Díl Booleans

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Díl Booleans

Umístění Menu
Díl → Booleans
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Viz také
Díl Sjednotit, Díl Společné and Díl Oddělit

!!FUZZY!!Tento příkaz je obecný Boolean (Logický) nástroj vše v jednom. Pomocí dialogového okna umožňuje specifikovat jakou operaci budete provádět a jaké chcete parametry. Na rychlejší logické operace se podívejte také do Díl Sjednotit, Díl Společné a Díl Oddělit.

This command is a generic all-in-one boolean tool. It allows you to specify what operation to perform and what parameters to use via the dialog below. For quicker boolean operations, see also Part Union, Part Common, Part Cut, and Part Section.


See the individual commands:

See also Part → Refine Shape

Coplanar problems

The boolean operations are performed by the internal geometry kernel, OpenCASCADE Technology (OCCT). This library sometimes has problems producing boolean results when the input objects share an edge or a face. To be sure the boolean operation is successful the recommendation is that the shapes intersect each other clearly; this means that in most cases, one shape should protrude or be larger in size than the other shape.

In cases of coplanarity, even if the first boolean operation succeeds, subsequent boolean operations may fail. In this case, the problem may not be in the last operation done, but in the older ones, that is, in the nested operations as indicated in the tree view. To troubleshoot these issues, it is recommended to use the Part CheckGeometry tool to inspect all objects for problems.

Left: shapes that share a face, a boolean cut may produce incorrect results. Right: shapes that intersect each other clearly, the boolean cut will be successful in most cases.

Left: shapes that share a face, a boolean union may produce incorrect results. Right: shapes that intersect each other clearly, the boolean union will be successful in most cases.