Cómo empezar

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 01:47, 30 July 2015 by Blackdrum (talk | contribs)



FreeCAD es una aplicación de modelado paramétrico CAD/CAE. Aún está en una fase inicial de desarrollo, así que no esperes poder utilizarlo de inmediato para entornos de producción. Pero si tienes curiosidad sobre el aspecto que tiene FreeCAD o qué características se están desarrollando en él, te invitamos a descargarlo y probarlo. Por el momento ya dispone de bastante funcionalidad, aunque todavía no tiene plenas facilidades para hacer cómoda ("amigable") la interacción con el usuario. Esto significa que si sabes un poco de Python, ya estarás en condiciones de producir y modificar una geometría compleja con relativa facilidad. En otro caso, probablemente encontrarás que FreeCAD todavía tiene algunas carencias para ti. Pero se paciente, se espera que esto cambie pronto.

Y si después de probarlo tienes comentarios, ideas u opiniones, por favor, comparte con nosotros en el Foro de discusión de FreeCAD!

FreeCAD está aún en etapa temprana de desarrollo,aunque te ofrece una larga(y creciente) lista de característicasfalta mucho, especialmente comparándolo con las soluciones comerciales, y tú quizá no lo encuentres suficientemente desarrollado aún para usarlo en un ambiente productivo. Aún existe una rápida y creciente comunidad de usuarios entusiastas, y tú puedes encontrar muchos ejemplos de proyectos de calidad desarrollados con FreeCAD.

Like all open-source projects, the FreeCAD project is not a one-way work delivered to you by its developers. It depends much on its community to grow, gain features, and stabilize (get bugs fixed). So don't forget this when starting to use FreeCAD, if you like it, you can directly influence and help the project!


En primer lugar descarga (si no lo hiciste ya) e instala FreeCAD. Mira la página de Descargas de información acerca de las versiones y actualizaciones. Hay paquetes de instalación preparados para Windows (. Msi), Ubuntu y Debian (. Deb), openSUSE (. Rpm) y Mac OSX.

As FreeCAD is open-source, if you are adventurous, but want to have a look at the brand-new features being developed right now, you can also grab the source code and compile FreeCAD yourself.

Explorando FreeCAD

La interfaz FreeCAD al iniciarlo por primera vez. Ver más capturas de pantalla.

FreeCAD es una aplicación de modelado 3D de propósito general, centrado en la ingeniería mecánica y otras áreas relacionadas, tales como otras especialidades de la ingeniería o la arquitectura. Se concibe como una plataforma para desarrollar cualquier tipo de aplicación 3D, así como también para realizar tareas muy específicas. Para ello, su interfaz está dividida en una serie de "entornos de trabajo" (workbench). Los entornos de trabajo permiten cambiar el contenido de la interfaz para visualizar únicamente las herramientas necesarias para una tarea específica, o un grupo de tareas.

La interfaz de FreeCAD puede ser descrita como un contenedor muy simple, con una barra de menús, un área de visualización 3D, y un par de paneles laterales para mostrar el contenido de la escena o las propiedades del objeto. Todo el contenido de estos paneles puede tener distinta apariencia, en función del "entorno de trabajo" (workbench) que se esté usando.

Al iniciar FreeCAD por primera vez, se presentará un entorno de trabajo "general", que llamaremos "entorno de trabajo completo". Este entorno de trabajo simplemente contiene las herramientas más significativas de otros entornos de trabajo. Como FreeCAD es bastante joven y aún no se utiliza para trabajos muy especializados, este entorno de trabajo "completo" puede ser muy útil para descubrir FreeCAD con mayor facilidad. Básicamente, todas las herramientas que son lo suficientemente buenas para la producción de la geometría están aquí.

  1. The 3D view, showing the contents of your document
  2. The tree view, which shows the hierarchy and construction history of all the objects in your document
  3. The properties editor, which allows you to view and modify properties of the selected object(s)
  4. The output window, which is where FreeCAD prints messages, warnings and errors
  5. The python console, where all the commands executed by FreeCAD are printed, and where you can enter python code
  6. The workbench selector, where you select the active workbench

The main concept behind the FreeCAD interface is that it is separated into workbenches. A workbench is a collection of tools suited for a specific task, such as working with meshes, or drawing 2D objects, or constrained sketches. You can switch the current workbench with the workbench selector (6). You can customize the tools included in each workbench, add tools from other workbenches or even self-created tools, that we call macros. There is also a generic workbench which gathers the most commonly used tools from other workbenches, called the complete workbench.

Cuando tu comienzas con FreeCAD por primera vez, se te presenta el centro de inicio:

The Start Center allows you to quickly jump to one of the most common workbenches, open one of the recent files, or see the latest news from the FreeCAD world. You can change the default workbench in the preferences.

Navegando en el espacio 3D

FreeCAD tiene tres diferentes Modos de navegación disponibles, que se pueden establecer en las preferencias del diálogo de configuración o cambiar pulsando el botón derecho en la vista 3D. Para ver más detalles sobre los modos mira la página Modos de navegación. Para el modo de navegación por defecto ("Navegación CAD"), los comandos son los siguientes

{{{Select_name}}} {{{Pan_name}}} {{{Zoom_name}}} {{{Rotate_view_name}}} {{{Rotate_view_alt_name}}}
{{{Select_text}}} {{{Pan_text}}} {{{Zoom_text}}} {{{Rotate_view_text}}} {{{Rotate_view_alt_text}}}
{{{Ctrl}}}+ {{{Ctrl}}}+{{{Shift}}}+ {{{Shift}}}+
{{{Pan_mode_text}}} {{{Zoom_mode_text}}} {{{Rotate_view_mode_text}}}

También tiene varias vistas preconfiguradas (vista superior, vista frontal, etc.) disponibles en el menú Ver y en la barra de herramientas Ver y, por atajos numéricos (1, 2, etc...)

Croquizado 2D

Template:Draft Tools/es

Creando Piezas 3D

Template:Part Tools/es

Exportando a Dibujos 2D

Template:Drawing Tools/es

Exportando a programas de renderizado externos

Template:Raytracing Tools/es

FreeCAD has four different navigation modes available, that change the way you use your mouse to interact with the objects in the 3D view and the view itself. One of them is specifically made for touchpads, where the middle mouse button is not used. The following table describes the default mode, called CAD Navigation (You can quickly change the current navigation mode by right-clicking on an empty area of the 3D view):

{{{Select_name}}} {{{Pan_name}}} {{{Zoom_name}}} {{{Rotate_view_name}}} {{{Rotate_view_alt_name}}}
{{{Select_text}}} {{{Pan_text}}} {{{Zoom_text}}} {{{Rotate_view_text}}} {{{Rotate_view_alt_text}}}
{{{Ctrl}}}+ {{{Ctrl}}}+{{{Shift}}}+ {{{Shift}}}+
{{{Pan_mode_text}}} {{{Zoom_mode_text}}} {{{Rotate_view_mode_text}}}

You also have several view presets (top view, front view, etc) available in the View menu and on the View toolbar, and by numeric shortcuts (1, 2, etc...), and by right-clicking on an object or on an empty area of the 3D view, you have quick access to some common operations, such as setting a particular view, or locating an object in the Tree view.

Primeros paso con FreeCAD

FreeCAD's focus is to allow you to make high-precision 3D models, to keep tight control over those models (being able to go back into modelling history and change parameters), and eventually to build those models (via 3D printing, CNC machining or even construction worksite). It is therefore very different from some other 3D applications made for other purposes, such as animation film or gaming. Its learning curve can be steep, specially if this is your first contact with 3D modeling. If you are struck at some point, don't forget that the friendly community of users on the FreeCAD forum might be able to get you out in no time.

The workbench you will start using in FreeCAD depends on the type of job you need to do: If you are going to work on mechanical models, or more generally any small-scale objects, you'll probably want to try the PartDesign Workbench. If you will work in 2D, then switch to the Draft Workbench, or the Sketcher Workbench if you need constraints. If you want to do BIM, launch the Arch Workbench. If you are working with ship design, there is a special Ship Workbench for you. And if you come from the OpenSCAD world, try the OpenSCAD Workbench.

Tú puedes cambiar de bancos de trabajo en el momento que quieras, y también customize tu bancos de trabajo favoritos agregando herramientas de otros bancos de trabajos.

Working with the PartDesign and Sketcher workbenches

The PartDesign Workbench is specially made to build complex objects, starting from simple shapes, and adding or removing pieces (that we call "features"), until you get to your final object. All the features you applied during the modelling process are stored in a separate view called the tree view, which also contains the other objects in your document. You can think of a PartDesign object as a succession of operations, each one applied to the result of the preceding one, forming one big chain. In the tree view, you see your final object, but you can expand it and retrieve all preceding states, and change any of their parameter, which automatically updates the final object.

The PartDesign workbench makes heavy use of another workbench, the Sketcher Workbench. The sketcher allows you to draw 2D shapes, which are defined by applying Constraints to the 2D shape. For example, you might draw a rectangle and set the size of a side by applying a length constraint to one of the sides. That side then cannot be resized anymore (unless the constraint is changed).

Those 2D shapes made with the sketcher are used a lot in the PartDesign workbench, for example to create 3D volumes, or to draw areas on the faces of your object that will then be hollowed from its main volume. This is a typical PartDesign workflow:

  1. Create a new sketch
  2. Draw a closed shape (make sure all points are joined)
  3. Close the sketch
  4. Expand the sketch into a 3D solid by using the pad tool
  5. Select one face of the solid
  6. Create a second sketch (this time it will be drawn on the selected face)
  7. Draw a closed shape
  8. Close the sketch
  9. Create a pocket from the second sketch, on the first object

Which gives you an object like this:

At any moment, you can select the original sketches and modify them, or change the extrusion parameters of the pad or pocket operations, which will update the final object.

Working with the Draft and Arch workbenches

The Draft Workbench and Arch Workbench behave a bit differently than the other workbenches above, although they follow the same rules, which are common to all of FreeCAD. In short, while the Sketcher and PartDesign are made primarily to design single pieces, Draft and Arch are made to ease your work when working with several, simpler objects.

The Draft Workbench offers you 2D tools a bit similar to what you can find in traditional 2D CAD applications such as AutoCAD. However, 2D drafting being far away from the scope of FreeCAD, don't expect to find there the full array of tools that these dedicated applications offer. Most of the Draft tools work not only in a 2D plane but also in the full 3D space, and benefit from special helper systems such as Work planes and object snapping.

The Arch Workbench adds BIM tools to FreeCAD, allowing you to build architectural models with parametric objects. The Arch workbench relies much on other modules such as Draft and Sketcher. All the Draft tools are also present in the Arch workbench, and most Arch tools make use of the Draft helper systems.

A typical workflow with Arch and Draft workbenches might be:

  1. Draw a couple of lines with the Draft Line tool
  2. Select each line and press the Wall tool to build a wall on each of them
  3. Join the walls by selecting them and pressing the Arch Add tool
  4. Create a floor object, and move your walls in it from the Tree view
  5. Create a building object, and move your floor in it from the Tree view
  6. Create a window by clicking the Window tool, select a preset in its panel, then click on a face of a wall
  7. Add dimensions by first setting the working plane if necessary, then using the Draft Dimension tool

Which will give you this:

Más en la página Tutorials

Programación de archivos de guión

Y finalmente, una de las características más poderosas de FreeCAD es el entorno de Programación de archivos de guión. Desde la consola integrada de Python (o desde cualquier otro archivo de guión de Python), puedes acceder a casi cualquier parte de FreeCAD, crear o modificar geometría, modificar la representación de esos objetos en la escena 3D o acceder y modificar la interfaz de FreeCAD. Los archivos de guión de Python también pueden utilizarse en Macros, las cuales proporcionan un método sencillo de crear comandos personalizados.

Install on Mac/es
Mouse Model/es