Esempi di livello medio di PySide

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Questa pagina contiene degli esempi di livello medio di gestione della GUI con PySide. Gli Esempi di base di PySide e gli Esempi di livello avanzato di PySide sono contenuti nelle rispettive pagine. In questa pagina gli argomenti di PySide sono descritti utilizzando un programma come esempio. L'intenzione è quella di presentare dei codici PySide funzionanti, e consentire a chi ha bisogno di usare PySide di copiare la sezione utile, di modificarla e adattarla ai propri scopi.


  • Questa pagina non è destinata a trattare il linguaggio Python o a fornire istruzioni per Python.
  • I nomi delle variabili non sono descrittivi, ma sono stati tenuti in sequenza per organizzare al meglio le spiegazioni.
  • Ci sono numerose convenzioni per i nomi dei componenti GUI, nessuno dei quali è "right" o "wrong"
  • C'è una serie di sequenze diverse di dichiarazioni per i widget, i segnali, i metodi, e ancora una volta nessuna è "right" o "wrong"
  • Vale la pena di ricordare che PySide opera con le stringhe quando si tratta di input dell'utente, quello che appare sullo schermo come un numero è in realtà una rappresentazione testuale di un numero

Code Based Discussion - Declarative Portion

Il "programma di esempio" è in realtà una grande definizione di classe, la definizione di una classe PySide GUI, e ha più di 150 righe di codice (inclusi i commenti). Non vi è alcun fine funzionale alla classe o al suo comportamento, l'unico scopo è quello di dimostrare le azioni GUI possibili e di presentare un codice che si spera possa essere utilizzato da altri utenti FreeCAD.

La definizione di classe e il numero di righe di codice che richiamano sono descritti nell'ordine in cui si presentano nel file. Questo ordine si basa sulla disposizione nella schermata che è piuttosto arbitrario e destinato unicamente a dimostrare le caratteristiche. Questa è la schermata GUI modale generata dalla Classe PySide:

La maggior parte del resto di questa sezione descrive il contenuto della Class definition che compare alla fine di questa sezione. Prima si descrive gli elementi dichiarativi che definiscono come funzionano le cose e come viene assemblata la GUI, poi si descrivono le sezioni operative (cioè il codice che viene eseguito quando si verificano le interazioni degli utenti). Questa finestra è basata sulla classe QDialog e quindi è modale, questo significa che non si può fare nessuna attività al di fuori della finestra mentre essa è aperta.

La dichiarazione Import

La dichiarazione di importazione obbligatoria

from PySide import QtGui, QtCore

Questa è meglio posizionarla all'inizio del file Python.

Class Definition

class ExampleModalGuiClass(QtGui.QDialog):
	def __init__(self):
		super(ExampleModalGuiClass, self).__init__()
	def initUI(self):

This code is best copied out verbatim and altered. The gist of the code is that we are sub-classing the QDialog Class of PySide. In adapting this code you will want to change the class name "ExampleModalGuiClass" - make sure to change it in both locations (e.g. lines 1 & 4).

Window Return Status

self.result = userCancelled

This is not mandatory but rather a good programming practice, this sets a default return status for the window which will be there regardless of what the user does. Later in the code this may be changed by the Python code to indicate different options the user may have selected.

Window Creation

# create our window
# define window		xLoc,yLoc,xDim,yDim
self.setGeometry(	250, 250, 400, 350)
self.setWindowTitle("Our Example Program Window")

Ricordando che le dimensioni dello schermo (finestra?) sono misurate partendo dall'angolo in alto a sinistra, i valori della terza riga si riferiscono a:

  • il numero di pixel dell'angolo in alto a sinistra è alla destra del bordo sinistro dello schermo (250)
  • il numero di pixel dell'angolo in alto a sinistra è sotto il bordo superiore dello schermo (250)
  • la larghezza dello schermo (finestra?) in pixel (400)
  • l'altezza dello schermo (finestra?) in pixel (350)

Poi viene impostato il titolo della finestra e la riga finale significa semplicemente che questa finestra non sarà mai oscurata da un'altra finestra, se non si desidera questo, basta semplicemente inserire un carattere di commento Python ('#') come primo carattere della riga.

Label Creation

# create some Labels
self.label1 = QtGui.QLabel("                       ", self)
self.label1.setFont('Courier') # set to a non-proportional font
self.label1.move(20, 20)
self.label2 = QtGui.QLabel("sample string number two", self)
self.label2.move(20, 70)
self.label3 = QtGui.QLabel("                        ", self)
self.label3.setFont('Courier') # set to a non-proportional font
self.label3.move(20, 120)
self.label4 = QtGui.QLabel("can you see this?", self)
self.label4.move(20, 170)

In PySide labels serve two purposes, static labels (as the name implies) as well as read-only (i.e. display-only) text fields. So unchanging instructions to the user such as "Don't push the red button" as well as dynamic calculation results such as "42" can be communicated to the user. The 2nd line declares a Label and sets it's initial value (which is blank in this case). The 3rd line specifies the font, any font (on the system) can be specified, if not specified the default font is used. In this case the font is specified as a non-proportional one. The label is moved to it's location in the window - it's coordinates specify it's position with respect to the window (not the screen).

Checkbox Creation

# checkboxes
self.checkbox1 = QtGui.QCheckBox("Left side", self)
#self.checkbox1.toggle() # will set an initial value if executed
self.checkbox2 = QtGui.QCheckBox("Right side", self)

Checkboxes can be off and on in any combination (unlike radio buttons). Line 2 declares one and set's it initial Value. Line 3 specifies which method will be executed when the Checkbox is clicked (in this case the method 'onCheckBox1'). If the 4th line did not have the Python comment character ('#') as the first character, then it would be executed and it would mark the checkbox as checked. Finally the 5th line moves the Checkbox into position.

Radio Button Creation

# radio buttons
self.radioButton1 = QtGui.QRadioButton("random string one",self)
self.radioButton2 = QtGui.QRadioButton("owt gnirts modnar",self)

La creazione dei pulsanti di opzione è molto simile alla creazione delle caselle di controllo. L'unica differenza è data dal comportamento dei pulsanti di opzione in quanto non possono essere selezionati entrambi contemporaneamente

Pop-Up Menu Creation

# set up lists for pop-ups
self.popupItems1 = ("pizza","apples","candy","cake","potatoes")
# set up pop-up menu
self.popup1 = QtGui.QComboBox(self)
self.popup1.move(210, 115)

Nella riga 2 è costruita la lista di quelle che saranno le scelte consentite agli utenti. Un'alternativa è quella di costruire un dizionario, ma di utilizzare solo i tasti per l'elenco del menu delle scelte. La riga 4 crea il menu pop-up (noto come un ComboBox in PySide), le opzioni utente sono aggiunte nella riga 5.

Come nota a margine, se è stato utilizzato il dizionario le righe appaiono come queste:

self.popupItems1 = OrderedDict([("2","widget"),("pink","foobar"),("4","galopsis")])


Returning to the main code sample for this section, line 6 sets the default choice, this line may be omitted, also the value of the default choice could be loaded into the corresponding Label (once again if appropriate). And finally the move into position at line 8.

Button Creation Part 1

# toggle visibility button
pushButton1 = QtGui.QPushButton('Toggle visibility', self)
pushButton1.move(210, 165)

The button is created in line 2 with it's name, the handler for it's signal when clicked is specified in line 3. Line 4 is there to prevent the button from becoming the 'default button' - the button that will be clicked if the user simply presses the Return key. And a move to position finished up the code segment.

Text Input Creation

# text input field
self.textInput = QtGui.QLineEdit(self)
self.textInput.setText("cats & dogs")
self.textInput.move(20, 220)

The QLineEdit widget is probably the most common for user textual input, in this example the code section after this one will set up a contextual menu to operate on it. This code section creates (line 2), sets an initial value (line 3), sets a width to the field (line 4) and moves the widget into place (line 5).

Contextual Menu Creation

# set contextual menu options for text editing widget
# set text field to some dogerel
popMenuAction1 = QtGui.QAction(self)
popMenuAction1.setText("load some text")
# make text uppercase
popMenuAction2 = QtGui.QAction(self)
# menu dividers
popMenuDivider = QtGui.QAction(self)
# remove all text
popMenuAction3 = QtGui.QAction(self)
# define menu and add options

This code has numerous repetitions as the same action is performed with different values - this is part of what makes GUI code so lengthy (no matter what the system). First a QAction is created - it is a pairing (or linkage) of the text that the user will see as their selectable option along with the method that will execute if they select that option. It is basically a pairing of a user choice with a piece of code. Line 3 creates it, line 4 defines the user option (as they will see it) and line 5 specifies which piece of Python code will execute.

Skipping to line 19 (the line with "self.textInput.setContextMenuPolicy") a ActionsContextMenu is created which is holder for all the separate QAction linkages between user choice and code to execute. Each widget can only have a single Contextual Menu (i.e. the menu associated with the right-click) so line 19 defines that menu. The following 4 lines add the linkages created at the beginning of this code section. Order is significant here, the user will see the menu options in the order they are added. Notice that the 3rd menu option is really a bit of nothing, it's code is null but it serves to separate 2 groups of options on the Contextual Menu.

Numeric Input Creation

# numeric input field
self.numericInput = QtGui.QLineEdit(self)
self.numericInput.move(250, 220)

The creation of the field for numeric input really follows that for Text Input earlier. In fact the code is identical with exception of the 3rd and 4th lines. The 3rd line sets the Mask as defined by PySide, which in this case specifies up to 3 digits (which may include 0). A full list of the InputMask codes can be found at QLineEdit InputMask

Button Creation Part 2

# cancel button
cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton('Cancel', self)
cancelButton.move(150, 280)
# OK button
okButton = QtGui.QPushButton('OK', self)
okButton.move(260, 280)

Both buttons are created with a name (which will appear as their label), associated with a method which will execute when they are clicked, and moved into position. The one exception is line 4 which specifies the 'Cancel' button as the default button - that means it will be "clicked" if the user preses the Return key.

Window Display

# now make the window visible

There is only one line and it causes the GUI to be displayed after the setup.

Code Based Discussion - Operative Portion

We now move onto the operative portion of the GUI definition which is the code that executes in response to user interactions with the GUI. The order of statement groups is not very relevant - with the caveat that something must be declared before it can be referenced. Some people put all the handlers of a certain type (e.g. handlers for buttons) in one group, others list the handlers alphabetically. For specific application there may be a problem related reason that all handlers relating to a specific aspect be gathered together

There is a high degree of similarity between the handlers. Most do not receive a parameter, the fact they are executing is realy the only parameter (or signal) they get. Others like "onPopup1" and "mousePressEvent" accept a parameter.

There must be a one to one correspondance between the handlers specified in the declarative section and the handler declared in this, the operative section. There may be extra handlers declared which are never invoked but there may not be any missing.

Generic Handler

In this code example, generic handlers handle the following events:

  • onCheckbox1
  • onCheckbox2
  • onRadioButton1
  • onRadioButton2
  • onPushButton1
  • onPopMenuAction1
  • onPopMenuAction2
  • onPopMenuDivider
  • onPopMenuAction3
  • onCancel
  • onOk

The general form for the handlers is:

def handlerName(self):

The first line has the keyword "def" followed by the handler name. The handler name must match the name from the earlier declarative section exactly. The parameter "self" is part of the standard syntax as are the enclosing parenthesis and the final colon character. Once the first line is finished then there are no requirements of the following code, it is purely application specific.

Pop-Up Menu Handler

def onPopup1(self, selectedText):

The Pop-Up menu handler is the same as the generic handler with exception that a second parameter, the text selected by the user, is passed in. Remember that everything is text coming from the Pop-Up menu and even if the user has selected the number 3, it will be passed in as the string "3".

Mouse Event Handler

def mousePressEvent(self, event):
	# print mouse position, X & Y
	print "X = ", event.pos().x()
	print "Y = ", event.pos().y()
	if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
		print "left mouse button"
	if self.label1.underMouse():
		print "over the text '"+self.label1.text()+"'"

The Mouse Event handler is the same as the generic handler with exception that a second parameter, the mouse event (e.g. left-click, right-click) from the user is passed in. The name of the handler, "mousePressEvent", is reserved and if it is changed then the handler will no longer receive the event from the mouse presses.

The X and Y coordinates of the mouse press are given by the reference "event.pos().x()" and "event.pos().y()". The constants "QtCore.Qt.LeftButton" and "QtCore.Qt.RightButton" are used to determine which mouse button was pressed.

A reference to a widget can be made of the form "self.widgetName.underMouse()" which will return true or false as to whether the mouse cursor is over the widget "widgetName". Although presented in the same code excerpt the "underMouse()" handler is not tied to the "mousePressEvent" handler and can be used at any time.

Code Based Discussion - Main Routine

Most of the volume of code is in the GUI Class definition, there is not much in the main procedure.

# Constant definitions
global userCancelled, userOK
userCancelled		= "Cancelled"
userOK				= "OK"

Lines 2,3 & 4 deal with coordinating the status of the user interaction with the GUI - e.g. Cancelled, OK, or any other application defined status. The handler routines On Cancel and OnOk earlier also set these statuses.

form = ExampleGuiClass()

if form.result==userCancelled:
	pass # steps to handle user clicking Cancel
if form.result==userOK:
	# steps to handle user clicking OK
	localVariable1 = form.label1.text()
	localVariable2 = form.label2.text()
	localVariable3 = form.label3.text()
	localVariable4 = form.label4.text()

Lines 1 and 2 show the method for invoking the GUI. There may be multiple GUI definitions for a program and also the GUI need not be invoked as the first thing in the Python file, it may be invoked at any point. The Name of the GUI Class is specified in line 1 ("ExampleGuiClass" in this case) but the rest of the 2 lines are to be copied verbatim.

Lines 4 and 6 use the result field to determine the appropriate action. The last 4 lines simply show the copying of the data in the GUI object to variables local to the executing main procedure.

Complete Modal Code Example

This is the complete code example (developed on FreeCAD v0.14):

# import statements

from PySide import QtGui, QtCore

# UI Class definitions

class ExampleModalGuiClass(QtGui.QDialog):
	def __init__(self):
		super(ExampleModalGuiClass, self).__init__()
	def initUI(self):
		self.result = userCancelled
		# create our window
		# define window		xLoc,yLoc,xDim,yDim
		self.setGeometry(	250, 250, 400, 350)
		self.setWindowTitle("Our Example Modal Program Window")
		# create some Labels
		self.label1 = QtGui.QLabel("                       ", self)
		self.label1.setFont('Courier') # set to a non-proportional font
		self.label1.move(20, 20)
		self.label2 = QtGui.QLabel("sample string number two", self)
		self.label2.move(20, 70)
		self.label3 = QtGui.QLabel("                        ", self)
		self.label3.setFont('Courier') # set to a non-proportional font
		self.label3.move(20, 120)
		self.label4 = QtGui.QLabel("can you see this?", self)
		self.label4.move(20, 170)
		# checkboxes
		self.checkbox1 = QtGui.QCheckBox("Left side", self)
		#self.checkbox1.toggle() # will set an initial value if executed
		self.checkbox2 = QtGui.QCheckBox("Right side", self)
		# radio buttons
		self.radioButton1 = QtGui.QRadioButton("random string one",self)
		self.radioButton2 = QtGui.QRadioButton("owt gnirts modnar",self)
		# set up lists for pop-ups
		self.popupItems1 = ("pizza","apples","candy","cake","potatoes")
		# set up pop-up menu
		self.popup1 = QtGui.QComboBox(self)
		self.popup1.move(210, 115)
		# toggle visibility button
		pushButton1 = QtGui.QPushButton('Toggle visibility', self)
		pushButton1.move(210, 165)
		# text input field
		self.textInput = QtGui.QLineEdit(self)
		self.textInput.setText("cats & dogs")
		self.textInput.move(20, 220)
		# set contextual menu options for text editing widget
		# set text field to some dogerel
		popMenuAction1 = QtGui.QAction(self)
		popMenuAction1.setText("load some text")
		# make text uppercase
		popMenuAction2 = QtGui.QAction(self)
		# menu dividers
		popMenuDivider = QtGui.QAction(self)
		# remove all text
		popMenuAction3 = QtGui.QAction(self)
		# define menu and add options
		# numeric input field
		self.numericInput = QtGui.QLineEdit(self)
		self.numericInput.move(250, 220)
		# cancel button
		cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton('Cancel', self)
		cancelButton.move(150, 280)
		# OK button
		okButton = QtGui.QPushButton('OK', self)
		okButton.move(260, 280)
		# now make the window visible
	def onCheckbox1(self):
		text = self.label1.text()
		if text[0]==' ':
			self.label1.setText('    '+text[4:])
	def onCheckbox2(self):
		text = self.label1.text()
		if text[-1]==' ':
			self.label1.setText(text[:-5]+'     ')
	def onRadioButton1(self):
	def onRadioButton2(self):
	def onPopup1(self, selectedText):
		if self.label3.text().isspace():
	def onPushButton1(self):
		if self.label4.isVisible():
	def onPopMenuAction1(self):
		# load some text into field
		self.textInput.setText("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
	def onPopMenuAction2(self):
		# set text in field to uppercase
	def onPopMenuDivider(self):
		# this option is the divider and is really there as a spacer on the menu list
		# consequently it has no functional code to execute if user selects it
	def onPopMenuAction3(self):
		# clear the text from the field
	def onCancel(self):
		self.result			= userCancelled
	def onOk(self):
		self.result			= userOK
	def mousePressEvent(self, event):
		# print mouse position, X & Y
		print "X = ", event.pos().x()
		print "Y = ", event.pos().y()
		if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
			print "left mouse button"
		if self.label1.underMouse():
			print "over the text '"+self.label1.text()+"'"
		if self.label2.underMouse():
			print "over the text '"+self.label2.text()+"'"
		if self.label3.underMouse():
			print "over the text '"+self.label3.text()+"'"
		if self.label4.underMouse():
			print "over the text '"+self.label4.text()+"'"
		if self.textInput.underMouse():
			print "over the text '"+self.textInput.text()+"'"
		if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
			print "right mouse button"

# Class definitions

# Function definitions

# Constant definitions
userCancelled		= "Cancelled"
userOK			= "OK"

# code ***********************************************************************************

form = ExampleModalGuiClass()

if form.result==userCancelled:
	pass # steps to handle user clicking Cancel
if form.result==userOK:
	# steps to handle user clicking OK
	localVariable1 = form.label1.text()
	localVariable2 = form.label2.text()
	localVariable3 = form.label3.text()
	localVariable4 = form.label4.text()
	print localVariable1
	print localVariable2
	print localVariable3
	print localVariable4
#OS: Mac OS X
#Word size: 64-bit
#Version: 0.14.3703 (Git)
#Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-14
#Hash: c6edd47334a3e6f209e493773093db2b9b4f0e40
#Python version: 2.7.5
#Qt version: 4.8.6
#Coin version: 3.1.3
#SoQt version: 1.5.0
#OCC version: 6.7.0

The best way to use this code is to copy it into an editor or FreeCAD macro file and play around with it.

Code Based Discussion - Nonmodal Code Example

All of the widget specific from the previous modal example transfer to use in a nonmodal window. The main difference is that the nonmodal window does not restrict the user from interacting with other windows. Basically, a nonmodal window is one that can be opened and left open for as long as needed without it placing any restrictions on other application windows. There are a small number of code differences between the two which will be highlighted, consequently this code example is quite brief. Anything that is the same as the previous modal example will be left out in the interests of keeping this overview brief. This is the nonmodal GUI screen the PySide Class generates:

Import Statement

The mandatory Import statement

from PySide import QtGui, QtCore

This is best placed at the top of the Python file.

Class Definition

class ExampleNonmodalGuiClass(QtGui.QMainWindow):
	def __init__(self):
		super(ExampleNonmodalGuiClass, self).__init__()
	def initUI(self):

This code is best copied out verbatim and altered. The gist of the code is that we are sub-classing the QMainWindow Class of PySide. In adapting this code you will want to change the class name "ExampleNonmodalGuiClass" - make sure to change it in both locations (e.g. lines 1 & 4).

Window Creation

# create our window
# define window	xLoc,yLoc,xDim,yDim
self.setGeometry(	250, 250, 400, 150)
self.setWindowTitle("Our Example Nonmodal Program Window")

Obviously our window dimensions and title are different. The main point to note is the last line which lets PySide know that it is to send out mouse position events as they happen. Note that these events will not be sent out when the mouse is over a widget like a button as the widget will capture the events.

Mouse Move Event Handler

def mouseMoveEvent(self,event):
	self.label6.setText("X: "+str(event.x()) + " Y: "+str(event.y()))

This handler receives the event of a Mouse Move and displays the formatted form of it. Test what happens when it is over widgets or outside of the window.

Invoking the Window

form = ExampleNonmodalGuiClass()

Invoking the window is another area of difference from the previous example. This time only 1 line is needed for invoking the GUI.

Complete Nonmodal Code Example

# import statements

from PySide import QtGui, QtCore

# UI Class definitions

class ExampleNonmodalGuiClass(QtGui.QMainWindow):
	def __init__(self):
		super(ExampleNonmodalGuiClass, self).__init__()
	def initUI(self):
		self.result = userCancelled
		# create our window
		# define window		xLoc,yLoc,xDim,yDim
		self.setGeometry(	250, 250, 400, 150)
		self.setWindowTitle("Our Example Nonmodal Program Window")
		# create Labels
		self.label4 = QtGui.QLabel("can you see this?", self)
		self.label4.move(20, 20)
		self.label5 = QtGui.QLabel("Mouse position:", self)
		self.label5.move(20, 70)
		self.label6 = QtGui.QLabel("               ", self)
		self.label6.move(135, 70)
		# toggle visibility button
		pushButton1 = QtGui.QPushButton('Toggle visibility', self)
		pushButton1.move(210, 20)
		# cancel button
		cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton('Cancel', self)
		cancelButton.move(150, 110)
		# OK button
		okButton = QtGui.QPushButton('OK', self)
		okButton.move(260, 110)
		# now make the window visible
	def onPushButton1(self):
		if self.label4.isVisible():
	def onCancel(self):
		self.result			= userCancelled
	def onOk(self):
		self.result			= userOK
	def mouseMoveEvent(self,event):
		self.label6.setText("X: "+str(event.x()) + " Y: "+str(event.y()))
# Class definitions

# Function definitions

# Constant definitions
global userCancelled, userOK
userCancelled		= "Cancelled"
userOK			= "OK"

# code ***********************************************************************************

form = ExampleNonmodalGuiClass()
#OS: Mac OS X
#Word size: 64-bit
#Version: 0.14.3703 (Git)
#Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-14
#Hash: c6edd47334a3e6f209e493773093db2b9b4f0e40
#Python version: 2.7.5
#Qt version: 4.8.6
#Coin version: 3.1.3
#SoQt version: 1.5.0
#OCC version: 6.7.0

Misc Additional Topics

There are 3 concepts to the screen real estate in a GUI environment:

  • physical space on the screen
  • frame
  • geometry

Within the software all are measured in pixels. PySide has function to measure in real world units but these are undependable as the manufacturers have no standard for pixel size or aspect ratio.

The Frame is the size of a window including it's side bars, top bar (possibly with a menu in it) and bottom bar. The Geometry is the space lying within the Frame and so is always less than or equal to the Frame. In turn the Frame is always less than or equal to the available screen size.

Available Screen Size

# get screen dimensions (Available Screen Size)
screenWidth		= QtGui.QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry().width()
screenHeight		= QtGui.QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry().height()
# get dimensions for available space on screen
availableWidth		= QtGui.QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().width()
availableHeight		= QtGui.QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().height()

Generally the "availableHeight" should be less than the "screenHeight" by the height of the menu bar. These 4 values are based on the hardware environment and will change from computer to computer. They are not dependent on any application window size.

Frame Size and Geometry

# set up a variable to hold the Main Window to save some typing...
mainWin = FreeCAD.Gui.getMainWindow()

mainWin.showFullScreen() # no menu bars, every last pixel is given over to FreeCAD

mainWin.showMaximized() # show maximised within the screen, window edges and the menu bar will be displayed

mainWin.showNormal() # show at the last non-maximised or non-minimised size (and location)

mainWin.setGeometry(50, 50, 800, 800) # specifically set FreeCAD main window's size and location, this will become the new setting for 'showNormal()'

mainWin.showMinimized() # FreeCAD will disappear from view after this command...

These same commands can be executed on a user generated window, the syntax does not change.

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