Std: Styl kreślenia

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Std DrawStyle

Menu location
Widok → Styl kreślenia → ...
Default shortcut
V 1 - V 7
Introduced in version
See also
Ramka otaczająca


Polecenie Styl kreślenia może zastąpić efekt WIDOKwyświetlanego trybu właściwości obiektów w oknie widoku 3D.


  1. Istnieje kilka sposobów na wywołanie polecenia:
    • Kliknij na czarną strzałkę w dół po prawej stronie przycisku Styl kreślenia i wybierz styl z menu podręcznego.
    • W menu przejdź do Widok → Styl kreślenia i wybierz styl.
    • W menu kontekstowym okna widoku 3D przejdź do Styl kreślenia i wybierz styl.
    • Użyj jednego ze skrótów klawiaturowych: V, a następnie 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 lub 7.

Dostępne style kreślenia


The As is style does not override the WIDOKDisplay Mode of objects.

4 identical objects each with a different Display Mode (from left to right: 'Points', 'Wireframe', 'Shaded' and 'Flat lines') with the 'As is' draw style applied


The Points style overrides the WIDOKDisplay Mode of objects. This style matches the 'Points' Display Mode. Vertices are displayed in solid colors. Edges and faces are not displayed.

The same objects with the 'Points' draw style applied


The Wireframe style overrides the WIDOKDisplay Mode of objects. This style matches the 'Wireframe' Display Mode. Vertices and edges are displayed in solid colors. Faces are not displayed.

The same objects with the 'Wireframe' draw style applied

Hidden line

The Hidden line style overrides the WIDOKDisplay Mode of objects. Objects are displayed as if converted to triangular meshes.

The same objects with the 'Hidden line' draw style applied

No shading

The No shading style overrides the WIDOKDisplay Mode of objects. Vertices, edges and faces are displayed in solid colors.

The same objects with the 'No shading' draw style applied


The Shaded style overrides the WIDOKDisplay Mode of objects. This style matches the 'Shaded' Display Mode. Vertices and edges are not displayed. Faces are illuminated depending on their orientation.

The same objects with the 'Shaded' draw style applied

Flat lines

The Flat lines style overrides the WIDOKDisplay Mode of objects. This style matches the 'Flat lines' Display Mode. Vertices and edges are displayed in solid colors. Faces are illuminated depending on their orientation.

The same objects with the 'Flat lines' draw style applied


  • Objects in a 3D view also have a WIDOKDraw Style property. This property controls the linetype used for the edges. The Std DrawStyle command does not override this property.
  • For a macro to toggle between two draw styles see: Macro Toggle Drawstyle.