Sketcher Tutorial

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 21:05, 2 June 2014 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Dopo che vengono definite le proprietà del triangolo, esso deve ancora essere fissato nel piano di disegno. Il piano di sketcher ha un sistema di coordinate. L'origine del si...")


Sketcher è uno strumento per generare oggetti 2D da usare nella progettazioni di parti. Sketcher è diverso dagli strumenti di disegno tradizionali. Un modo per mostrare la differenza è la costruzione di un triangolo. Un triangolo è completamente definito da tre valori, che possono essere qualsiasi dalla lista seguente: lunghezza dei lati, angoli, altezza, area. L'unica eccezione è tre angoli, che non definisce la dimensione.

Per costruire un triangolo da 3 lunghezze in modo tradizionale, si deve fatto in questo modo:

  • disegnare la linea della base
  • fare due cerchi di raggio uguale alla lunghezza degli altri due lati, o in alternativa calcolare le coordinate del terzo vertice
  • disegnare i due lati mancanti dalle estremità della linea di base al punto di incrocio dei due cerchi o al vertice calcolato.

La pagina wikipedia:Triangle di wikipedia mostra una raccolta di formule per calcolare le informazioni mancanti, per disegnare un triangolo dalle minime specifiche. Quelle che sono necessarie, se il triangolo deve essere definito da coordinate pre-calcolate.

Sketcher è diverso. Le formule e le costruzioni di supporto fatte sopra non sono necessarie. Per capire la differenza, è meglio costruire un triangolo da soli.

Primo schizzo: un triangolo

Per creare uno schizzo serve un documento aperto. Quando non c'è alcun documento aperto, crearne un nuovo cliccando su Si deve selezionare l'ambiente Sketcher:

Facendo clic su viene creato un nuovo schizzo. Viene visualizzata una finestra di dialogo, in cui è possibile selezionare l'orientamento del nuovo schizzo nello spazio 3D. In questo caso non è importante, quindi può essere confermato il piano xy. Viene creato un nuovo schizzo vuoto e aperto in modalità di modifica. Viene visualizzata una griglia con un sistema di coordinate e con un punto rosso nell'origine.

In Sketcher si può disegnare un triangolo arbitrario con lo strumento polilinea e definirne le proprietà in un passaggio successivo. Ogni clic nel piano di disegno fissa un vertice. Il triangolo deve essere chiuso. Così per l'ultima linea è necessario un click sul primo vertice creato. Un punto rosso dovrebbe essere visibile vicino al puntatore del mouse prima di fare clic.

Questo fa in modo che l'ultimo vertice coincida con il primo e il profilo sia chiuso. I simboli che compaiono sotto il puntatore del disegno indicano gli auto-vincoli. Essi vengono impostati automaticamente cliccando in questa posizione. Il punto rosso sotto il puntatore disegno indica un vincolo coincidenza di due vertici, cioè i vertici di questi diversi elementi del disegno sono vincolati nella stessa posizione.

Il triangolo formato in questo modo è flessibile. Un vertice può essere selezionato e trascinato in giro con il mouse. I lati del triangolo seguono il vertice. La stessa cosa si può fare con una linea.

Ora si può facilmente definire tutte le lunghezze dei lati selezionandoli con il mouse: l'elemento selezionato diventa verde. Cliccando sullo strumento lunghezza si apre una finestra in cui inserire la lunghezza desiderata. L'immagine sottostante mostra un triangolo con lunghezze dei laterali impostate a 35 mm, 27 mm e 25 mm. La linea di base è stato fissata in orizzontale selezionandola e cliccando sullo strumento vincolo orizzontale.

Queste definizioni di lunghezza sono chiamate vincoli. I vincoli sono utilizzati per definire un disegno fisso partendo da una geometria flessibile. Sketcher fornisce tutti i vincoli necessari per definire qualsiasi tipo di triangolo. Solo l'area non può essere usata per definire un triangolo. Quindi il triangolo creato può essere ridefinito cambiando il valore di un vincolo o eliminando dei vincoli e aggiungendone altri. Ecco un elenco di triangoli con altre proprietà date. Non è difficile trasformare il triangolo appena creato in uno di questi.

  • Uno o due angoli dati: Devono essere selezionati due lati del triangolo. Con un click su si apre una finestra di dialogo per definire l'angolo.

  • Triangolo rettangolo: Devono essere selezionati due lati del triangolo. Con un click su si imposta un angolo retto tra le due parti.

  • Equilatero: Un lato deve essere impostato ad una lunghezza definita. Poi si devono selezionare tutti i lati. Con un click su si definisce due vincoli di uguale lunghezza, per dare a tutti i lati la stessa lunghezza.

  • Isoscele (due lunghezze uguali) con data altezza: Selezionare i primi due lati con lunghezza uguale. Con un click su imposta una parità tra i due lati. Quindi selezionare la linea di base e il vertice opposto e fare clic sullo strumento lunghezza.

I vincoli possono essere selezionati facendo clic sul simbolo o facendo clic nella lista dei vincoli. Essi possono essere cancellati o modificati dopo un doppio clic. Un triangolo dato può essere successivamente trasformato in un altro tipo di triangolo editando o modificando i vincoli. Sketcher è una parte di approccio alla modellazione parametrica di FreeCAD. Quanto si è creato, può essere facilmente modificato in un secondo tempo, se per esempio serve una variante del disegno.

I triangoli mostrati sopra hanno le linee bianche. Questa è un'indicazione che il disegno ha alcuni gradi di libertà. Si può fare un test cercando di trascinare alcune linee o punti. Se la linea o il punto si muovono, questo elemento non è completamente definito. Uno schizzo senza gradi di libertà diventa verde.

Al triangolo isoscele manca l'impostazione della lunghezza della base e si può spostare e ruotare liberamente nel piano di disegno.

Dopo che vengono definite le proprietà del triangolo, esso deve ancora essere fissato nel piano di disegno. Il piano di sketcher ha un sistema di coordinate. L'origine del sistema di coordinate è visibile come puntino rosso al centro dell'asse rosa x e dell'asse verde chiaro y. Il modo più semplice per fissarlo è quello di selezionare un vertice e fare clic su. Questo aggiunge una distanza orizzontale e una distanza verticale dal vertice l'origine del sistema di coordinate. Il triangolo può ancora avere un grado di libertà di rotazione. Quindi bisogna vincolare uno dei lati orizzontale o verticale oppure vincolare un angolo definito da uno degli assi del sistema di coordinate. L'immagine successiva mostra uno schizzo completamente vincolato. Tutte le linee e i vertici ora hanno un colore verde.

More about Constraints

The sketcher does not know the triangle formulas from the wikipedia. Instead it sets up a system of equation for the 2-dimensional coordinates based on the given constraints. This system of equations is then solved numerically.

In this way a wide variety of geometric problem can be solved. But there is also a disadvantage. If the set of equations has multiple solutions, we may get something totally different from what we expect. This is especially annoying, if the same design should be used for different dimensions. The typical symptom is, that after a change of a length constraint, the sketch flips to something totally different. A simple example is the division of a distance into three equal partitions. The following picture shows three lines in a row with equality and parallel constraint set. The total distance is set to 10 mm.

This works well, as long as only larger distances are put in. When the distance is reduced above a certain ratio, the lines are folding together. So we do not get any more a third of the given distance but the distance itself or two third of it. Some lines of our row have changed their orientation. This gives still a valid solution for the set of constraints, but is not what was intended. So following image of the same sketch shows this. The length constraint was set to 1000 mm and then reduced to 5 mm.

The solution is to define an angle of 180° between the partition lines as replacement of the parallel constraint. The 180°-constraint has only one solution. The sketch is now robust against large changes of the distance. It has to be said, that also a 0°-constraint serves for the same purpose, where appropriate.

The 180°-constraint is a solution for a lot of problems. Some older versions of FreeCAD have problems to show the 180°-constraint in the sketcher plane. In most of the cases the 180°-arc is not shown as expected in the sketcher drawing plane. This is a known issue for FreeCAD before version 14.3613.

In case of several incremental dimensions in a straight line, it may be advisable to draw a zig-zag-line first and then set the 180°-constraints. This helps, not forgetting one, or setting one twice.

The following table shows some constraints combinations for the definition of a simple elbow. The combination was tested by enlarging the 10 mm length horizontal dimension to greater values until the elbow flips its orientation. The table documents for each shown constraint combination the changed length where the flipping occurs.

Constraints Combination Remarks

Definition of length: Equality constraint for definition of length

Definition of orientation: horizontal and vertical constraints

Flips at 51 mm

Definition of length: Equality constraint for definition of vertical length, arc for definition of horizontal length.

Definition of orientation: two points for definition of orientation of horizontal line and vertical constraints

Flips at 52 mm

Definition of length: Equality constraint for definition of length

Definition of orientation: horizontal line perpendicular to Y-axis and vertical line with vertical constraint

Flips at 51 mm

Definition of length: Horizontal length defined with the general length constraint. Equality constraint for definition of vertical length.

Definition of orientation: horizontal and vertical constraints

Flips at 82 mm

Definition of length: Horizontal length defined with the horizontal length constraint. Equality constraint for definition of vertical length.

Definition of orientation: horizontal and vertical constraints

The horizontal line does not flip at a test of 10 km, but the vertical line was flipped!

Definition of length: Equality constraint for definition of length

Definition of orientation: horizontal line 90°-angle to vertical line and vertical line with vertical constraint

Flips not, tested up to 10 km

The test showed the following: larger changes of dimension constraints may cause a flipping of some lines of the sketch due to multiple solutions of the underlying system of equations. The only constraints that do preserve the orientation of the elements they are applied to, are the angle constraint and the horizontal and vertical dimension constraints. The differences between the other constraints regarding maintaining orientation are minor.

Recommendation: Use angle constraints and horizontal and vertical dimension constraints at critical places in order to make a sketch robust against dimension changes.

Problematic combination of constraints

Sometimes two or more constraints define the same property. An example can be made of two connected lines, where the connection point is the center point of a symmetry constraint for the endpoints of the lines. Those lines now have equal length and are parallel. All this is the consequence of the symmetry constraint.

What happens, if those two lines already have an equality constraint and a parallel constraint and the symmetry constraint is added too? Now the parallel property is defined by two constraints and the equal length is also defined by two constraints. In principle the underlying system of equations should have a solution. But there may be numerical problems. This can be tested by trying to move the lines. In most cases the lines are frozen, even if the sketcher still reports several degrees of freedom.

The above case shows a problem that seems to be difficult to solve for the sketcher programmers. So the user has to take care, to avoid such situations. Sketches with redundant constraints do behave unexpected and problematic. Symptoms of those redundant constraints are the above frozen state or reported redundant constraints after modifying a different object in the sketch.

In general the sketcher gives a warning, when redundant constraints are detected. But this detection mechanism seems not to work in all cases. When the problem is recognized, it can be avoided by just deleting the redundant constraints. Sometimes it is necessary to choose a different combination of constraints.

The following cases are sources for redundant constraints:

  • An equality constraint for two radii of the same arc
  • An symmetry constraint for two radii of the same arc
  • A symmetry constraint in combination with parallel, equality and or perpendicular constraints

A different problematic case are parallels with an intersection point in infinity. It is possible to set a 180°-constraint for two parallel lines without an intersection point. This is not recommended. An angle to an other line or axis should be used instead.

A different problem is the change of orientation of angles. This can happen if, angle changes above 180° are made. Doing this in smaller steps avoid the problem.

Construction Lines - Step by Step Example

In the first part was shown, that helper constructions are not necessary for the triangle. But nevertheless the sketcher provides construction geometry, which is useful for more complex problems. Any line can be converted to a construction line with the button. The construction lines are shown in the sketch as blue lines. They can be used for constraints in the same way as other lines, but are not shown and not used when the sketch is closed.

Giving the task to make a rectangle with the side length having the golden ratio. Wikipedia shows how to construct two lines with a length ratio of the golden ratio.

The sketcher is a perfect tool to construct a rectangle with the golden ratio for the side length. The size of the rectangle can be later changed without making a new construction. The construction steps for the golden ratio according to Wikipedia are:

  1. Having a line segment AB, construct a perpendicular BC at point B, with BC half the length of AB. Draw the hypotenuse AC.
  2. Draw an arc with center C and radius BC. This arc intersects the hypotenuse AC at point D.
  3. Draw an arc with center A and radius AD. This arc intersects the original line segment AB at point S. Point S divides the original segment AB into line segments AS and SB with lengths in the golden ratio.

Here is a step by step explanation, how this can be done.

  • Make a new sketch as explained at the triangle example.
  • Draw a rectangle in the sketch. Use the button File:Sketcher Rectangle.svg The following picture shows the rectangle. FreeCAD did add horizontal and vertical constraints to the rectangle. This rectangle can not be rotated.

The rectangle should stay in the center of the coordinate system. To achieve this, a symmetry constraint is added to a horizontal line. This is done by selecting first the two vertices of the horizontal line and then the vertical axis of the coordinate system. The symmetry constraint is added by clicking on the button . The same is done for a vertical line, but instead now the horizontal axis is selected as symmetry axis. The picture below shows the result. The rectangle stays now at the center and can only be resized but not moved.

This was the preparation for the rectangle. The top horizontal line should be the distance AS of the golden ration construction. An additional line is needed to represent the SB-distance. It is drawn a little bit skewed as shown below. This avoids the auto-constraining to horizontal. This line should instead be constrained later with a 180°-angle, in order to avoid the existence of multiple solutions to the constructed constrain-combination. If the line is drawn with an horizontal constrained, the sketcher will complain later at adding the 180°-angle constrained. The horizontal constrained has to be removed in such a case. The picture shows how to add an angle-constraint by selecting two lines and clicking at . After adding a line, it is often advisable to drag at the line with the mouse. This will easily show, if a line is not attached to the other drawn elements. If a line is not connected right to the other lines, problems may arise in later steps of the part construction.

The last line is not part of the rectangle. It is therefore necessary to convert it into a construction line. Selecting the line and clicking at the button does the conversion.

The line has now a blue color as visible below. The recipe from Wikipedia for the golden ratio requires a line half of the distance AB. In order to get a reference point for this, an additional vertex is set at the line with the tool. This is shown below.

The reference point should stay at the center of the distance AB. This will be achieved by selecting first the two endpoints of the distance AB and third selecting the center point. When all three points are selected in the right sequence, the symmetry constraint can be set at clicking at the button, as shown below.

The Picture below shows already the second side BC of the construction triangle. This line was drawn as described above and converted to a construction line. This line must have a vertical constraint as visible in the picture. This can be easily achieved be drawing the line nearly vertical. If the line is nearly vertical a vertical constraint symbol is shown and set by the Sketcher when finishing the line at this state.

The line BC must have half of the length of AB. There is only a reference point available for this purpose, so the equality constraint can not be used. The equality constraint would need a line with this length as reference, which is not available in the construction. Therefore the classical arc is used to define the length BC. The picture below shows the drawing of the arc. The arc-tool [[Image:|24px]] is used. First the center point is set at B. The point should be visible beneath the arc-tool at clicking at B. Often the arc-tool has not has to be not directly over the target point but a little beneath, in order to get the coincidence point visible. Second the radius of the arc is defined by setting the next point at the reference point. The last point of the arc is set in the neighborhood of the point C. It is important, that the first two points are fixed to C and the center point. This should be tested with dragging at the arc after finishing it.

In order to define the length of BC, the line must end at the arc. This will be done by setting a coincidence constraint between the last arc point and the C point as shown below. Both points have to be selected and the create a coincidence button has to be clicked.

The next picture shows the ready triangle. The hypotenuse AC is already drawn and converted to a construction line.

Now step 2 of the Wikipedia recipe has to be constructed. A second arc has to be drawn with the center point at C and the starting point at B. The last point should be end at the hypotenuse as shown in the picture below.

The drawn arc was converted to a construction line. Now step 3 of the Wikipedia recipe starts with drawing the last arc as shown in the picture below. The radius of this arc has to be defined with the above constructed point on the hypotenuse. The last point will usually not end at a corner of the rectangle. But this is not a problem, as it will be fixed later. The last point may set as shown below.

Now the final step has to be made, in order to made the horizontal line of the rectangle equal to the distance AS. This is shown below by setting a coincidence constraint between the end of the last arc and the corner of the rectangle.

Now the vertical line has to be made the length of the distance SC. Setting an equality constraint by selecting the button as shown below, will do this.

The next picture shows the rectangle with a side length ratio equal to the golden ratio. The rectangle should have only left one degree of freedom. So at dragging at it, it should only change its size but not move. If a certain size of one side is needed, a length constraint can be added to this side. Other wise the sketch is ready and can be closed. Only a rectangle should than be visible in the FreeCAD window.

Exercise: resilient sketch

The above example introduced construction lines. Now some important things to make resilient sketches are discussed. Here is an exercise to get some practice at working with the sketcher. The goal is to make a sketch for something like a special frame as shown below.

There should be only three dimensions needed to define the frame. In order to make changing dimensions easier, the constraints can be renamed to something memorable. Just select the constraint in the list view and press <F2>. The constraint can be named for example to "Thickness". The drawing below shows the dimensions. The peak at the right side should have two times the wall thickness.

The sketch should look as intended also after changing the key dimensions for example to 2000 mm and back to 30. You may need to use angle constraints at certain places to reach this goal. The picture below shows a sketch, which was not robust against such changes. It is unusable now. In order to get the original state back, the undo-button can be used.

The above sketch is unusable for the Part-Design Workbench. Only Profile without intersecting lines are allowed. Construction lines may intersect. Those are not used for making solids.

One of the main usage of the Sketcher is the construction of parts in the Part-Design-workbench. The already existing geometry can be used similar to construction lines. As this tutorial takes its focus more on the basic sketcher functionality, have a look here for usage of external geometry: Sketcher_External