Part Part2DObject

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A Part Part2DObject, or formally a Part::Part2DObject, is a simple element with a topological shape associated that can be displayed in the 3D view.

The Part::Part2DObject is derived from a Part Feature, but is specialized for 2D geometry, given that its shape will lie on a plane. This plane is defined by its DataPlacement property (position, normal, and rotation). However, the plane can also be defined by supporting geometrical elements, such as the plane created by three arbitrary vertices, or a face of a solid body.

Simplified diagram of the relationships between the core objects in the program. The Part::Part2DObject class is specialized for 2D shapes, so it is the base class for planar objects created with the Draft and Sketcher workbenches. It includes an extension that allows it to be attached to faces and planes.


The Part Part2DObject is an internal object, so it cannot be created from the graphical interface, only from the Python console as described in the Scripting section.

The Part::Part2DObject is defined in the Part Workbench but can be used as the base class for scripted objects in all workbenches that produce 2D geometrical shapes. For example, it is the base object for sketches (Sketcher SketchObject), and for most objects created with the Draft Workbench.

Workbenches can add more properties to this basic element to produce an object with complex behavior.


See Property for all property types that scripted objects can have.

A Part Part2DObject (Part::Part2DObject class) is derived from a Part Feature object (Part::Feature class) and inherits all its properties.

A Part Part2DObject also has the following additional properties in the Property editor. Hidden properties can be shown by using the Show all command in the context menu of the Property editor.



  • Data (Hidden)Attacher Type (String): class name of the attach engine object driving the attachment. It defaults to Attacher::AttachEnginePlane.
  • DataSupport (LinkSubList): it is the plane or face supporting the 2D geometry. It defaults to an empty list [].
  • DataMap Mode (Enumeration): Deactivated by default. This property determines a plane which the object will use as reference for 2D geometry. Clicking on the ellipsis ... (three dots), to the right of the entry field opens the Part EditAttachment task panel that allows selecting the supporting plane by picking different elements in the 3D view. The different modes are: Deactivated, Translate origin, Object's XY, Object's XZ, Object's YZ, Plane face, Tangent to surface, Normal to edge, Frenet NB, Frenet TN, Frenet TB, Concentric, Revolution section, Plane by 3 points, Normal to 3 points, Folding, Inertia 2-3, Align O-N-X, Align O-N-Y, Align O-X-Y, Align O-X-N, Align O-Y-N, Align O-Y-X. See Part EditAttachment.
  • DataMap Reversed (Bool): it defaults to false; if it is true the Z direction will be reversed. For example, a sketch will be flipped upside down. Hidden if DataMap Mode is Deactivated.
  • Data (Hidden)Map Path Parameter (Float): sets point of curve to map a sketch to. It goes from 0 to 1, which corresponds to the start and end. It defaults to 0.
  • DataAttachment Offset (Placement): the position of the object in the 3D view, with respect to the attachment object's placement. The placement is defined by a Base point (vector), and a Rotation (axis and angle). See Placement. Hidden if DataMap Mode is Deactivated.


See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics and scripted objects.

See Part Feature for the general information on adding objects to the document.

A Part2DObject is created with the addObject() method of the document.

import FreeCAD as App

doc = App.newDocument()
obj = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Part2DObject", "Name")
obj.Label = "Custom label"

This basic Part::Part2DObject doesn't have a Proxy object so it can't be fully used for sub-classing.

For Python subclassing you should create a Part::Part2DObjectPython object.

import FreeCAD as App

doc = App.newDocument()
obj = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Part2DObjectPython", "Name")
obj.Label = "Custom label"

For example, most tools from the Draft Workbench, like Draft Line, Draft Rectangle, Draft Polygon, etc., are Part::Part2DObjectPython objects with a custom icon and additional properties.