手册:FreeCAD 的定位

From FreeCAD Documentation
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FreeCAD 是开源的参数化 3D 建模应用软件,主要用于设计现实生活中的对象。参数化建模是一种特定的建模方法,采用参数来控制 3D 对象的形状。例如,一个立方体的形状可以由三个参数所控制:高度、宽度和长度。在 FreeCAD 中,像在其他参数化建模器里一样,这些参数是对象的一部分,对象创建之后,任何时候都可以修改它们。有的对象会把其他对象作为参数,例如,用一个立方体作为输入,就能在它上面创建一个圆柱对象。你可以把参数化的对象想象成一小段程序,它用参数来创建几何元素。

FreeCAD is not designed for a particular kind of work, or to make a certain kind of objects. Instead, it allows a wide range of uses, and permits users to produce models of all sizes and purposes, from small electronic components to 3D-printable pieces and all the way up to buildings. Each of these tasks have different dedicated sets of tools and workflows available.

FreeCAD is also multiplatform (it runs exactly the same way on Windows, Mac OS and Linux platforms), and it is open source. Being open source, FreeCAD benefits from the contributions and efforts of a large community of programmers, enthusiasts and users worldwide. FreeCAD is essentially an application built by the people who use it, instead of being made by a company trying to sell you a product. And of course, it also means that FreeCAD is free, not only to use, but also to distribute, copy, modify, or even sell.

FreeCAD also benefits from the huge, accumulated experience of the open source world. Internally, it includes several other open source components, as FreeCAD itself can be used as a component in other applications. It also possesses all kinds of features that have become a standard in the open source world, such as supporting a wide range of file formats, being hugely scriptable, customizable and modifiable. All made possible through a dynamic and enthusiast community of users.

The official website of FreeCAD is at http://www.freecadweb.org

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