Release notes 0.18

From FreeCAD Documentation

FreeCAD 0.18 is currently in active development and is still not officially released, but development builds can be downloaded for testing. See details on the Download page. In the meanwhile, you can help us fill these Release notes with the new features that are being added. Click on Help FreeCAD for details on how to contribute.

FreeCAD 0.18 was released on DD Month, 201x, get it from the Download page. This is a summary of the most interesting changes. The complete list of changes can be found in the MantisBT bugtracker FC 0.18 changelog.

Older FreeCAD release notes can be found in Getting started.



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  • The Document tree (Model tab) now offers 3 options for how all documents are displayed, with the option set from the View → Document Tree menu:
    • Only display the currently active document;
    • Display all documents as it used to be up to v0.17;
    • Expand the active document and collapse all others.
  • When a task is active and requires user input, an icon showing a pencil now appears on the Tasks tab and disappears when the task is completed.

Arch Workbench

Draft Workbench

FEM Workbench

Part Workbench

  • The Check Geometry tool now opens a small window with a progress bar and a Cancel button to cancel the task if it takes too long.
  • The new Defeaturing tool is based on the tool of the same name included in OCCT 7.3.0. It can remove selected attributes on a solid such as holes, protrusions, gaps, chamfers, fillets, etc. For more info, see 3D Model Defeaturing article on the OCCT website. Please note that if FreeCAD is built on an older version that OCCT 7.3.0, this tool won't be available and will be greyed out.

PartDesign workbench

Path Workbench

Sketcher Workbench

  • The new View section tool creates a section plane that removes matter on the model that is in front of the sketch plane. This can be useful when the sketch plane is located inside a solid model. Pressing the View section tool again toggles the view back to a full view.
  • The Sketcher solver benefited from improvements and is now better at detecting redundant and conflicting constraints, especially those induced by symmetric constraints.
  • New Constrain Diameter tool added
  • DoF Finder is a new utility to help find degrees of freedom. In the Solver messages widget in the Tasks panel, the traditional message Under-constrained sketch with x degrees of freedom now underlines the x degrees text in blue. Clicking on it will highlight in green, in the 3D view, the elements that are not fully constrained.
  • Sketcher Auto Remove Redundants is a new checkbox in the Solver messages box. When enabled, it will prevent creation of redundant constraint when the user is sketching and applying constraints, and it will automatically delete the redundant constraints.
  • There is a new command to delete all constraints at once. It can be found in the menu Sketch → Sketcher tools → Delete All Constraints.
  • New option in Preferences → Sketcher → General → Hide base length units for supported unit systems. This hides the unit for dimensional constraints while in sketch editing mode.
  • Size of vertices (points) can now be set in Preferences → Display → 3D View → Marker size.
  • New Move command to move all selected geometry from the last selected point. It can be access under the Clone tool drop down.
  • Added Extended Information checkbox to the Constraints list widget.

Relevant forum links:

Spreadsheet Workbench

Surface Workbench

TechDraw Workbench

Additional Modules

Some of the new community modules that were actively developed during the 0.18 development cycle.

  • Curves, a collection of tools to create and edit NURBS curves and surfaces.
  • Nurbs, a collection of scripts for managing freeform surfaces and curves.
  • Silk, a collection of NURBS surface modeling tools focused on low degree and seam continuity.
  • Flamingo Workbench, a set of customized FreeCAD commands and objects that help to speed-up the drawing of frames and pipelines.
  • GDT, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T).
  • CadQuery FreeCAD Module is a workbench that allows users to write Python scripts, and is tailored to those based on the CadQuery CAD scripting API. A new code editor is made available, and script variables can be edited dynamically through the use of a parameter dialog. The workbench also adds a menu that includes normal file operations for CadQuery scripts (open, new, close, etc), and example scripts to help users learn new concepts.
  • Defeaturing Workbench is intended for editing imported STEP models, removal of the selected features from the model.