Curves Peigne paramétrique

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Curves Peigne paramétrique

Emplacement du menu
Curves → Comb plot
Raccourci par défaut
Introduit dans la version
Voir aussi


Peigne Le paramétrique peut aider à visualiser la régularité ou la fluidité d'une courbe ainsi que la continuité entre deux courbes. Remarque: un peigne est uniquement destiné à la visualisation.

A 3D comb will be created for 3D curves. Sample and scale can be changed. This tool is part of the external workbench called Curves.

Above: shows the before (left) and after (right) application of the ParametricComb AKA Comb plot tool


  1. Switch to the Curves workbench (install from Addon Manager is necessary, if not previously installed)
  2. Select an object in the tree view (sketch, wire...) or one or several edges in the 3D view (use CTRL key)
  3. Invoke the Curves ParametricComb command several ways:
    • Press the button
    • Use the Curves → Comb plot
  4. A comb is created, showing the curvature of the selection.


  • This tool functions as a visual aid.


