FEM Netzbereich

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FEM MeshRegion

Menu location
Mesh → FEM mesh region
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FEM tutorial


FEM MeshRegion enables the user to set a localized set of meshing parameters by selecting a set of elements (Vertex, Edge, Face) and applying the parameters to it. It is especially useful for refining meshes in areas of interest or areas where the solver will generate stronger gradient of a variable. For example, it can be used to refine the mesh around stress-risers (sharp edges, circles...) in mechanical analysis, or at areas of contraction in a fluid flow.

Refining the mesh has the advantage of enabling accurate simulation where needed, while allowing coarser mesh in the wider domain, thus drastically optimizing the computation time while maintaining meaningful solutions output.


  1. To enable the function a mesh must be first provided FEM mesh from shape by Gmsh.
    • Select the Mesh object in the Model Tree and press the button.
    • Select the Mesh object in the Model Tree and select the Mesh → FEM mesh region option from the menu.
  2. Edit the maximal element size for the region.
  3. Click the OK button.
  4. Close the task.
    Result: You now should see a new FEMMeshRegion object under the FEMMeshGMSH object (see example #3 below) in your active analysis container.
  5. Double-click on the FEMMeshGMSH parent object in your Model Tree and press Apply to force a mesh recalculation.
  6. Close the task.

Nachdem das Netz generiert wurde, kann der Eigenschafteneditor verwendet werden, um seine Eigenschaften anzupassen. Nach Änderung einer Eigenschaft, muss der Aufgabenbereich FEM-Netz durch Gmsh erneut geöffnet und die Schaltfläche Anwenden gedrückt werden. (Der Aufgabenbereich kann geöffnet bleiben, solange weitere Eigenschaften geändert werden.)

Es können so viele unterschiedliche Netzbereiche wie nötig erstellt werden.

Visual examples

Beispiel 1: Das grobe Start-FEMMeshGMSH

Example 2: After applying a Mesh refinement using two FEMMeshRegion, the large hole is refined to a maximum element size of 3 mm, the smaller hole is refined to 1 mm

Beispiel 3: Ein einfaches Beispiel des entstehenden Modellbaums


The order in which the regions are shown in Tree view could change the mesh result. See this forum thread.


  • "Mesh Regions for a Better Analysis" - Video Tutorial by Joko Engineering (link)