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From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 06:26, 26 September 2017 by Waverider (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The help FreeCAD/ro page describes it all with more details. Starting from 2016, FreeCAD is also participating to the Google Summer of Code/ro. The Contributors_hub/...")


Iată documentaţia referitoare la FreeCAD. Vi se oferă două căi ca s-o răsfoiţi: fie prin explorarea hub-urilor utilizatorilor, fie cu ajutorul îndrumărilor din manual. Este o activitate în derulare, întocmită de comunitate utilizatorilor şi dezvoltatorilor FreeCAD. Dacă veţi găsi informaţii greşite sau lipsă, vă rugăm să ne ajutaţi!

Hub-urile utilizatorilor

Hub-urile utilizatorilor: Această pagină conţine documente cu caracter general, utile pentru utilizatorii FreeCAD, îndrumătoare şi tot ceea ce este necesar ca să începeţi.

Power users hub: This page gathers documentation for advanced users and people interested in writing python scripts. You will also find there a repository of macros, instructions on how to install and use them, and more information about customizing FreeCAD to your specific needs.

Developers hub: This section contains material for developers: How to compile FreeCAD yourself, how the FreeCAD source code is structured and how to navigate in it, and how to develop new workbenches, or embed FreeCAD in your own application.

Manualul FreeCAD

The FreeCAD manual is another, more linear way to present the information contained in this wiki. It is made to be read like a book, and will gently introduce you to many other pages from the hubs above. ebook versions are also available, as well as a couple of translations in pdf format.


The following table lists all the articles of this wiki that form the backbone of the offline documentation shipped with the FreeCAD application. It is already available in several languages:

Implicaţi-vă !

Cum să participaţi

There is plenty to do inside the FreeCAD project, if you are interested in helping us. Of course, there are programming tasks for C++ or Python programmers, but there are also many things you can do even if you cannot code, such as

  • writing documentation and Editing the wiki
  • helping newcomers
  • translating the application and documentation
  • helping with the packaging of the latest release of FreeCAD for your favourite operating system
  • helping other people around you to discover FreeCAD.

The help FreeCAD/ro page describes it all with more details. Starting from 2016, FreeCAD is also participating to the Google Summer of Code/ro. The Contributors hub page is another effort to gather the possible ways to help and contribute to the FreeCAD project.

Source code

FreeCAD can be compiled on all platforms using cMake. The source code is LGPL-licensed and hosted on GitHub. There are build instructions for Windows, Unix/Linux and MacOSX. The source code documentation is hosted here, generated by Doxygen, and documented on the wiki.

About the development

Check the Development roadmap for news about what is being planned, the Changelog and Roadmap pages on the FreeCAD tracker to see the progress towards next release, or the Project statistics for even more information about the FreeCAD codebase. All the development communication happens on the forum, so be sure to visit it if you are interested in participating.