
From FreeCAD Documentation
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这是 FreeCAD 为新手提供主要帮助的区域。

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如果你想要为 FreeCAD 作出贡献,请参阅 帮助FreeCAD页面。如果你想编辑这个维基,请到 论坛 中请求一个具有编辑权限的维基账号,并且你遵循 WikiPages 中描述的通用指引进行编辑。


FreeCAD 的使用


See also:


  • 鼠标模块: 如何用鼠标在3D空间中游荡。
  • 文档结构: 一个FreeCAD文档是怎样组织的。
  • 偏好项个性化: 如何按你的需要配置FreeCAD。
  • 属性: 在FreeCAD里,如何使用对象属性。
  • 工作台式: FreeCAD怎样排布交互界面。
  • : 如何轻松实现重复任务的自动化。
  • 文件格式: FreeCAD能够读写的不同文件格式。



Workbenches are collections of tools used for specific tasks. These are the base workbenches bundled with every FreeCAD installation:

  • Std Base. This is not really a workbench, but rather a category of 'standard' commands and tools that can be used in all workbenches.
  • The FEM Workbench provides Finite Element Analysis (FEA) workflow.
  • The Inspection Workbench is made to give you specific tools for examination of shapes. It is still under development.
  • The Path Workbench is used to produce G-Code instructions. It is still under development.
  • The Reverse Engineering Workbench is intended to provide specific tools to convert shapes/solids/meshes into parametric FreeCAD-compatible features. It is still under development.



Macros are relatively small snippets of Python code that perform a simple or a complex task that is not available in the base FreeCAD system.

Power users have written various macros to enhance FreeCAD with more capabilities.

自FreeCAD 0.17版开始,可以利用Addon Manager来安装宏。对于现存的宏而言,可以参考macros recipes 页面。而手动安装宏则可查阅How to install macros.


发烧友们为FreeCAD创建了各种各样的外挂工作台,他们虽然还没有集成到FreeCAD的源代码中,但是他们很容易安装到本地的FreeCAD上面。你可以 在这里看到所有已经可用的的工作台。 对于安装这些工作台的指导说明,你可以参考教程如何安装附加工作台

When many macros or functions are developed together, and are organized in toolbars and menus, they can become a new workbench.

External workbenches are collections of functions that are not part of the base FreeCAD system, usually developed by experienced users, and targeting a particular need.

自FreeCAD 0.17版开始,可利用Addon Manager来安装这些工作台。关于手动安装请参考How to install additional workbenches





  • 如果你想看到更多FreeCAD的高级用法,就应该去发烧友入口看看。
  • 建筑工作流程:给出了一个实例,说明FreeCAD开始能在建筑工作流程中找到一席之地了。
  • 如果你想帮助FreeCAD项目,请直奔帮助FreeCAD页面。
  • FreeCAD社区贡献大厅列出了一些项目,它们围绕FreeCAD,都是社区成员自己做的。
  • 不明白一个词或说法在FreeCAD中的意思?试试查阅词汇表吧。