Macro FC Convert Lines

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Revision as of 13:15, 19 January 2016 by Mario52 (talk | contribs) (Marked this version for translation)

File:Text-x-python Macro FCConvertLines

This macro convert the object line, wire in line Dash, DashDot or DashDotDot with the dimensions given.


Author: mario52

Macro Version
Date last modified
FreeCAD Version(s)
Default shortcut
See also


This macro convert the object line, wire in line Dash, DashDot or DashDotDot with the dimensions given.

ConvertLines Dash, Dash dot, Dash dot dot
ConvertLines Dash, Dash dot, Dash dot dot


Copy the macro in your macros folder or in the Python console and launch with :

  • dash01 = first line A
  • space01 = first space B
  • dash02 = second line C
  • space02 = second space D
  • compLine =
  1. if compLine = 0 : each selection will be an object (mode to default)
  2. if compLine = 1 : all selections are encompassed into a single element
  • red = value for the color red (0 to 255)
  • green = value for the color red (0 to 255)
  • blue = value for the color red (0 to 255)
  • typeLine =
  1. if typeLine = 1 : Dash
  2. if typeLine = 2 : DashDot
  3. if typeLine = 3 : DashDotDot


Line Dash : typeLine = 1

ConvertLines Dash
ConvertLines Dash
dashLine(dash01 = 2.0, space01 = 0.5, red = 200, green = 0, blue = 0, typeLine = 1)

Line DashDot : typeLine = 2

ConvertLines Dash dot
ConvertLines Dash dot
dashLine(dash01 = 2.0, space01 = 0.5, dash02 = 0.2, red = 200, green = 0, blue = 0, typeLine = 2)

Line DashDotDot : type Line = 3

ConvertLines Dash dot dot
ConvertLines Dash dot dot
dashLine(dash01 = 2.0, space01 = 0.5, dash02 = 0.2, space02 = 0.5, red = 200, green = 0, blue = 0, typeLine = 3)



import Draft, Part

__title__   = "FCConvertLines"
__author__  = "Mario52"
__url__     = ""
__version__ = "00.00"
__date__    = "19/01/2016"

def dashLine(dash01 = 2.0, space01 = 1.0, dash02 = 1.0, space02 = 1.0, compLine = 0, red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, typeLine = 1):
                                                                                              # typeLine = 1 "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "  dash         (dash01, space01)
                                                                                              # typeLine = 2 "___ _ ___ _ ___ _ "  dash dot     (dash01, space01, dash02)
                                                                                              # typeLine = 3 "___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___" dash dot dot (dash01, space01, dash02, space02)
    def createLines(numberOfPoints, points):
        space = 0
        for lin in range(numberOfPoints-1):
            if space == 0:
                creaLine = [FreeCAD.Vector(points[lin]),FreeCAD.Vector(points[lin+1])]
                wire =  Draft.makeWire(creaLine,closed=False,face=False,support=None)
                space = 1
                ligne.append(wire.Shape)                                      # for compount 
                nom.append(wire.Name)                                         # for compount
                space = 0
            # si pas possible affiche cette ligne                             # Cannot compute Inventor representation for the shape of Shape. 

    def colorize():
        FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().LineColor  = (float(red)/255,float(green)/255,float(blue)/255)
        FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().PointColor = (float(red)/255,float(green)/255,float(blue)/255)
        FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().ShapeColor = (float(red)/255,float(green)/255,float(blue)/255)

    if dash01 and space01 and dash02 and space02 != 0:
        nom       = []; nom[:]     = []
        ligne     = []; ligne[:]   = []
        comp2     = []; comp2[:]   = []
        points    = []; points[:]  = []
        points2   = []; points2[:] = []
        precision = 1000                                                      # permet 3 decimales = 0.001
        dash01    = dash01  * precision
        space01   = space01 * precision
        dash02    = dash02  * precision
        space02   = space02 * precision
#######Selectionne un ou des objets vue 3D ou vue combinnee (subObjects complete) getSelection()############################
#            compt_Oject = -1                                                                                              #
#            selectionObjects = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                                        # Select an object or primitive getSelection()
#            for selection in enumerate(selectionObjects):                                                                 #
#                compt_Oject += 1                                                                                          #
#                compt_Edges = -1                                                                                          #
#                for selectedEdge in enumerate(selectionObjects[compt_Oject].Shape.Edges):                                 # Search the "Edges" and their lengths
#                    compt_Edges += 1                                                                                      #
#                    longueur = (selectionObjects[compt_Oject].Shape.Edges[compt_Edges].Length) * precision                #
#                    if (dash01 + space01 + dash02 + space02) >= longueur:                                                 #
#                        dash01    = int(longueur / 6)                                                                     # altenate solution
#                        space01   = int(longueur / 6)                                                                     # altenate solution
#                        dash02    = int(longueur / 6)                                                                     # altenate solution
#                        space02   = int(longueur / 6)                                                                     # altenate solution
#                        FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Alernate Dash"+"\n")                                                  # altenate solution
#                    numberOfPoints = longueur                                                                             #
#                    points = selectionObjects[compt_Oject].Shape.Edges[compt_Edges].discretize(int(numberOfPoints))       # Dicretize
#####selection 1 objet ou sous objet a la fois dans la vue 3D getSelectionEx()#############################################
            selectionObjects = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()                                                      # Select an object or sub object getSelectionEx
            for selection in selectionObjects:                                                                            #
                for selectedEdge in selection.SubObjects:                                                                 #
                    longueur = (selectedEdge.Length) * precision                                                          #
                    if (dash01 + space01 + dash02 + space02) >= longueur:                                                 # altenate solution
                        dash01    = int(longueur / 6)                                                                     # altenate solution
                        space01   = int(longueur / 6)                                                                     # altenate solution
                        dash02    = int(longueur / 6)                                                                     # altenate solution
                        space02   = int(longueur / 6)                                                                     # altenate solution
                        FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Alernate Dash"+"\n")                                                  # altenate solution
                    numberOfPoints = longueur                                                                             #
                    points = selectedEdge.Edges[0].discretize(int(numberOfPoints))                                        # Dicretize
            #######cut line in dashDot coordinates#########################################################################
                    compt = 0
                    pas01 = 0
                    points2 += [points[0]]

                    for ii2 in range(len(points)):
                            if pas01 == 0:                                    # typeLine = 1    "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "  dash
                                compt += int(dash01)
                                points2 += [points[compt]]
                                compt += int(space01)
                                points2 += [points[compt]]
                                if typeLine > 1:                              # typeLine = 2    "___ _ ___ _ ___ _ "  dash dot
                                    compt += int(dash02)
                                    points2 += [points[compt]]
                                    compt += int(space02)
                                    points2 += [points[compt]]
                                    if typeLine > 2:                          # typeLine = 3    "___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___" dash dot dot
                                        compt += int(dash02)
                                        points2 += [points[compt]]
                                        compt += int(space01)
                                        points2 += [points[compt]]
                        except Exception:
                            points2 += [points[-1]]
                            points2[-1] = points[-1]

                    createLines(len(points2), points2)
            #######cut line in dash coordinates##############################################################################
                    if compLine == 0:
                        comp = Part.makeCompound(ligne)                           # si compount ligne separee
                                                         # si compount ligne separee
                        comp2 += ligne
                    ligne[:]  = []                                            # si compount ligne separee
                    points[:]  = []
                    points2[:] = []
            for i in nom:
            if compLine != 0:                                                 # 1 = toutes les selections en un compount
                comp = Part.makeCompound(comp2)                               # si compount ensemble complet
                                                     # si compount ensemble complet

            nom[:]     = []
            ligne[:]   = []
            comp2[:]   = []
            points[:]  = []
            points2[:] = []

        except Exception:
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("can not create"+"\n")
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Zero not permitted"+"\n")

#dashLine(dash01 = 1.0, space01 = 0.2, dash02 = 0.2, space02 = 0.2, compLine = 0, red = 0, green = 0, blue = 255, typeLine = 2)


ver 00.00 19/01/2016

this macro is a portion of the FC macro Macro ConverLines not yet finalized which includes: Gui, draws a line "manually" and zigzag

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