Arch: Armatura di soletta

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Armatura di soletta

Posizione nel menu
Arch → Strumenti di armatura → Armatura soletta
3D/BIM → Reinforcement tools → Armatura soletta
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Vedere anche
Ambiente Rinforzi, Armatura, Armatura elicoidale


Lo strumento Armatura di soletta consente all'utente di creare barre d'armatura all'interno di un oggetto Struttura soletta.

Questo comando fa parte dell'Ambiente Rinforzi, un Ambiente complementare che può essere installato con Addon Manager tramite il menu Strumenti → Addon manager → Reinforcement.

Un esempio di armatura all'interno di una Struttura soletta

Vista da destra dell'esempio di armatura della soletta

Vista frontale dell'esempio di armatura della soletta


1. Selezionare una faccia qualsiasi di un oggetto Struttura Soletta creato in precedenza. come mostrato nell'immagine qui sotto.

Faccia selezionata per la struttura soletta

2. Quindi selezionare Armatura soletta dagli strumenti dell'armatura.

3. Sullo schermo verrà visualizzata una finestra di dialogo come mostrato di seguito.

Finestra di dialogo per l'armatura di soletta

4. Selezionare il tipo di copertura desiderata per la rete di rinforzo (Superiore o Inferiore).

5. Selezionare il tipo di armatura desiderata e altri dati di input per le armature nella direzione parallela della faccia selezionata, come mostrato nell'immagine sottostante.

Finestra di dialogo per le armature della soletta in direzione parallela alla faccia selezionata

6. Ora cliccare sul pulsante Next o selezionare Cross Rebars nella visualizzazione elenco.

7. Ora impostare i dati desiderati nei dati di input per l'armatura nella direzione trasversale della faccia selezionata come mostrato nell'immagine sottostante.

Finestra di dialogo delle armature di soletta nella direzione trasversale della faccia selezionata

8. Fare clic su OK o Applica o Fine per generare l'armatura della soletta.

9. Fare clic su Annulla per uscire dalla finestra di dialogo.


Proprietà delle barre d'armatura in direzione parallela alla faccia selezionata:

  • DatiMesh Cover Along: It represent alignment of rebar mesh along top or bottom face of structure. It can have two values "Top" and "Bottom".
  • DatiRebar Type: Type of rebar for parallel rebars for slab reinforcement. It can have four values 'StraightRebar', 'LShapeRebar', 'UShapeRebar', 'BentShapeRebar'.
  • DatiFront Cover: The distance between parallel rebar and selected face.
  • DatiLeft Cover: The distance between the left end of the parallel rebar to the left face of the structure.
  • DatiRight Cover: The distance between the right end of the parallel rebar to right face of the structure.
  • DatiBottom Cover: The distance between parallel rebars from the bottom face of the structure.
  • DatiTop Cover: The distance between parallel rebars from the top face of the structure.
  • DatiRear Cover: Rear cover for slab reinforcement of parallel rebars.
  • DatiAnchor Length: It represents arm's length of bent shape parallel rebar when parallel rebar type is BentShapeRebar.
  • DatiBent Angle: It represents angle for bent shape parallel rebar when parallel rebar type is BentShapeRebar.
  • DatiRounding: A rounding value to be applied to the corners of the bars, expressed in times of diameter of parallel rebars.
  • DatiDiameter: Diameter of parallel rebars
  • DatiAmount: It contains count of parallel rebars.
  • DatiSpacing: It contains spacing between parallel rebars.

Proprietà di distribuzione delle barre d'armatura per barre d'armatura piegate in direzione parallela alla faccia selezionata:

  • DatiAmount: contiene il conteggio delle Armature di Ripartizione per le Armature Sagomate in direzione parallela.
  • DatiSpacing: contiene il passo tra le Armature di Ripartizione per le Armature Sagomate in direzione parallela.

Proprietà per le barre d'armatura in direzione trasversale rispetto alla faccia selezionata:

  • DatiRebar Type: Type of rebar for cross rebars for slab reinforcement. It can have four values 'StraightRebar', 'LShapeRebar', 'UShapeRebar', 'BentShapeRebar'.
  • DatiFront Cover: The distance between cross rebar and selected face.
  • DatiLeft Cover: The distance between the left end of the cross rebar to the left face of the structure.
  • DatiRight Cover: The distance between the right end of the cross rebar to right face of the structure.
  • DatiBottom Cover: The distance between cross rebars from the bottom face of the structure.
  • DatiTop Cover: The distance between cross rebars from the top face of the structure.
  • DatiRear Cover: Rear cover for slab reinforcement of cross rebars.
  • DatiAnchor Length: It represents arm's length of bent shape cross rebar when cross rebar type is BentShapeRebar.
  • DatiBent Angle: It represents angle for bent shape cross rebar when cross rebar type is BentShapeRebar.
  • DatiRounding: A rounding value to be applied to the corners of the bars, expressed in times of diameter of cross rebars.
  • DatiDiameter: Diameter of cross rebars
  • DatiAmount: It contains count of cross rebars.
  • DatiSpacing: It contains spacing between cross rebars.

Proprietà di distribuzione delle barre d'armatura per barre d'armatura piegate in direzione trasversale rispetto alla faccia selezionata:

  • DatiAmount: contiene il conteggio delle Armature di Ripartizione per le Armature Sagomate in direzione trasversale.
  • DatiSpacing: contiene il passo tra le Armature di Ripartizione per le Armature Sagomate in direzione trasversale.


See also: API di Arch, API di Reinforcement e Script di base per FreeCAD.

The Slab Reinforcement tool can be used from the Python console by using the following function:

Crea Armatura di soletta

from SlabReinforcement.SlabReinforcement import makeSlabReinforcement
SlabReinforcementGroup = makeSlabReinforcement(
    cross_rounding = 2,
    cross_bent_bar_length = 50,
    cross_bent_bar_angle = 135,
    cross_l_shape_hook_orintation = "Alternate",
    cross_distribution_rebars_check = False,
    cross_distribution_rebars_diameter = 8,
    cross_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_check = True,
    cross_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_value = 2,
    parallel_rounding = 2,
    parallel_bent_bar_length = 50,
    parallel_bent_bar_angle = 135,
    parallel_l_shape_hook_orintation = "Alternate",
    parallel_distribution_rebars_check = False,
    parallel_distribution_rebars_diameter = 8,
    parallel_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_check = True,
    parallel_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_value = 2,
    mesh_cover_along = "Bottom",
    structure = None,
    facename = None,
  • Creates a SlabReinforcementGroup object from the given structure, which is a Slab Arch Structure, and facename, which is a face of that structure.
    • If no structure nor facename are given, it will take the user selected face as input.

Proprietà per le barre d'armatura in direzione parallela alla faccia selezionata:

  • Datiparallel_rebar_type: Type of rebar for parallel rebars for slab reinforcement. It can have four values 'StraightRebar', 'LShapeRebar', 'UShapeRebar', 'BentShapeRebar'.
  • Datiparallel_front_cover: The distance between parallel rebar and selected face.
  • Datiparallel_rear_cover: Rear cover for slab reinforcement of parallel rebars.
  • Datiparallel_left_cover: The distance between the left end of the parallel rebar to the left face of the structure.
  • Datiparallel_right_cover: The distance between the right end of the parallel rebar to right face of the structure.
  • Datiparallel_top_cover: The distance between parallel rebars from the top face of the structure.
  • Datiparallel_bottom_cover: The distance between parallel rebars from the bottom face of the structure.
  • Datiparallel_diameter: Diameter of parallel rebars.
  • Datiparallel_amount_spacing_check: If is set to True, then value of parallel_amount_spacing_value is used as rebars count else parallel_amount_spacing_value's value is used as spacing in parallel rebars.
  • Datiparallel_amount_spacing_value: It contains count of rebars or spacing between parallel rebars based on value of amount_spacing_check.
  • Datiparallel_rounding: A rounding value to be applied to the corners of the bars, expressed in times the parallel_diameter.
  • Datiparallel_bent_bar_length: It represents arm's length of bent shape parallel rebar when parallel_rebar_type is BentShapeRebar
  • Datiparallel_bent_bar_angle: It represents angle for bent shape parallel rebar when parallel_rebar_type is BentShapeRebar
  • Datiparallel_l_shape_hook_orintation: It represents orintation of hook of parallel L-Shape rebar if parallel_rebar_type is LShapeRebar. It can have three values "Left", "Right","Alternate"
  • Datiparallel_distribution_rebars_check: If True add distribution rebars for parallel bent shape rebars. Default is False.
  • Datiparallel_distribution_rebars_diameter: Diameter of distribution rebars for parallel bent shape rebars.
  • Datiparallel_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_check: If is set to True, then value of parallel_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_value is used as rebars count else parallel_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_value's value is used as spacing in parallel_distribution_rebars. Default is True.
  • Datiparallel_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_value: It contains count or spacing between distribution rebars for one side of parallel bent shape rebars based on value of parallel_distribution_rebars_check. Default is 2.

Proprietà per le barre d'armatura in direzione trasversale rispetto alla faccia selezionata:

  • Daticross_rebar_type: Type of rebar for cross rebars for slab reinforcement. It can have four values 'StraightRebar', 'LShapeRebar', 'UShapeRebar', 'BentShapeRebar'.
  • Daticross_front_cover: The distance between cross rebar and cross_face (face perpendicular to selected face).
  • Daticross_rear_cover: Rear cover for slab reinforcement of cross rebars.
  • Daticross_left_cover: The distance between the left end of the cross rebar to the left face of the structure.
  • Daticross_right_cover: The distance between the right end of the rebar to right face of the structure relative to cross_face.
  • Daticross_top_cover: The distance between cross rebar from the top face of the structure.
  • Daticross_bottom_cover: The distance between cross rebar from the bottom face of the structure.
  • Daticross_diameter: Diameter of cross rebars.
  • Daticross_amount_spacing_check: If is set to True, then value of cross_amount_spacing_value is used as rebars count else cross_amount_spacing_value's value is used as spacing in rebars.
  • Daticross_amount_spacing_value: It contains count of rebars or spacing between rebars based on value of cross_amount_spacing_check.
  • Daticross_rounding: A rounding value to be applied to the corners of the bars, expressed in times the cross_diameter.
  • Daticross_bent_bar_length: It represents arm's length of bent shape cross rebar when cross_rebar_type is BentShapeRebar
  • Daticross_bent_bar_angle: It represents angle for bent shape cross rebar when cross_rebar_type is BentShapeRebar
  • Daticross_l_shape_hook_orintation: It represents orintation of hook of cross L-Shape rebar if cross_rebar_type is LShapeRebar. It can have three values "Left", "Right", "Alternate"
  • Daticross_distribution_rebars_check: If True add distribution rebars for cross bent shape rebars. Default is False.
  • Daticross_distribution_rebars_diameter: Diameter for distribution rebars for cross bent shape rebars.
  • Daticross_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_check: If is set to True, then value of cross_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_value is used as rebars count else cross_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_value's value is used as spacing in cross_distribution_rebars. Default is True.
  • Daticross_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_value: It contains count or spacing between distribution rebars for one side of cross bent shape rebars based on value of cross_distribution_rebars_check. Default is 2.

Proprietà comuni per le barre d'armatura parallele e trasversali:

  • Datimesh_cover_along: può avere due valori "Top" e "Bottom". Rappresenta l'allineamento della maglia dell'armatura lungo la faccia superiore o inferiore della struttura.
  • Datistructure: oggetto struttura ad arco. L'impostazione predefinita è None
  • Datifacename: faccia selezionata della struttura. L'impostazione predefinita è None

Modifica delle Armature di Soletta

You can change the properties of the Slab Reinforcement with the following function

from SlabReinforcement.SlabReinforcement import editSlabReinforcement
slabReinforcementGroup = editSlabReinforcement(
    cross_rounding = 2,
    cross_bent_bar_length = 50,
    cross_bent_bar_angle = 135,
    cross_l_shape_hook_orintation = "Alternate",
    cross_distribution_rebars_check = False,
    cross_distribution_rebars_diameter = 8,
    cross_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_check = True,
    cross_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_value = 2,
    parallel_rounding = 2,
    parallel_bent_bar_length = 50,
    parallel_bent_bar_angle = 135,
    parallel_l_shape_hook_orintation = "Alternate",
    parallel_distribution_rebars_check = False,
    parallel_distribution_rebars_diameter = 8,
    parallel_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_check = True,
    parallel_distribution_rebars_amount_spacing_value = 2,
    mesh_cover_along: str = "Bottom",
    structure = None,
    facename = None,
  • slabReinforcementGroup is a previously created Slab Reinforcement group object.
  • The other parameters are the same as required by the makeSlabReinforcement() function.

Esempi di Armature di Soletta