Perspective projection
A software library that allows Python to use Coin.
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A Feature that removes material from a solid based on a Sketch.
An item used to reference a single area in the 3D workspace. A “point” is dimensionless. It has a dimension on the screen, usually represented by a “dot” only so we can see where it is. See also Vertex.
Polygon mesh
See [2]
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A basic shape used in the construction of models. Some 2D primitives are: point, line, polygon, circle, ellipse, spiral, helix. 3D primitives are: box, cylinder, cone, torus, sphere, ellipsoid, prism.
A freely available software library that allows Python to use QT.
A programming language used in the development of FreeCAD as well as in user-written macros or scripts.


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A cross-platform application and user interface framework. Also Qt4.


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Ray tracing
<To be added.>
Industrial robot
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Cross section (geometry)
Self Intersection
A condition where a curve crosses over itself (ex.'8','&'). This confuses geometric kernel algorithms and generally produces an error condition.
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A constrained 2D depiction of an object fixed to a plane or a Face. In FreeCAD a Sketch is always a 2-dimensional object somewhere in the 3D space.
A workbench used to create 2D geometry by use of constraints.
Sketcher Solver
The internal FreeCAD mechanism that calculates interdependencies and effects of adding, deleting, and modifying geometry and associated constraints in each Sketch. Sketcher Solver also calculates the arrangement of all geometry in each Sketch so it can be displayed correctly.
Smooth Line
In a Drawing, a line indicating a change between tangent surfaces, as in the transition from a flat surface to a fillet. Also "tangent edge". Drawing View
See Sketcher Solver
A nickname for the last general release version of the FreeCAD software. This is typically the version available from sources other than the FreeCAD project. Compare with Unstable.
STereoLithography, also known as Standard Tessellation Language. A mesh file format defining only the surface of a 3D object. File extensions is *.stl
An ISO standard (ISO 10303) for the exchange of 3D data and product manufacturing information. It replaces IGES. File extensions are *.step, *.stp.
Scalable Vector Graphics. A vector graphics file format.
Solid modeling


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Task panel
<To be added.>
1.  A measure of how thick a shape is.
2.  A Part Workbench tool to hollow out a solid and leave a defined uniform thickness.
A setting that can be changed between two options, for example between True or False or between Off and On.
Topological Naming
A scheme whereby an edge or face, once created, is assigned a permanent name. As of the FreeCAD 0.15 release Topological Naming has not yet been implemented, and so if an object is modified such that the number of edges or faces changes, the names of the edges or faces of that object might change too. An item linked to a Face006 could later erroneously become linked to a different face renamed as Face006 if the model is revised, causing the user unwanted results.
A primitive shape.
Short for bug tracker, the online software application used to keep track of reported bugs or feature requests. See also Mantis.


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<To be added.>
A nickname for a very recent version of the FreeCAD software. This version will contain many changes recently implemented by the developers. It does not typically fail or produce wrong results, but it has not completed testing.
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A lone point in space, or the corner of a shape where edges meet.


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Short for workbench
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Also called module, the workbench groups a set of tools dedicated for a specific task.


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Bezieht sich im Allgemeinen auf die X Achse.


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Bezieht sich im Allgemeinen auf die Y Achse.


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Bezieht sich im Allgemeinen auf die Z Achse.