Draft: Label/Ярлык, Этикетка

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Draft Label

Menu location
Draft → Label
Draft, Arch
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


Этот инструмент вставляет ярлык, который представляет собой фрагмент текста с 2-сегментной линией и стрелкой в активном документе. Если при запуске команды выбран объект или подэлемент (лицо, ребро или вершина), можно создать ярлык для автоматического отображения определенного атрибута выбранного элемента.

If an object or a sub-element (face, edge or vertex) is selected when starting the command, the text can be made to display one or two attributes of the selected element, including position, length, area, volume and material. The text will then be linked to the attributes and will update if their values change.

To insert a text element without an arrow use the Draft Text command instead.


See also: Draft Tray, Draft Snap and Draft Constrain.

  1. Optionally select an object or a sub-element (vertex, edge or face) that you want to display attributes of.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Draft Label button.
    • Select the Annotation → Label option from the menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: D then L.
  3. The Label task panel opens. See Options for more information.
  4. If you have selected an element: select an option from the Label type dropdown list. See Label types below.
  5. Pick the first point in the 3D view, or type coordinates and press the Enter point button. This point indicates the target (arrow head). This can be anywhere, it does not have to be on an element.
  6. Pick the second point in the 3D view, or type coordinates and press the Enter point button. This point indicates the start of the horizontal or vertical segment of the leader.
  7. Pick the third point in the 3D view, or type coordinates and press the Enter point button. This point indicates the base point of the text.


The single character keyboard shortcuts available in the task panel can be changed. See Draft Preferences. The shortcuts mentioned here are the default shortcuts.

  • To manually enter coordinates enter the X, Y and Z component, and press Enter after each. Or you can press the Enter point button when you have the desired values. It is advisable to move the pointer out of the 3D view before entering coordinates.
  • Press R or click the Relative checkbox to toggle relative mode. If relative mode is on, coordinates are relative to the last point, if available, else they are relative to the coordinate system origin.
  • Press G or click the Global checkbox to toggle global mode. If global mode is on, coordinates are relative to the global coordinate system, else they are relative to the working plane coordinate system. introduced in version 0.20
  • Press S to switch Draft snapping on or off.
  • Press Esc or the Close button to abort the command.

Label types

The following label types are available:

  • Custom: displays the contents of ДанныеCustom Text.
  • Name: displays the internal name of the target object. The internal name is assigned when an object is created and remains fixed throughout the existence of the object.
  • Label: displays the label of the target object. The label of an object can be changed by the user.
  • Position: displays the coordinates of the base point of the target object, of the target vertex, or of the center of mass of the target subelement, if applicable.
  • Length: displays the length of the target object or subelement, if applicable.
  • Area: displays the area of the target object or subelement, if applicable.
  • Volume: displays the volume of the target object, if applicable.
  • Tag: displays the Tag attribute of the target object, if applicable. Objects created with the Arch Workbench can have this attribute.
  • Material: displays the label of the material of the target object, if applicable.
  • Label + Position
  • Label + Length
  • Label + Area
  • Label + Volume
  • Label + Material


  • The direction of the second segment of the leader determines the alignment of the text. If the segment is horizontal and pointing to the right the text is aligned to the left and vice versa. If the second segment goes vertically up, the text is aligned to the left. If it goes vertically down, the text is aligned to the right.
  • Draft Labels created or saved with FreeCAD version 0.21 are not backward compatible.


See also: Property editor.

A Draft Label object is derived from an App FeaturePython object and inherits all its properties. The following properties are additional unless otherwise stated:



  • ДанныеCustom Text (StringList): specifies the contents of the text if ДанныеLabel Type is Custom. Each item in the list represents a new text line.
  • ДанныеLabel Type (Enumeration): specifies the type of information displayed by the label. See Label types.
  • ДанныеPlacement (Placement): specifies the position of the text in the 3D view and, unless ДанныеStraight Direction is Custom, also of the first leader segment, which is the segment where the text is attached. See Placement.
  • ДанныеText (StringList): (read-only) specifies the contents of the text that is actually displayed. Each item in the list represents a new text line.


  • ДанныеPoints (VectorList): specifies the points of the leader.
  • ДанныеStraight Direction (Enumeration): specifies the direction of the first leader segment: Custom, Horizontal or Vertical.
  • ДанныеStraight Distance (Distance): specifies the length of the first leader segment. Only used if ДанныеStraight Direction is Horizontal or Vertical. If the distance is positive, the leader starts from the right side of the text and the text aligns to the right. Otherwise the leader starts from the left side of the text and the text aligns to the left.


  • ДанныеTarget (LinkSub): specifies the object and optional subelement the label is linked to.
  • ДанныеTarget Point (Vector): specifies the position of the tip of the leader, which is where the arrow is attached.



  • ВидAnnotation Style (Enumeration): specifies the annotation style applied to the label. See Draft AnnotationStyleEditor.
  • ВидScale Multiplier (Float): specifies the general scaling factor applied to the label.

Display Options

  • ВидDisplay Mode (Enumeration): specifies how the text is displayed. If it is World the text will be displayed on a plane defined by the ДанныеPlacement of the label. If it is Screen the text will always face the screen. This is an inherited property. The mentioned options are the renamed options (introduced in version 0.21).


  • ВидArrow Size (Length): specifies the size of the symbol displayed at the tip of the leader.
  • ВидArrow Type (Enumeration): specifies the type of symbol displayed at the tip of the leader, which can be Dot, Circle, Arrow, Tick or Tick-2.
  • ВидFrame (Enumeration): specifies what type of frame is drawn around the text. The current options are None or Rectangle.
  • ВидLine (Bool): specifies whether to display the leader line. If it is false only the arrow and the text are displayed.
  • ВидLine Color (Color): specifies the color of the leader and the arrow. This is also used for the frame (introduced in version 0.20).
  • ВидLine Width (Float): specifies the width of the leader. This is also used for the frame (introduced in version 0.20).


  • ВидFont Name (Font): specifies the font used to draw the text. It can be a font name, such as Arial, a default style such as sans, serif or mono, a family such as Arial,Helvetica,sans, or a name with a style such as Arial:Bold. If the given font is not found on the system, a default font is used instead. introduced in version 0.21
  • ВидFont Size (Length): specifies the size of the letters. The text can be invisible in the 3D view if this value is very small. introduced in version 0.21
  • ВидJustification (Enumeration): specifies the horizontal alignment of the text: Left, Center or Right. Only used if ДанныеStraight Direction is Custom. Otherwise the horizontal alignment is based on the sign (positive or negative) of ДанныеStraight Distance.
  • ВидLine Spacing (Float): specifies the factor applied to the default line height of the text.
  • ВидMax Chars (Integer): specifies the maximum number of characters on each line of the text.
  • ВидText Alignment (Enumeration): specifies the vertical alignment of the text: Top, Middle or Bottom.
  • ВидText Color (Color): specifies the color of the text.


See also: Autogenerated API documentation and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

To create a Draft Label use the make_label method (introduced in version 0.19) of the Draft module. This method replaces the deprecated makeLabel method.

label = make_label(target_point=App.Vector(0, 0, 0),
                   placement=App.Vector(30, 30, 0),
                   target_object=None, subelements=None,
                   label_type="Custom", custom_text="Label",
                   direction="Horizontal", distance=-10,


import FreeCAD as App
import Draft

doc = App.newDocument()

rectangle = Draft.make_rectangle(4000, 1000)

p1 = App.Vector(-200, 1000, 0)
place1 = App.Placement(App.Vector(-1000, 1300, 0), App.Rotation())

label1 = Draft.make_label(p1, place1, target_object=rectangle, distance=500, label_type="Label")
label1.ViewObject.TextSize = 200

p2 = App.Vector(-200, 0, 0)
place2 = App.Placement(App.Vector(-1000, -300, 0), App.Rotation())

label2 = Draft.make_label(p2, place2, target_object=rectangle, distance=500, label_type="Custom",
                          custom_text="Beware of the sharp edges")
label2.ViewObject.TextSize = 200

p3 = App.Vector(1000, 1200, 0)
place3 = App.Placement(App.Vector(2000, 1800, 0), App.Rotation())

label3 = Draft.make_label(p3, place3, target_object=rectangle, distance=-500, label_type="Area")
label3.ViewObject.TextSize = 200
