Atelierul Arhitectură

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Arch workbench icon


Arch Workbench oferă un flux de lucru modern pentru modeling information building (BIM) pentru FreeCAD, cu suport pentru caracteristici precum entități arhitecturale complet parametrice, cum ar fi pereți, elemente structurale, acoperișuri, ferestre , scări, țevi și mobilier. Acesta susține datele [IFC] industry foundation classes și producerea de planuri de planuri 2D în combinație cu TechDraw.

The Arch Workbench provides a modern building information modelling (BIM) workflow to FreeCAD, with support for features like fully parametric architectural entities such as walls, beams, roofs, windows, stairs, pipes, and furniture. It supports industry foundation classes (IFC) files, and production of 2D floor plans in combination with the TechDraw Workbench.

Atelierul Arch Workbench importă toate uneltele din Draft Workbench, deoarece utilizează obiecte 2D pentru a-și construi obiectele arhitecturale. Cu toate acestea, Arch poate folosi și obiecte solide create pe alte Ateliere de lucru precum Part și PartDesign.

Notă: Funcția BIM a FreeCAD este acum împărțită treptat în acest Atelier Arhitectură, care conține toate instrumentele BIM de bază și BIM Workbench addon, pe care îl puteți instala prin intermediul meniului Tools → Addon Manager, care adaugă un nou strat de interfață deasupra instrumentelor Arch, cu scopul de a face fluxul de lucru BIM în FreeCAD mai intuitiv și convivial.

The developers of Draft, Arch, and BIM also collaborate with the greater OSArch community, with the ultimate goal of improving building design by using entirely free software.


Acestea sunt instrumente pentru crearea obiectelor arhitecturale.

  • Wall: Creates a wall from scratch or using a selected object as a base.
  • Structure: Creates a structural element from scratch or using a selected object as a base.
  • Straight Rebar: Creates a straight reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • U-Shape Rebar: Creates a U-shape reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • L-Shape Rebar: Creates an L-shape reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • Stirrup: Creates a stirrup reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • Bent-Shape Rebar: Creates a bent-shape reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • Helical Rebar: Creates a helical reinforcement bar in a selected structural element.
  • Custom Rebar: Creates a custom reinforcement bar in a selected structural element using a sketch.
  • Building Part: Creates a building part including selected objects.
  • Project: Creates a project including selected objects.
  • Site: Creates a site including selected objects.
  • Building: Creates a building including selected objects.
  • Level: Creates a floor including selected objects.
  • Window: Creates a window from scratch or using a selected object as a base.
  • Roof: Creates a sloped roof from a selected wire.
  • Axis: Adds a 1-direction array of axes.
  • Axis System: Adds an axis system composed of several axes.
  • Grid: Adds a grid-like object.
  • Space: Creates a space object.
  • Stairs: Creates a stairs object.
  • Panel: Creates a panel object from a selected 2D object.
  • Panel Cut: Creates a 2D cut view from a panel.
  • Panel Sheet: Creates a 2D cut sheet including panel cuts or other 2D objects.
  • Nest: Allows to nest several flat objects inside a container shape.
  • Equipment: Creates an equipment or furniture object.
  • Frame: Creates a frame object from a selected layout.
  • Material: Creates a material and attributes it to selected objects, if any.
  • Multi-Material: Creates a multi-material and attributes it to selected objects, if any.
  • Schedule: Creates different types of schedules.
  • Pipe: Creates a pipe.
  • Connector: Creates a corner or T-connection between 2 or 3 selected pipes.

Instrumente de Modificare

Acestea sunt instrumente pentru modificarea obiectelor arhitecturale.

  • Survey: Enters or leaves surveying mode.


Acestea sunt instrumente suplimentare care vă ajută în îndeplinirea unor sarcini specifice.

  • Component: Creates a non-parametric Arch component.
  • Split Mesh: Splits a selected mesh into separate components.
  • Mesh to Shape: Converts a mesh into a shape, unifying coplanar faces.
  • Close holes: Closes holes in a selected shape-based object.
  • Check: Check if the selected objects are solids and don't contain defects.


  • Preferences: preferințele pentru aspectul implicit al pereților, structurilor, barelor, ferestrelor, scărilor, panourilor, țevilor, grilelor și axelor.

Formate de fișier

  • IFC : Industry foundation Classes
  • DAE : Collada mesh format
  • OBJ : Obj mesh format (export only)
  • JSON : JavaScript Object Notation format (export only)
  • 3DS : 3DS format (import only)


Modulul Arch poate fi folosit în scripturile Python scripts și macros utilizând funcții Arch Python API .
