Assembly2 Workbench/ru

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 10:55, 12 May 2020 by Baritone (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Assembly2 это верстак для создания сборок из FreeCAD v0.15 с поддержкой импорта деталей из...")
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Верстак Assembly2 устарел. Его автор более не поддерживает его, так что он может не работать с FreeCAD версии 0.17 и выше. Информация на этой странице не поддерживается, и оставлена для исторических задач.
Для альтернативы, смотрите A2plus. Этот верстак является ветвью Assembly2, но не совместим с ним. Если у Вас имеются более старые модели, которые Вам надо открыть, Вам следует оставаться на FreeCAD 0.16 и Assembly2. Более новые модели должны создаваться только в A2plus и открываться только им.
В качестве других вариантов смотрите Assembly3 или Assembly4. Эти верстаки так же основаны на Assembly2, но не совместимы с любым из перечисленного.


Assembly2 это верстак для создания сборок из FreeCAD v0.15 с поддержкой импорта деталей из внешних файлов.

As stated by its author on the forum, it is no longer maintained since 2016, therefore it may have issues with FreeCAD 0.17 and above. The newer and actively maintained A2plus Workbench is a good alternative.


Intended work-flow:

  • each part in the assembly is designed in its own FreeCAD file
  • a separate assembly FreeCAD file is created
  • parts are imported to this assembly file using the Assembly 2 workbench
  • spacial constraints are then added to assemble the imported parts


  • circular edge constraint
  • axial constraint
  • plane constraint
  • part importing
  • updating of parts already imported


  • Poor constraint solver which may fail or take excessively long for complicated assemblies
  • undo and other similar features not supported




Drop down menu

  • Import a part from another FreeCAD document
  • Update parts imported into the assembly
  • Move
  • Add circular edge constraint
  • Add plane constraint
  • Add axial constraint
  • Create an angular constraint between two planes
  • Add Spherical surface constraint
  • Animate degrees of freedom
  • Solve Assembly2 constraint
  • Combine assembly into a single object (use to create a drawing of the assembly, and so on...)
  • Create a parts list from the objects imported using the assembly2 workbench
  • Ceck assembly for part overlap/interferance


  • Bolt multiple circular edges
  • Flip constraint
  • Lock rotation
  • Preferences
  • Assembly2 WB icon


Automatic installation

See Installing

From GitHub

To use this workbench clone this git repository under your FreeCAD Mod directory, and install the pyside and numpy python libraries. On a Linux Debian based system such as Ubuntu, installation can be done through BASH as follows

sudo apt-get install git python-numpy python-pyside
mkdir ~/.FreeCAD/Mod
cd ~/.FreeCAD/Mod
git clone

In FreeCAD you will now have a new workbench-entry called "Assembly 2". Once installed, use git to upgrade to the latest version through BASH as follows

cd ~/.FreeCAD/Mod/FreeCAD_assembly2
git pull
rm *.pyc

Alternatilvely, on an Ubuntu system the freecad-community PPA can be used:

Add ppa:freecad-community/ppa to your software sources
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install freecad-extras-assembly2

In Windows

  • download the git repository as ZIP
  • assuming FreeCAD is installed in "C:\PortableApps\FreeCAD 0_15", go to "C:\PortableApps\FreeCAD 0_15\Mod" within Windows Explorer
  • create new directory named "assembly2"
  • unzip downloaded repository in "C:\PortableApps\FreeCAD 0_15\Mod\assembly2"

FreeCAD will now have a new workbench-entry called "Assembly 2".

Pyside and Numpy are integrated in the FreeCAD 0.15 dev-Snapshots, so these Python packages do not need to be installed individually

To update to the latest version, delete the assembly2 folder and redownload the git repository.


Other useful links