Macro Alias Manager

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 08:36, 6 December 2016 by Pablogil (talk | contribs)

File:Text-x-python Alias Manager

This macro helps managing aliases inside FreeCAD Spreadsheet workbench. It is able to create, delete, move aliases and create a 'part family' group of files.

Macro version: 1.0
Author: pablogil & tahari
pablogil & tahari
Macro Version
Date last modified
FreeCAD Version(s)
Default shortcut
See also

This macro helps managing aliases inside FreeCAD Spreadsheet workbench. It is able to:

  • create aliases based on first column (A column)
  • delete aliases placed on a column
  • move aliases from one column to another one
  • create a "part family", that's it, create different files for each column in a range. It will add to the original name a suffix based on first row (1)

More information might be found on FreeCAD forums: [1]

How to use

- pending -


- pending -

The script

# ============================================================================================================
# ============================================================================================================
# ==                                                                                                        ==
# ==                                           alias Manager                                                ==
# ==                                                                                                        ==
# ============================================================================================================
# ============================================================================================================
# ============================================================================================================
# version v1.0
# Macro developed for FreeCAD (
# This macro helps managing aliases inside FreeCAD Spreadsheet workbench. It is able to:
#        - create aliases based on first column (A column)
#        - delete aliases placed on a column
#        - move aliases from one column to other one
#        - create a "part family", that's it, create different files for each column in a range. It will add
#          to the original name a suffix based on first row (1)
# More information might be found on FreeCAD forums:
# ============================================================================================================
# Original work done by tarihatari (
# Improved by Pablo Gil Fernandez
# Copyright (c) 2016 tarihatari & Pablo Gil Fernandez
# This work is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
# To view a copy of this license, visit
# ============================================================================================================
__title__   = "alias manager"
__author__  = "Pablo Gil Fernandez"
__version__ = "01.00"
__date__    = "20/11/2016"
__Comment__ = "This macro helps managing aliases inside FreeCAD Spreadsheet workbench. It is able to create, delete, move aliases and create a 'part family' group of files"
__Wiki__ = ""
__Help__ = ""
__Status__ = "stable"
__Requires__ = "FreeCAD 0.16"

from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
from FreeCAD import Gui
import os
import string
App = FreeCAD
Gui = FreeCADGui

# ========================================================
# ===== Info popup window ================================
# ========================================================
class infoPopup(QtGui.QDialog):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self.dialog = None
        self.dialog = QtGui.QDialog()

        info = QtGui.QTextEdit("<h2>INFORMATION</h2><hr><br>This macro helps managing aliases inside FreeCAD Spreadsheet workbench. It is able to create, delete, move aliases and create a 'part family' group of files.<br><h2>USAGE</h2><hr><ul><li><b>set aliases</b>: based on first column (A column), it will create aliases for the range given. If an alias is already set for any other cell the command won't work, it will be needed to clear them before setting them again.</li><li><b>Clear aliases</b>: it will clear all aliases inside the given range of cells (only one column).</li><li><b>Move aliases</b>: it will clear and set aliases <b>from</b> a given column <b>to</b> a new one.</li><li><b>Generate part family</b>: it will create different files for each column in a range. It will add to the original name a suffix based on first row. If an alias is already set for any other cell the command won't work, it will be needed to clear them before running the command.</li></ul><h2>LICENCE</h2><hr>Original work done by <b>tarihatari</b> (<a href=''></a>)<br>Improved by <b>Pablo Gil Fernandez</b><br><br>Copyright (c) 2016 tarihatari & Pablo Gil Fernandez<br><br>This work is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).<br>To view a copy of this license, visit <a href=''></a>.<br>")
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