Atelier ModernUI

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Icône de l'atelier ModernUI


L'atelier ModernUI est un Atelier externe qui remplace l'interface utilisateur standard. Il possède des fonctionnalités modernes telles que :

  • Chaque atelier a son onglet ruban.
  • L'onglet ruban Modern UI remplace le menu de niveau supérieur.
  • L'activation de l'onglet du ruban d'un atelier fait apparaître des groupes d'outils de l'atelier.
  • Les panneaux tels que la Vue combinée sont réduits/agrandis au passage de la souris.


Limitations and Troubleshooting

  • If you experience unexpected behavior, always first try to uninstall and then reinstall the ModernUI workbench.
  • The workbench is primarily tested with English and may exhibit unexpected behavior in other languages.
  • Installing more workbenches after installing ModernUI may cause problems.


Install with the Addon Manager.

Note: To uninstall, you have to create a macro and execute it. If you do not feel confident about this, consider to not install.

Running Modern UI in a self-contained directory

To easily test Modern UI without interfering with your standard configuration, you can contain it in a separate directory. Uninstalling Modern UI is then simply accomplished by deleting the directory. introduced in version 0.19


For example:

$ mkdir modernUI  # new directory that contains Modern UI
$ cd modernUI

When starting FreeCAD like this for the first time, you have a new default configuration. Now install (and configure) Modern UI. This is essentially a portable FreeCAD version.

Instead of using the command line, you can also create a dedicated desktop icon.


There are not dedicated instructions for Windows yet, however, it is very similar to creating a portable version of FreeCAD on a USB medium.


Detailed instructions can be found on GitHub.

The uninstall sequence is as follows:

  1. Uninstall with the Addon Manager.
  2. Restart FreeCAD.
  3. Create a macro with this code:
    from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
    mw = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow()
    WBList = FreeCADGui.listWorkbenches()
    for WB in WBList:
        for tb in mw.findChildren(QtWidgets.QToolBar):
  4. Execute the macro.
  5. Restart FreeCAD.
