Online Help Startpage/ro

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 04:30, 10 April 2013 by Normandc (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Acest document a fost generat automat din continutul documentatiei on-line pentru FreeCAD ce poate fi citit urmand adresa")

Bine ati venit la ajutorul on-line

Acest document a fost generat automat din continutul documentatiei on-line pentru FreeCAD ce poate fi citit urmand adresa Deoarece documentatia on-line este intretinuta si extinsa continuu de catre comunitatea FreeCAD, se poate intampla ca versiunea on-line sa contina informatii mai multe sau mai noi decat acest document. La aceeasi adresa puteti gasi traduceri ale acestui document (unele in curs de realizare) in mai multe limbi. Cu toate astea, speram sa gasiti aici toate informatiile de care aveti nevoie. Daca intrebarile nu-si gasesc raspuns aici, consultati forumul FreeCAD unde comunitatea va incerca sa va ajute.

How to use

This document is divided into several sections: introduction, usage, scripting and development, the last three address specifically the three broad categories of users of FreeCAD: end-users, who simply want to use the program, power-users, who are interested by the scripting capabilities of FreeCAD and would like to customize some of its aspects, and developers, who consider FreeCAD as a base for developing their own applications. If you are completely new to FreeCAD, we suggest you to start simply from the introduction.


As you may have experienced sometimes, programmers are really bad help writers! For them it is all completely clear because they made it that way. Therefore it's vital that experienced users help us to write and revise the documentation. Yes, we mean you! How, you might ask? Just go to the Wiki at in the User section. You will need a sourceforge account to log in, and then ask on the forum or on the irc channel for write permission (the wiki is write-protected to avoid spamming). Then you can start editing! Also, check out the page at Help_FreeCAD for more ways you can help FreeCAD.

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