Sketcher: Ellisse da tre punti

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Revision as of 21:42, 15 November 2018 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs)

Ellisse da tre punti

Posizione nel menu
Sketch → Geometrie → Ellisse da 3 punti
Avvio veloce
Introdotto nella versione
Vedere anche
Ellisse da centro ..., Cerchio, Arco di ellisse ...


Questo strumento disegna un'ellisse selezionando tre punti: (1) Periasse (Primo incrocio del diametro maggiore con l'ellisse), (2) apoasse (Secondo incrocio del diametro maggiore con l'ellisse), (3) un punto su un lato del diametro più lungo (a) che definisce il raggio minore (b). (c) è il centro risultante e (f) sono i punti focali.

When starting the tool, the mouse pointer changes to a white cross with a red ellipse icon.



  • After the third click, the ellipse is created, together with a set of construction geometry aligned to it (major diameter, minor diameter, two foci). The construction geometry can be manually deleted if not needed, and recreated later. See Internal Alignment Constraint and Sketcher Show Hide Internal Geometry.
  • Pressing ESC or clicking the right mouse button cancels the function.


  • Major and minor axes of ellipses are strict and cannot be swapped by resizing the ellipse. This is a consequence of the solver parametrization used (center (x,y), focus1 (x,y) and minor radius length (b)) and the same strict behavior of OpenCascade. The ellipse must be rotated to swap the axes.
  • Ellipse can function as a circle when its major and minor diameter lines are deleted, and one of the foci is constrained to coincide with the center. But radius constraint won't work on such a circle.
  • Moving the ellipse by edge is the same as moving ellipse's center.