Std Convertisseur d'unités

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Revision as of 13:24, 8 May 2020 by David69 (talk | contribs)

Std Calculateurs d'unités

Emplacement du menu
Outils → Calculateurs d'unités
Raccourci par défaut
Introduit dans la version
Voir aussi


La boîte de dialogue du calculateur d'unités permet de calculer des quantités en différentes unités.

The Units calculator dialog box


  1. Select the Tools → Units calculator... option from the menu.
  2. The Units calculator dialog box opens. For more information see Options.
  3. The dialog box is modeless, meaning it can stay open while you continue working in FreeCAD.
  4. Press the Close button to close the dialog box.


Top row

  1. Enter a value with units in the first input box. For example 10 mm.
    • Units with exponents should be entered using the ^ notation. For example 1 m^2.
    • If the input value cannot be recognized or if the units are unknown the => box will display the 'syntax error' message.
  2. Enter the target units in the as input box. For example in.
    • If the units are unknown the => box will display the 'unknown unit' message.
    • If the units in the first and second input box do not match, the => box will display the 'unit mismatch' message. In the example the units match as 'mm' and 'in' are both length units.
  3. If there are no input errors the => box will immediately show the result. For the example values the result is 0,394 in.
  4. Optionally press the Copy button to copy the content of the => box to the clipboard. The value can then for example be pasted in a FreeCAD task panel or dialog box.

Text area

  1. The conversion performed in the top row can be copied to the text area by pressing Enter in the first or second input box.
  2. The text area can contain multiple conversions and its content can be selected and copied to the clipboard with Ctrl+C and used in other programs.


This new part (introduced in version 0.19) of the Units calculator still suffers from some bugs.

  1. Select an option from the Unit system dropdown list. This will be the target unit system. Select Preference system to use the unit system defined in the Preferences.
  2. Select an option from the Unit category dropdown list.
  3. Enter a value with units in the Quantity input box. The units must match the unit category.
    • If the Area unit category has been selected, entering certain units is problematic. For example to enter m^2 you have to first enter ^2, put the cursor before the ^ character and then enter m.
  4. Click in the Decimals input box and press Enter to convert the value in the Quantity input box.


  • See the Expressions page for a list of all known units.