Урок по черчению

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Данный урок знакомит пользователя с основами рабочего процесса Верстака Draft, включая создание профилей, использование рабочих поверхностей, создание размеров, текста и надписей. В уроке используется нотация (X, Y, Z) для указания координат точки объекта.

This tutorial is meant to introduce the reader to the basic workflow of the Draft Workbench.

The reader will practice:

  • creation of profiles
  • the use of working planes
  • the creation of dimensions, text and annotations

This tutorial uses the notation (x, y, z) to denote the coordinates required to define points in an object.


  • FreeCAD версии 0.16 или выше
  • Пользователь ознакомлен со вкладками Данные и Вид для изменения свойств элементов при необходимости.

1. Open FreeCAD, create a new empty document with File → New.

1.1. Switch to the Draft Workbench from the workbench selector, or the menu View → Workbench → Draft.
1.2. Make sure you understand how to use the property editor, particularly the Data and View tabs to change the properties.
1.3. Since the draft objects are planar shapes, they are better viewed from the top. Use View top to set the 3D view.


Удостоверьтесь, что инструмент Привязки Draft включён для использования в этом уроке.

2. The Draft Snap toolbar is normally activated when you switch to the Draft Workbench.

2.1. To make sure it is always there, got to the Draft Preferences, Edit → Preferences → Draft → Grid and snapping tab.
2.2. Verify that the Show Draft Snap toolbar is active.

Заметьте, вы можете изменить видимость Сетки в меню, если вы хотите отключить её.

Working planes

Most Draft objects are planar shapes so they are naturally based on a working plane. A working plane can be one of the main XY, XZ, and YZ global coordinate planes, or it can be a plane that is parallel to them with a positive or negative offset, or it can be a plane defined by the face of a solid object.

3. Press Select plane, or go to the menu Utilities → Select plane, to open the working plane task panel.

3.1. Press Top (XY).

Before pressing the button, you can also change the value of the offset in millimeters, as well as the grid spacing, the main lines and snapping radius.

Creating Profiles

The creation of profiles can be done in several ways. Though it is possible to use simple arcs and lines to do most of the work, FreeCAD includes several tools to speed up the process.

Линии и дуги
  1. Выберите инструмент Дуга.
  2. Установите координаты центра в (0, 0, 0)
  3. Задайте радиус 30 мм
  4. Задайте начальный угол 60.0°
  5. Задайте апертуру 60.0°

Повторите действия для второй дуги, но с радиусом 25 мм.

  1. Выберите инструмент Линия.
  2. Наведите курсор на конечную точку любой из дуг. При приближении к конечной точке должна появиться белая точка и значок File:Snap Endpoint.png. Выберите конечную точку.
  3. Выберите конечную точку другой дуги.
  4. Повторите для другой стороны дуг.

Fusing or upgrading

Теперь профиль определён несколькими кривыми, но он ещё не распознаётся как одно целое. Возможно продолжить работу с отдельными элементами как они есть, но в данном случае мы объединим их в один объект.

  1. Выберите одновременно дугу и линию удерживая клавишу CTRL
  2. Щелкните Объединить

6b. If you wish to maintain the parametric nature of the objects you may wish to create a compound instead.

6.1. Switch to the Part Workbench.
6.2. With these objects selected, click on Part Compound.

Rectangles, circles, and polygons

7. We will draw a rectangular frame.

7.1. Press Rectangle.
7.2. Enter the values (-100, -60, 0), and press Enter.
7.3. Make sure the Relative option is unchecked, as we will use absolute units. You may press R in the keyboard to quickly toggle this option on and off.
7.4. Enter the values for the second point (140, 90, 0), and press Enter.

A rectangle is created. Go in the property editor to change its properties. If you don't want the rectangle to create a face, set ДанныеMake Face to false. If you want to make a face, but see only the wires of that object, keep ДанныеMake Face to true but set the ВидDisplay Mode to Wireframe.

  1. Выберите инструмент
  2. Установите центр в (0, 0, 0)
  3. Задайте радиус 15 мм
  1. Выберите Полигон
  2. Укажите центральную точку в (0, 0, 0)
  3. Задайте радиус 50 мм
  4. Задайте количество сторон 6

Again, you may change the ДанныеMake Face and ВидDisplay Mode properties in the property editor if you want.

The rectangle, the circle, the polygon, and most other objects created with the Draft Workbench share many data and view properties because they are derived from the same base class, Part Part2DObject.


Arrays are used to replicate an object several times in an orthogonal direction (X, Y, Z), around a revolution axis, or along a path.

10. We will create a polar array.

10.1. Select the Wire object that was previously created with the Upgrade tool, or the Compound created with the Part Compound tool.
10.2. Press PolarArray.
10.3. Adjust the polar angle to 360°, and press OK.

Old workflow

10.2. Press Array.
10.3. Go to the tree view, select the Array object, and then go to the property editor, and change the ДанныеArray Type from ortho to polar.
10.4. Change ДанныеNumber Polar to 4, and ДанныеAngle to 360°.

An array object should be created replicating the object around the origin.


Dimensions require a constant use of Snapping Constraints to properly select the points that one wishes to dimension. The Snapping toolbar is used to change the possible points that can be selected.

  1. Select Dimension
  2. Select the first point. This can be either an existing element or specified by coordinates. For this tutorial, the first point will always be (0, 0, 0)
  3. Select the second point. Approach the midpoint of the top line of the polygon. A white point should appear alongside this icon File:Snap Midpoint.svg
  4. Move the cursor to the desired location of the dimension and click on it.
  5. Change the font size on the View tab to 6 mm

Повторите действия для дуг и отверстий.

Annotations and Text

There is a slight difference between the two: it is only possible to use the second one as a profile to perform 3D operations.


  1. Select the Text button.
  2. Select the reference point in the 3D View. In this case, the midpoint of the top arc.
  3. Enter your text and press Enter
  4. Repeat for as many lines of text as you wish to input.
  5. Press Enter


  1. Select the ShapeString button.
  2. Select the reference point in the 3D View. This can be an existing point or the current cursor location.
  3. Enter your text and press Enter
  4. Set the desired font size
  5. Leave tracking at 0 mm
  6. Select the path to the font file that you wish to use

Creating Blueprints

To create blueprints, it is necessary to create a Technical Drawing with the elements that you wish to use. Please read the Drawing tutorial for a detailed description.

Important Note: Drawing WB was deprecated in FreeCAD v0.16 and replaced by the TechDraw Workbench. Although the author of this tutorial also created the Drawing Tutorial, it would be better for the reader to familiarize themselves with Basic tutorials of TechDraw, such as Basic_TechDraw_Tutorial.

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