Ayuda a FreeCAD

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 21:34, 21 March 2014 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Traduce la documentación === * Traducir la documentación: Traducir esta wiki es sencillo, simplemente necesitas añadir una página con el código del idioma (/language...")

Si te gusta FreeCAD y quieres ayudar a su desarrollo, hay diversas cosas que puedes hacer, incluso si no eres programador. En realidad, hay cosas que hacer para todos: usuarios, usuarios avanzados y programadores:

Trabaja en la documentación

Ayúdanos a construir, corregir y extender esta documentación. Corrige los errores, extiende o corrige las páginas que no sean claras, crea nuevas páginas si un tema no se ha incluido, etc. Para editar la wiki, necesitas una cuenta de SourceForge, luego, puedes utilizar el mismo nombre de usuario y contraseña en esta wiki. Entonces, solicita en los foros o en el canal de IRC permisos de escritura (la wiki está protegida contra escritura para evitar el spam).

Algunas áreas en las que será bienvenido tu trabajo:

  • La página de la Lista de comandos y la documentación de todos los comandos de FreeCAD. La mayoría de ellos tiene poca o ninguna información. La página Std_ViewScreenShot es un buen ejemplo de lo que deberían ser los demás comandos.
  • La sección de Tutoriales aún es muy pobre. Si creas algo interesante con FreeCAD, por qué no escribir cómo lo hiciste?

Comparte tus conocimientos de FreeCAD

La comunidad de usuarios que rodea a FreeCAD aún es pequeña, pero ya incluye varios usuarios avanzados que realizan un trabajo muy importante mostrando a los recién llegados como utilizar el software. Si te empiezas a sentir cómodo con FreeCAD, tus conocimientos podrían ser muy apreciados por otros, y podrías contribuir con asuntos importantes , como:

  • Mostrando el trabajo que haces con FreeCAD en este hilo del foro. Puedes publicar capturas de pantalla, e incluso mejor aún, adjuntar adjuntar tus archivos de FreeCAD así otras personas podrán examinarlos y comprender como los hiciste.
  • Grabar vídeos mostrando como hiciste algo interesante en FreeCAD. Estos vídeos normalmente hacen un gran trabajo mostrando el funcionamiento de las nuevas características.
  • Escribe tutoriales describiendo o enseñando algo interesante. Puedes escribir tutoriales en tu propio blog, directamente en nuestra wiki, o incluso en el foro.

Traduce FreeCAD

  • Traduce FreeCAD a tu idioma. Todos los textos de la interfaz de FreeCAD se pueden traducir fácilmente a otros idiomas. Todo lo que necesitamos es alguien que sepa ese otro idioma y quiera ayudar! Actualmente tenemos traducciones en inglés, alemán y francés. Todas las traducciones se realizan online en [crowdin].

For details on translation, see FreeCAD Wiki Translation Process under Localisation.

Traduce la documentación

  • Traducir la documentación: Traducir esta wiki es sencillo, simplemente necesitas añadir una página con el código del idioma (/languagecode) para crear la traducción. Por ejemplo, para traducir la página Part_Module (su url termina con index.php?title=Part_Module) al francés, simplemente tendrías que añadir /fr a la url, lo cual creará una página Part_Module/fr.

For details on translation, see FreeCAD Wiki Translation Process under Localisation.

Please be sure to be familiar with the WikiPages style guide, which includes rules for good translations.

Help others to know FreeCAD

  • Talk about FreeCAD to other people who might be interested
  • Find interesting uses for FreeCAD, and document it, for example with screenshots. FreeCAD is very young, and not many people see what they can do with it. If you are a FreeCAD fan already, you surely know some cool thing FreeCAD can do. Help us to show that to others!
  • Hang on the forum, and help newcomers to solve basic questions
  • Write tutorials, record videos, etc... showing what you do with FreeCAD
  • Contribute with files, drawings, etc... We still lack good example files of what can be done with FreeCAD

Report bugs and ask for interesting features

The place to report bugs and suggest new features is the FreeCAD Tracker. In order to save developers time (triaging and handling hard to understand bugs can be very time consuming), and avoid frustrations because your issue was not handled the way you would like, please read the following:

  • Bugs and features requests are handled in the same tracker. Just mark your issue as "bug" (something that doesn't work as it should) or "feature" (something that is not there but you think it would be good to have)
  • Although you can submit issues anonymously, please use your sourceforge account (create one if needed), so you can be notified when someone adds notes to the issue. In many cases, the person who will handle the bug will need more information from you.
  • When reporting a bug, the most important point is to allow developers to reproduce it. Be sure to include the exact steps needed to make the bug happen, so another person can do the same and see the bug happen on his machine too. If the developer cannot see the bug, he cannot solve it either.
  • Also include information that can help developers to situate the problem, like the operating system you are running FreeCAD on, the version of FreeCAD (for example 0.11) and the revision number (for example 4955). Both those numbers are available on the Help -> about FreeCAD dialog.
  • If you are not sure whether what you found is a bug or not, the best way is to head to the forum and discuss it there first.
  • Before submitting a feature request, it might also be a good idea to discuss it with other users on the forum, so you might end up with a more solid proposal, with more chances to interest a developer to implement it.
  • Remember that FreeCAD is developed by volunteers who use their free time to work on it. Although everyone tries his best to make the best possible application, your bug report might be treated with low priority, or canceled if you cannot give sufficient information, and your feature request might be postponed or even refused if no developer has interest in implement it or if that would request unrealistic amount of work.

Design artwork

See the Artwork page for guidelines about designing icons for FreeCAD.


Writing code for FreeCAD is not hard, and you don't need any permission, you can start right now to work on something you want, then submit a patch or request a merge from a git branch. But to avoid some headache you should meet the following prerequisites first:

  • FreeCAD goes at its own pace, and has a very small team of developers. We have not as much time as we would like to dedicate to FreeCAD, and things are not planned ahead, they are done when some developer sees it fit and when he finds time to do it. So we don't maintain a list of tasks to be done. It is up to you to find something you would like to do, for example a defect you would like to correct, or a small feature you think is missing. The tracker also contains some items that are not yet assigned to anybody.
  • Before you start to code for FreeCAD, you must know well how FreeCAD works. This seems obvious, but if you don't know how it is supposed to work you won't know what to do internally or how to do it.
  • Almost everything can be done either in python or C++. The internals work almost the same in both languages. We suggest you read through the Power users hub pages, even if you're going to code in C++, since it will give you a good overview of the internals.
  • If you are going to work in C++, make sure you can compile FreeCAD without problems first.
  • Present yourself to other developers. FreeCAD is before anything a social project, we discuss a lot of things on the forum before implementing it, and it's always best to discuss your ideas and tell people what you are planning to do before actually doing it. We also have an IRC channel, but the forum is the one and only place where you can meet all the developers.