Arch MehrfachMaterial

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Revision as of 12:32, 3 September 2020 by Maker (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Das Multi-Material Werkzeug definiert eine Liste von Materialien mit, für jedes Material, einen Namen und einem Dickenwert. Diese Multimaterialliste kann dann...")

Arch MehrfachMaterial

Arch → Material Werkzeuge → Mehrfach-Material
Arch, BIM
Eingeführt in Version
Siehe auch
Arch SetMaterial, Arch CompSetMaterial


Das Multi-Material Werkzeug definiert eine Liste von Materialien mit, für jedes Material, einen Namen und einem Dickenwert. Diese Multimaterialliste kann dann zu einem Bogen Objekt anstelle eines einzelnen Arch Material hinzugefügt werden.

Not all Arch objects can currently make use of multi-materials, and the use they do of it differs. Currently:

  • Walls with a MultiMaterial will use the material definitions and thicknesses to create a multi-layer wall
  • Windows with a MultiMaterial will attribute materials with a given name defined inside the MultiMaterial to window components with a same name or type (see below). Material thickness is not considered.
  • Panels with a MultiMaterial will use the material definitions and thicknesses to create a multi-layer panel


  1. Create first a series of Arch Materials that you will need in your Multi-Material.
  2. Optionally, select an Arch object you wish to attribute the new Multi-Material to.
  3. Press the Multi-Material button.
  4. Set the desired material layers.


Upon creating or editing a multi-material by double-clicking it in the tree, the following options are available:

  • Duplicate another existing Multi-Material from the same document. This only copies the values over, and doesn't link the two multi-materials in any way.
  • The Name field will also set the material object's Label
  • The Composition list is the list of the different material layers that compose this multi-material. Each layer has a name, a material and a thickness value.
  • Click Add to add a new layer, Up to move a selected layer up, Down to move a selected layer down, or Del to delete a selected layer.
  • Double-click the name of a layer to edit it, the material will offer you a drop-down list of available Arch Materials in the same document, and thickness can be set to any value in any unit
  • Name and Material fields are mandatory. Thickness can be left blank (it will then adopt a value of 0).
  • When a multi-material contains layers with a thickness of zero, that thickness is considered variable. Arch objects that use the multi-material, such as Walls and Panels, will treat that accordingly, and give that layer the remaining space available given their own width or thickness.
  • If you name the different components of a multi-material "Frame", "Solid panel", "Glass panel" or "Louvre", and apply that material to a window, the given materials will be applied to the corresponding window components.

Bezug zu IFC

This roughly corresponds to a combination of IfcMaterialLayerSet and IfcMaterialLayer.

