PartDesign Mirrored

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 12:54, 2 July 2014 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs) (Marked this version for translation)

PartDesign Mirrored

Menu location
PartDesign → Mirrored
PartDesign, Complete
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


'Mirror features' - This tool takes a set of one selected features as its input (the 'original'), and produces with it a second set of features mirrored on a plane. For example:


When creating a mirrored feature, the 'Mirrored parameters' dialogue offers two different ways of specifying the mirror plane.

Standard plane

One of the standard planes XY, YZ or XZ can be chosen with the radio buttons.

Select a face

Pressing the button labeled 'Plane' allows to select a face from a pre-existing solid as the mirror plane. Note that the button must be pressed again every time to select a new face.


The mirror result can be previewed in real time before clicking OK by checking "Update view".


  • Currently, only the last feature in the feature tree can be chosen as the 'original'
  • Therefore, it is not possible to choose more than one feature to be mirrored
  • Therefore, it is not possible to select more features to add to the list view of 'originals'
  • Once the Mirrored feature has been started or been completed, it is not possible to replace the original feature for a different one.