
From FreeCAD Documentation
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O FreeCAD, como outros programas como o Revit ou Catia, é baseado no conceito de bancadas. Uma bancada pode ser considerada como um conjunto de ferramentas agrupadas para fazer uma certa tarefa. Numa oficina de carpintaria tradicional, haveria uma mesa para a pessoa que trabalha com madeira, outra para peças metálicas, e talvez uma terceira para a pessoa que faz a montagem das várias peças.

FreeCAD, like many modern design applications such as Revit or CATIA, is based on the concept of Workbench. A workbench can be considered as a set of tools specially grouped for a certain task. In a traditional furniture workshop, you would have a work table for the person who works with wood, another one for the one who works with metal pieces, and maybe a third one for the guy who mounts all the pieces together.

No FreeCAD aplica-se o mesmo conceito. As ferramentas são agrupadas em bancadas de acordo com as tarefas em que são usadas.

Quando muda de uma bancada para a outra, as ferramentas disponíveis no interface mudam. As barras de ferramentas, barras de comandos e eventualemnte outras partes do interface mudam com a nova bancada, mas os conteúdos do seu trabalho não mudam. Poderia, por exemplo, começar a desenhar formas em 2D com a Bancada de Desenho, e depois fazer mais trabalho na Bancada de Peças.

Note that sometimes a Workbench is referred to as a Module. However, Workbenches and Modules are different entities. A Module is any extension of FreeCAD, while a Workbench is a special type of Module with a GUI configuration (toolbars and menus).

Built-in workbenches

Neste momanto estão disponíveis as seguintes bancadas:

  • Std Base. This is not really a workbench, but rather a category of 'standard' commands and tools that can be used in all workbenches.
  • The FEM Workbench provides Finite Element Analysis (FEA) workflow.
  • The Inspection Workbench is made to give you specific tools for examination of shapes. It is still under development.
  • The Path Workbench is used to produce G-Code instructions. It is still under development.
  • The Reverse Engineering Workbench is intended to provide specific tools to convert shapes/solids/meshes into parametric FreeCAD-compatible features. It is still under development.
  • The Surface Workbench provides tools to create and modify surfaces. It is similar as the Part Shape builder Face from edges.


The following workbenches are still included in the base installation for compatibility purposes, but they should no longer be used.

External workbenches

FreeCAD workbenches are easy to program in Python, there are therefore many people developing additional workbenches outside of the FreeCAD main development area.

The external workbenches page lists all that are known to this community. Most are easily installable from within FreeCAD, using the Addon Manager, found under menu Tools → Addon manager.

Há mais bancadas em desenvolvimento, mantenha-se atento!

Property editor/pt
PartDesign Workbench/pt