FCGear Ременное зубчатое колесо

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FCGear TimingGear

Menu location
Gear → Timing Gear
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


Назначение ременной передачи газораспределительного механизма (сокращенно ГРМ) состоит в том, чтобы позволить распределительному и коленчатому валу вращать цепь ГРМ. Коленчатый вал вращается, перемещая поршни вверх и вниз внутри цилиндров. Распределительный вал поворачивается, позволяя впускным и выпускным клапанам на цилиндрах открываться и закрываться. Эти компоненты важны для правильного газораспределения внутри двигателя внутреннего сгорания.

Timing gears are connected to a timing belt or timing chain.

Above: Timing gear


  1. Switch to the FCGear Workbench.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Timing Gear button in the toolbar.
    • Select the Gear → Timing Gear option from the menu.
  3. Change the gear parameter to the required conditions (see Properties → Data below).




  • ДанныеPlacement: Placement is the location and orientation of an object in space.
  • ДанныеLabel: User name of the object in the Tree view.


  • Данныеh: Radial height of teeth (not changeable, is calculated automatically).
  • Данныеoffset: X-Offset of second arc mid-point (not changeable, is calculated automatically).
  • Данныеpitch: Pitch of gear (not changeable, is calculated automatically).
  • Данныеr0: Radius of first arc (not changeable, is calculated automatically).
  • Данныеr1: Radius of second arc (not changeable, is calculated automatically).
  • Данныеrs: Radius of third arc (not changeable, is calculated automatically).
  • Данныеu: Radial difference between pitch … diameter and head of gear (not changeable, is calculated automatically).


  • Данныеheight: Default is 5,00 mm. Value of the gear width.
  • Данныеteeth: Default is 20. Number of teeth.
  • Данныеtype: Default is gt2. Type of timing gear – profile pitch for timing belts (see also the information in Notes).


The parameter descriptions of the View tab will be found in Property editor, further below at Example of the properties of a PartDesign object.


  • type: The pitch of the timing belts (distance from tooth centre to tooth centre of consecutive teeth) is specified in types. GT2 has a pitch of 2 mm, GT3 of 3 mm, GT5 of 5 mm etc..

Useful formulas

  • addendum diameter = pitch diameter + 2 * module
  • belt length = 2 * axle base + belt tooth pitch : 2 * (teeth 1 + 2) + belt tooth pitch² : 4 * pi² * axle base * (teeth 1 - 2)²
  • axle base = belt length : 4 - belt tooth pitch : 8 * (teeth 1+2) + ¼ * sqrt [belt length - ½ * belt tooth pitch * (teeth 1+2)² - 2 * belt tooth pitch² * (teeth 1+2)² : pi²]