개발 로드맵

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 21:23, 29 June 2019 by Sebul (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== 아이디어 ===")

FreeCAD는 많은 응용 분야에서 사용 가능하지만 CAD 주류에 대한 오랜 여행의 시작입니다. 상용 소프트웨어와 경쟁할 수 있는 위치에 도달하려면 아직 할 일이 많습니다.

This section gives an overview of what is planned and gives you the opportunity to participate or give your opinion. As we are volunteers to FreeCAD we have only a certain amount of time. So if you interested in one of the topics and willing to help, just let us know! We use the Getting Things Done (GTD) style for the project document. Here is the Project template.


현재 프로젝트


미래 프로젝트

가까운 미래 프로젝트.

지금까지 완료된 프로젝트


Release schedule

Like in the most FLOSS projects a release schedule is very rough. There will be no fixed dates and "It's done, when it's done!"

  • The Release process page gather ideas for a more efficient release workflow