Ambiente BIM

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 15:59, 21 June 2024 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
In v1.0 the BIM, Native-IFC and Arch Workbenches have been merged into the integrated BIM Workbench.
This page has been updated for that version.
Icona dell'ambiente aggiuntivo BIM


The BIM Workbench provides a modern Building Information Modelling workflow in FreeCAD, with fully parametric objects such as walls, beams, roofs, windows, stairs, pipes, and furniture. It supports Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) files, and the production of 2D plans in combination with the TechDraw Workbench.

The BIM Workbench imports tools from the Draft Workbench, as it uses its 2D objects to build 3D parametric objects. But it can also use solid shapes created with other workbenches like Part and PartDesign.

Vedere FreeCAD BIM migration guide per una rapida panoramica se si è già utente di un'altra applicazione BIM.

Gli sviluppatori di Draft, Arch e BIM collaborano anche con la più ampia comunità OSArch, con l'obiettivo finale di migliorare la progettazione degli edifici utilizzando software completamente gratuito.

Per iniziare

Al primo avvio di BIM viene visualizzata una finestra di benvenuto, che fornisce una rapida panoramica di come funziona questo ambiente e consente all'utente di avviare un divertente tutorial di BIM. La finestra di benvenuto è disponibile anche dal menu Aiuto. Quando la schermata di benvenuto viene chiusa facendo clic su OK, viene visualizzata la finestra di dialogo di configurazione BIM, che consente all'utente di impostare rapidamente alcune delle più comuni preferenze relative al BIM di FreeCAD senza la necessità di sfogliare tutte le pagine delle preferenze di FreeCAD.

Lo strumento Configurazione del progetto BIM consente di configurare rapidamente un progetto BIM riempiendo alcune informazioni di base sul progetto. È quindi possibile, ad esempio, utilizzare i diversi strumenti di disegno 2D per tracciare linee guida e linee di base, quindi utilizzare i diversi strumenti di modellazione 3D per creare automaticamente gli oggetti BIM 3D. Una linea, ad esempio, può diventare un muro semplicemente selezionandola e premendo il pulsante Wall.

Se si è abituati a lavorare con un'altra applicazione BIM, controllare la nostra Tabella di compatibilità dell'applicazione BIM quando si inizia a lavorare con FreeCAD.

Il tutorial divertente di BIM è un modo semplice per iniziare rapidamente a usare l'ambiente BIM.


The BIM workbench gathers tools from several other FreeCAD workbenches, mainly Draft and Part, roughly reorganized in logical categories.

Inoltre, se tali addon sono installati, gli strumenti da Reinforcement (strumenti aggiuntivi per barre d'armatura), Fasteners (bulloni e viti), Flamingo/Dodo (strumenti per strutture metalliche e tubazioni) e Parts Library vengono automaticamente inclusi nell'ambiente BIM.

L'ambiente BIM aggiunge anche una serie di elementi nella barra di stato di FreeCAD e un paio di voci nel menu contestuale, accessibili facendo clic con il tasto destro nella vista 3D o nella vista ad albero .

Disegni 2D

Gli oggetti 2D sono comunemente usati come strumenti di disegno o per disegnare linee di base e profili per costruire oggetti BIM. Possono anche essere utilizzati per disegnare simboli e annotazioni nel modello. Oltre agli schizzi, che utilizzano il proprio sistema di coordinate, gli oggetti 2D verranno disegnati sul corrente piano di lavoro.

  • Sketch: Creates‎ a new sketch and enters sketch edit mode. Sketches are advanced 2D objects with constraints support.
  • Line: Creates a straight line.
  • Polyline: Creates a polyline (also called wire), a sequence of several connected line segments.
  • Circle: Creates a circle from a center and a radius.
  • Arc: Creates a circular arc from a center, a radius, a start angle and an aperture angle.
  • Arc by 3 points: Creates a circular arc from three points that define its circumference.
  • Fillet: Creates a fillet, a rounded corner, or a chamfer, a straight edge, between two Draft Lines.
  • Ellipse: Creates an ellipse from two points defining a rectangle in which the ellipse will fit.
  • Polygon: Creates a regular polygon from a center and a radius.
  • Rectangle: Creates a rectangle from two points.
  • B-spline: Creates a B-spline curve from several points.
  • Point: Creates a simple point.


Gli oggetti 3D e BIM sono gli elementi del mondo reale che compongono il progetto BIM.

  • Project: Creates a project including selected objects.
  • Site: Creates a site including selected objects.
  • Building: Creates a building including selected objects.
  • Level: Creates a floor including selected objects.
  • Space: Creates a space object.
  • Wall: Creates a wall from scratch or using a selected object as a base.
  • Curtain Wall: Creates a curtain wall from scratch or using a selected object as a base.
  • Column: Creates a vertical structural element at a given point, optionally using a selected object as a profile.
  • Beam: Creates a horizontal structural element between two points, optionally using a selected object as a profile.
  • Slab: Creates a flat structural element by extruding a selected flat object.
  • Door: Creates a Window object using door presets.
  • Window: Creates a window from scratch or using a selected object as a base.
  • Pipe: Creates a pipe.
  • Connector: Creates a corner or T-connection between 2 or 3 selected pipes.
  • Stairs: Creates a stairs object.
  • Roof: Creates a sloped roof from a selected wire.
  • Panel: Creates a panel object from a selected 2D object.
  • Frame: Creates a frame object from a selected layout.
  • Fence: Creates a fence object from a selected post and path.
  • Truss: Creates a truss from a selected line or from scratch.
  • Equipment: Creates an equipment or furniture object.
  • Reinforcement tools:
These tools, except the first, are only available if the Reinforcement Workbench has been installed.
  • Custom Rebar: Creates a custom reinforcement bar in a selected structural element using a sketch.
  • Straight Rebar: Creates a straight reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • U-Shape Rebar: Creates a U-shape reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • L-Shape Rebar: Creates an L-shape reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • Stirrup: Creates a stirrup reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • Bent-Shape Rebar: Creates a bent-shape reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • Helical Rebar: Creates a helical reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • Generic 3D tools:
These tools build generic 3D objects that can be turned or used into BIM components.
  • Profile: Creates a parametric 2D profile.
  • Box: Creates a box by specifying its dimensions graphically.
  • Shape builder...: Creates more complex shapes from various geometric primitives.
  • Facebinder: creates a surface object from selected faces.
  • Component: Creates a non-parametric Arch component.


Le annotazioni sono oggetti di aiuto visivo che possono essere inseriti all'interno del modello. Possono essere utilizzati per esportare il modello direttamente in un formato 2D come DXF, o riutilizzati durante la creazione di viste 2D del modello con TechDraw.

  • Label: Creates a multi-line text with a 2-segment leader line and an arrow.
  • Axis: Adds a 1-direction array of axes.
  • Axis System: Adds an axis system composed of several axes.
  • Grid: Adds a grid-like object.
  • Hatch: Creates hatches on the planar faces of a selected object.


This menu contains the Draft Snap tools as well as the following tools:


  • Move: Moves or copies selected objects from one point to another.
  • Copy: Copies selected objects from one point to another.
  • Rotate: Rotates or copies selected objects around a center point by a given angle.
  • Clone: Clones selected objects.
  • Offset: Offsets each segment of a selected object over a given distance, or creates an offset copy of the selected object.
  • 2D Offset...: Constructs a parallel wire at a given distance from the original, or enlarges/shrinks a planar face (parametric version). This is the same tool as Part Offset2D.
  • Trimex: Trims or extends a selected object.
  • Scale: Scales or copies selected objects around a base point.
  • Stretch: Stretches objects by moving selected points.
  • Upgrade: Upgrades selected objects.
  • Array: Creates an orthogonal array from a selected object. It can optionally create a Link array.
  • Path array: Creates an array from a selected object by placing copies along a path.
  • Circular array: Creates an array from a selected object by placing copies along concentric circumferences. It can optionally create a Link array.
  • Point array: Creates an array from a selected object by placing copies at the points from a point compound.
  • Mirror: Creates mirrored copies from selected objects.


  • BIM Setup...: Configures some of the FreeCAD preferences most commonly used for BIM.
  • Views manager: Manage the different views and levels of your project.
  • Schedule: Creates different types of schedules.
  • Annotation styles...: Allows you to define styles that affect the visual properties of annotation-like objects.


  • Split Mesh: Splits a selected mesh into separate components.
  • Mesh to Shape: Converts a mesh into a shape, unifying coplanar faces.
  • Close holes: Closes holes in a selected shape-based object.
  • Check: Check if the selected objects are solids and don't contain defects.
  • Survey: Enters or leaves surveying mode.
  • Panel tools:
  • Panel: Creates a panel object from a selected 2D object.
  • Panel Cut: Creates a 2D cut view from a panel.
  • Panel Sheet: Creates a 2D cut sheet including panel cuts or other 2D objects.
  • Nest: Allows to nest several flat objects inside a container shape.
  • Structure tools:
  • Structure: Creates a structural element from scratch or using a selected object as a base.
  • Nudge:

Status bar


Tree view context menu


3D view context menu


Obsolete tools

  • Arch 3Views: Creates top, front and side views from a mesh. Not available in version 1.0 and above.
  • Arch Project: Creates a project including selected objects. Not available in version 1.0 and above. Use BIM Project instead.


  • Preferences: General preferences for the BIM Workbench.
  • Fine tuning: Extra parameters to fine-tune BIM behavior.

File formats

  • IFC: industry foundation classes
  • DAE: Collada mesh format
  • OBJ: OBJ mesh format (export only)
  • JSON: JavaScript Object Notation format (export only)
  • 3DS: 3DS format (import only)
  • SHP: GIS Shapefiles (import only)


The Arch module can be used in Python scripts and macros using the Arch Python API functions.

Tutorial e apprendimento