Manual:What is FreeCAD

From FreeCAD Documentation
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FreeCAD is a general purpose parametric 3D computer-aided design (CAD) modeling application, made primarily to design real-life objects. Parametric modeling is a type of modeling where the shapes of the 3D objects you design are controlled by parameters. For example, the shape of a brick might be controlled by three parameters: height, width and length. These parameters are part of the object and may be modified at any time, even after the object has been created. As well as simple values, an object can have other objects as parameters. For example, you could have an object that takes your brick as input and creates a column from it. You could think of a parametric object as a small program that creates geometry from parameters.

FreeCAD is not designed for a particular kind of work, or for making a particular kind of object. Instead, it permits users to produce models of objects of widely differing sizes for many purposes, from small electronic components to 3D-printable pieces all the way up to buildings. Each of these tasks has different dedicated sets of tools and workflows available.

FreeCAD is also multiplatform (it runs exactly the same way on Windows, Mac OS and Linux platforms), and it is open source. Being open source, FreeCAD benefits from the contributions and efforts of a large community of programmers, enthusiasts and users worldwide. FreeCAD is essentially an application built by the people who use it, instead of being made by a company trying to sell you a product. It also means that FreeCAD is free, not only to use, but also to distribute, copy, modify, or even sell.

FreeCAD benefits from the huge, accumulated experience of the open source world. Internally, it includes several other open source components, and FreeCAD itself can be used as a component in other applications. It possesses many features that have become standard in the open source world, such as supporting a wide range of file formats, and being scriptable, customizable and modifiable. All made possible through a dynamic and enthusiastic community of users.

The official website of FreeCAD is at

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