
From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 16:29, 10 November 2013 by Bejant (talk | contribs)

Here is the artwork that has been created for FreeCAD. Feel free to reuse in other applications. If you would like to contribute with icons, please read the guidelines at the bottom of this page first.

Application Icons

The FreeCAD Icon

Edit Menu Icons

Preferences Menu Icons

File Toolbar Icons

Workbench icons

Macro Toolbar Icons

File:Macro-record.svg File:Macro-stop.svg File:Macro-execute.svg

View Icons


Arch Tools Toolbar Icons

Draft Tools Toolbar Icons

File:Draft Polyline.svg

Draft Modification Tools Toolbar Icons

File:Draft PutOnSheet.svg

Draft Snap Toolbar Icons

File:Snap Lock.svg File:Snap Midpoint.svg File:Snap Perpendicular.svg File:Snap Grid.svg File:Snap Intersection.svg File:Snap Parallel.svg File:Snap Endpoint.svg File:Snap Angle.svg File:Snap Center.svg File:Snap Extension.svg File:Snap Near.svg File:Snap Ortho.svg

Drawing Toolbar Icons

File:Drawing-landscape-A3.svg File:Drawing-openbrowser.svg File:Drawing-annotation.svg File:Drawing-clip.svg

Image Toolbar Icons

Mesh Design Toolbar Icons

File:Mesh cut.svg

Part icons

File:Part CreatePrimitives.svg

PartDesign icons

File:PartDesign Revolve.svg

Sketcher icons

File:Sketcher Polyline.svg File:Sketcher Rectangle.svg

Constraint Icons

Constraint Icons Not Used

Zoom icons

File:View-zoom-selection.svg File:View-zoom-border.svg File:View-zoom-all.svg

Tree Icons

File:Tree Mesh.svg File:Tree Selectable.svg File:Tree Unselectable.svg

Other/General Icons

Emot icons

File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-angel.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-blush.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-crying.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-devil-grin.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-glasses.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-grin.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-grin-braces.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-kiss.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-plain.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-sad.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-smile.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-smile-big.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-surprise.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Face-wink.svg
File:FreeCAD05 Tango Anaglyph.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Applications-games.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Applications-ristretto.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Dialog-error.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Dialog-warning.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Measure.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Process-stop.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Text-x-python.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Camera-photo.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Preferences-system.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Camera-video.svg File:FreeCAD05 Tango Applications-graphics.svg

Splash screens

FreeCAD Icons arranged by their source code location

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Gui\Icons\ClassBrowser

File:Const member.png File:Member.png File:Type class.png File:Type enum.png File:Type module.png

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Gui\Icons

File:Debug marker.svg File:Macro-execute.svg File:Macro-record.svg File:Macro-stop.svg File:View-zoom-all.svg File:View-zoom-border.svg File:View-zoom-selection.svg

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Mod\Draft\Resources\Icons

File:Snap Angle.svg File:Snap Center.svg File:Snap Dimensions.svg File:Snap Endpoint.svg File:Snap Extension.svg File:Snap Grid.svg File:Snap Intersection.svg File:Snap Lock.svg File:Snap Midpoint.svg File:Snap Near.svg File:Snap Parallel.svg File:Snap Perpendicular.svg

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Mod\Draft\Resources\Patterns

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Mod\Drawing\Gui\Resources\Icons

File:Page.svg File:Pages.svg

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Mod\Drawing\Gui\Resources\Icons\Actions

File:Drawing-annotation.svg File:Drawing-clip.svg File:Drawing-landscape.svg File:Drawing-landscape-A0.svg File:Drawing-landscape-A1.svg File:Drawing-landscape-A2.svg File:Drawing-landscape-A3.svg File:Drawing-landscape-A4.svg File:Drawing-landscape-new.svg File:Drawing-openbrowser.svg File:Drawing-portrait-A4.svg File:Drawing-symbol.svg File:Drawing-view.svg

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Mod\Fem\Gui\Resources\Icons\Actions

File:Fem AddFemMesh.svg File:Fem AddMaterial.svg File:Fem AddPart.svg File:Fem ConstraintBearing.svg File:Fem ConstraintGear.svg File:Fem ConstraintPulley.svg File:Fem FemMesh.svg File:Fem FemMesh createnodebypoly.svg File:Fem Material.svg File:Fem NewAnalysis.svg

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Mod\Image\Gui\Resources\Icons\Actions

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Mod\Mesh\Gui\Resources\Icons

File:Mesh boundary.svg File:Mesh cut.svg File:Tree Mesh.svg

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Mod\MeshPart\Gui\Resources\Icons\Actions

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Mod\OpenSCAD\Gui\Resources\Icons\

From (FreeCAD source code)\src\Mod\Part\Gui\Resources\icons\

File:Part CreatePrimitives.svg


General guidelines

We try to maintain in FreeCAD a certain graphical consistency between all parts of the application. Therefore, all icons that are designed for the application should ideally conform to the following rules:

  • Be in SVG format, drawn with vectorial objects (no bitmaps) at 64x64px. We recommand using inkscape for designing icons
    • To access the Tango palette in Inkscape, click the arrow located on the bar colors below and to the right and choose "Tango icons"
  • Be scalable to smaller sizes (32x32px and 16x16px) and still look nice
  • Follow as much as possible the Tango guidelines
  • Respect users with dark desktop themes or special high-contrast desktop colors. Your icon must look nice on a dark background
  • Follow the color codes below, which are used throughout FreeCAD.

See the Gui Command page for more information about how FreeCAD commands and icons are formatted.

Color chart

Available translations of this page: