Plano de Corte Arch

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Revision as of 23:48, 5 May 2018 by Bitacovir (talk | contribs) (Created page with "La herramienta Plano de corte le permite cortar un objeto Arch de acuerdo a un plano: * Puede cortar un objeto Arch con la cara seleccionada, normal u opuesta al plano frontal...")

Arch CutPlane

Menu location
Arch → Cut Plane
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Arch Remove


La herramienta Plano de corte le permite cortar un objeto Arch de acuerdo a un plano:

  • Puede cortar un objeto Arch con la cara seleccionada, normal u opuesta al plano frontal.
  • Esto agrega un componente de sustracción CutVolume al objeto Arch

In the above image, two Arch Structure are cut with respective plane.

How to use

  1. Select the object to be cut, then the face (the face must be the last one you selected, and must be selected in the 3D-View)
  2. Press the Cut Plane button
  3. Choose if the object is cut behind the normale face or front of the normal face
  4. Click the Ok button


The CutPlane tool can by used in macros and from the python console by using the following function:

cutComponentwithPlane (archObject,face,faceSide)
  • archObject is the object to cut
  • face is the face of an object that come the plan from
  • faceSide is the side of the face to cut. 0 = Behind, 1 = Front