
From FreeCAD Documentation
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Early FreeCAD version unknown
FreeCAD version 0.7 from 2009

FreeCAD的发展历史可以从2001年1月讲起。那时Jürgen Riegel开始为Cas.CADE项目工作。这个项目是一个商用软件开发框架,它包括一个几何建模内核(或者叫CAD内核)。这个内核在2000年发布于一个开源协议之下,并更名为开放的小瀑布(缩写CAS.CADE的原意:为计算机辅助设计和工程服务的计算机辅助软件)。这就使得开发一个开源的3D CAD软件成为可能,因为非得自己从头开始编织CAD内核将会耗费巨大的工作量。


我在2001年1月开启的FreeCAD项目,当时称为GOM(图形对象建模者),想法就是利用Qt、Python和Cas.CADE来实现。Cas.CADE是我在戴姆勒的项目上用到的一个商用CAD内核。Cas.CADE不久前开源了,所以貌似时机刚刚好,尝试进入当时还是空白的开源CAD领域。我在一个叫做QSpect的项目里有两年经验,最终变成了它的主软件设计师。这个项目使用OpenCascade,关于3D和CAD程序,我学到了很多。我也收到Catia V5的影响,尤其是它非常特别的用户和程序界面。2002年3月,在OpenCascade项目里,我注册了FreeCAD这个软件。我不大懂名字的事情,没法想出比FreeCAD更好的名字了。在2003年四月,我在QSpect项目里的同事Werner Meyer,他换到了一个叫Imetric的公司。与Imetric的接触很有收获,因为他们正在为自己的3D传感器寻找一个新的3D软件平台。2005年,Imetric把它大部分的Mesh模块捐赠给FreeCAD和开源社区,并将FreeCAD作为他们的传感器系统软件的基础。从那时起,Werner Meyer是FreeCAD非常活跃的开发者。2005年,经过一年的挣扎,我决定脱离OpenCascade的文档框架,改为由自己实现。所以,最终,我们只用了OpenCascade的CAD内核,而没有采用其余框架。2007年是另一个有趣的里程碑。我们接上了QT4,然后,接上了LGPL。那时我们做了很多工作,主要是Werner。"


大家好,我叫Juergen Riegel,今天我想发布一个OpenCasCade项目,FreeCAD。它是基于OpenCasCade、QT和Python的开源CAx RAD。它的功能实现了一些关键概念,比如录制宏,工作台,作为服务器运行的能力,还可以作为能动态装载的应用的扩展,并且它被设计成了不局限于某个系统平台。尽管它处于早期阶段,对用户和开发者都还不可用——计划于2003年底向用户发布第一版——我想要在设计和方向上得到一些反馈(所以发布出来)。GUI几乎完成了,现在我们,我和我的合作开发者Werner Mayer,已经开始加入第一个CAD功能。FreeCAD可以看作是一个通用目的的机械CAD系统,但是它的第一个受众,我想,将是CAx的开发者,他们需要为自己的工程找一个地基。


Yorik van Havre2008年加入了这个项目,开始工作于绘图模块。在那之前,用户没法通过用户图形界面创建两维几何体。这个模块完全采用Python开发,而不是C++,后者是FreeCAD采用的核心编程语言。这就证明了Python集成的成功,它可以用来扩展FreeCAD的能力或定制FreeCAD。Yorik除了制图模块,还致力于扩展FreeCAD的文档,并成了FreeCAD实际意义上的艺术总监,因为他为FreeCAD的用户图形界面创作出很多图标,定义了它的风格

Version 0.7 of FreeCAD released in April 2009 was the first to include the Draft module. The Part module provided a simple CSG workflow with creation of primitive shapes and boolean operations accessible through the Part menu. Extrusion of 2D profiles and filleting was also possible.

Version 0.8 released in July 2009 saw some more work in the Draft module, including a new Dimension tool. The Part module benefited from a new toolbar along with new tools, Revolve and Section.

By the end of 2009, FreeCAD was accepted as a Debian package in the Debian repositories. FreeCAD was added to the Ubuntu 10.04 repositories in 2010.

Version 0.10 released on July 2010 introduced the Sketcher Workbench, based on Sketchsolve, a constraint-based solver to create 2D geometry. The first version was limited to creation of rectangles and lines.

In early 2011, taking the opportunity given by the Launchpad online platform, the FreeCAD Maintainers team was created to provide fresh stable releases along with daily build packages of FreeCAD to users of the Ubuntu operating system.

Version 0.11 released in May 2011 introduced the new Part Design workbench which included tools such as Pad, Pocket, Fillet and Chamfer. The Draft workbench received enhancements and new tools, like BSpline. The Robot workbench featured more GUI tools.

Version 0.12 released in January 2012 featured a more complete Sketcher workbench. It included a totally rewritten solver, FreeGCS. It was the result of months of work by the main FreeCAD developers along with newcomers logari81 (who programmed the solver) and mrlukeparry. More tools were added to the PartDesign workbench.

Release history

  • Overview
Version Release date Informations
0.18 Current Developer Release
0.17 2018-04-06 Release notes 0.17
0.16 2016-04-18 Release notes 0.16
0.15 2015-04-08 Release notes 0.15
0.14 2014-07-01 Release notes 0.14
0.13 2013-01-29 Release notes 0.13
0.12 2011-12-20 Release notes 0.12
0.11 2011-05-03 Release notes 0.11
0.10 2010-07-24
0.9 2010-01-16
0.8 2009-07-10
0.7 2009-04-24
0.6 2007-02-27
0.5 2006-10-05
0.4 2006-01-15
0.3 2005-10-31
0.2 2005-08-09
0.1 2003-01-27
0.0.1 2002-10-29 Initial Upload --> The birth of FreeCAD

  • Legend
Color Version Type
Future release
Latest preview version
Latest version
Older version, still supported
Old version
  • Commit history

An overview about the commit history can be found in the following Forum post: https://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=23695#p184940
