在 Windows 上安装

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最简单的把 FreeCAD 安装到 Windows的方式是下面的安装器:


下载完 .msi (微软安装文件格式) 文件,只需要双击它以启动安装过程。

下面是更多关于技术选项的信息。 如果它看起来很吓人,不要紧张!绝大部分 Windows 用户只需要使用 .msi 安装 FreeCAD 和 阅读 入门!


在 Windows 上安装 FreeCAD的最简单方式是使用上面的安装器。此节描述了微软安装器更多安装选项的使用和特性。

如果你想下载一个 64 位或者不稳定的开发版本,请参考 下载 页。


通过 msiexec.exe 命令行工具,可以获得额外的特性,例如非交互模式安装和管理员模式安装。



 msiexec /i FreeCAD<version>.msi


msiexec /i FreeCAD-2.5.msi TARGETDIR=r:\FreeCAD25


安装器可以通过 /q 参数控制能显示的用户界面,特别地:

  • /qn - 无用户交互
  • /qb - 基本用户交互——只显示一个过程对话框。
  • /qb! - 像 /qb,但是隐藏撤销按钮。
  • /qr - 减少接口 - 显示所有不需要用户交互的对话框(跳过所有强制回应对话框)。
  • /qn+ - 像 /qn,但是最后显示“安装完成”对话框。
  • /qb+ - 像 /qb,但是最后显示“安装完成”对话框。


属性 TARGETDIR 决定 FreeCAD 安装的根目录。例如,可以指定不同的安装分区:


默认 TARGETDIR 是 [WindowsVolume\Programm Files\]FreeCAD<版本号>.






FreeCAD 安装器提供了安装,重装,卸载选项:

  • DefaultFeature - 安装适当的软件,再加上核心库。
  • Documentation - 安装文档。
  • Source code - 安装源码
  • ... ToDo

此外,ALL 指定的所有功能。所有的特性依赖于默认功能 DefaultFeature,所以安装任何功能都会安装 DefaultFeature,下面的参数为指定重装或者卸载

  • ADDLOCAL - 指定需要安装的功能
  • REMOVE - 指定需要卸载的功能
  • ADDDEFAULT - list of features added in their default configuration (which is local for all FreeCAD features)
  • REINSTALL - 指定需要重装/修复的功能
  • ADVERTISE - 指定需要广告方式安装的功能

其他属性参见 MSDN 文档。






msiexec /x FreeCAD<version>.msi

来卸载 FreeCAD。卸载并不需要 MSI 文件; 你可以在开始菜单中找到卸载 FreeCAD 的快捷方式。

Administrative installation


msiexec /a FreeCAD<version>.msi

an "administrative" (network) installation can be initiated. The files get unpacked into the target directory (which should be a network directory), but no other modification is made to the local system. In addition, another (smaller) msi file is generated in the target directory, which clients can then use to perform a local installation (future versions may also offer to keep some features on the network drive altogether).

Currently, there is no user interface for administrative installations, so the target directory must be passed on the command line.

There is no specific uninstall procedure for an administrative install - just delete the target directory if no client uses it anymore.


msiexec /jm FreeCAD<version>.msi

it would be possible, in principle, to "advertise" FreeCAD to a machine (with /ju to a user). This would cause the icons to appear in the start menu, and the extensions to become registered, without the software actually being installed. The first usage of a feature would cause that feature to be installed.

The FreeCAD installer currently supports just advertisement of start menu entries, but no advertisement of shortcuts.

Automatic Installation on a Group of Machines

With Windows Group Policy, it is possible to automatically install FreeCAD an a group of machines. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the domain controller
  2. Copy the MSI file into a folder that is shared with access granted to all target machines.
  3. Open the MMC snapin "Active Directory users and computers"
  4. Navigate to the group of computers that need FreeCAD
  5. Open Properties
  6. Open Group Policies
  7. Add a new policy, and edit it
  8. In Computer Configuration/Software Installation, choose New/Package
  9. Select the MSI file through the network path
  10. Optionally, select that you want the FreeCAD to be deinstalled if the computer leaves the scope of the policy.

Group policy propagation typically takes some time - to reliably deploy the package, all machines should be rebooted.

Installation on Linux using Crossover Office

You can install the windows version of FreeCAD on a Linux system using CXOffice 5.0.1. Run msiexec from the CXOffice command line, assuming that the install package is placed in the "software" directory which is mapped to the drive letter "Y:":

msiexec /i Y:\\software\\FreeCAD<version>.msi

FreeCAD is running, but it has been reported that the OpenGL display does not work, like with other programs running under Wine i.e. Google SketchUp.

Feature list
Install on Unix