Система отслеживания Багов

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 21:05, 16 March 2017 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
link=https://freecadweb.org/tracker/MantisBT is the bugtracker framework FreeCAD uses
link=https://freecadweb.org/tracker/MantisBT is the bugtracker framework FreeCAD uses

The address of our bug tracker is:


There you can report bugs, submit feature requests, patches, or request to merge your branch if you developed something using git. The tracker is divided into modules, so please be specific and file your request in the appropriate subsection. In case of doubt, leave it in the "FreeCAD" section.

Please before creating tickets, always first discuss bugs in the Help forum and feature requests in the Open discussion forum.

Сообщение об ошибках

If you think you might have found a bug, you are welcome to report it there so long as you have first discussed the matter in the appropriate forum. But before reporting a bug, please check the following items:

  • Make sure your bug is really a bug, that is, something that should be working and that is not working. If you are not sure, don't hesitate to explain your problem on the forum and ask what to do.
  • Before submitting anything, read the frequently asked questions, do a search on the forum, and make sure the same bug hasn't been reported before, by doing a search on the bug tracker.
  • Describe as clearly as possible the problem, and how it can be reproduced. If we can not verify the bug, we might not be able to fix it.
  • Include all the information from the "Copy to Clipboard" button in the Help (menu) -> About FreeCAD dialogue and do so from either the Part or PartDesign workbench so that your data will include your OCC or OCE version.
  • Please file one separate report for each bug.
  • If you are on a linux system and your bug causes a crash in FreeCAD, you can try running a debug backtrace: From a terminal run gdb freecad (assuming package gdb is installed), then, inside gdb, type run . FreeCAD will then run. After the crash happens, type bt , to get the full backtrace. Include that backtrace in your bug report.

Запрос о новой возможности

If you want something to appear in FreeCAD that is not implemented yet, it is not a bug but a feature request. You can also submit it on the same tracker (file it under feature request instead of bug), but keep in mind there are no guarantees that your wish will be fulfilled.

FreeCAD Bugtracker report page - use the dropdown to correctly designate what the ticket is

Предложение патчей

В случае если вы програмно исправили ошибку, расширение или что нибудь другое, что может быть общего использования в FreeCAD, создайте патч используя Subversion diff инструмент и сообщив, его нам на трэкер (файл как патч).

Requesting merge

If you have created a git branch containing changes that you would like to see merged into the FreeCAD code, you can ask there to have your branch reviewed and merged if the FreeCAD developers are OK with it. You must first publish your branch to a public git repository (github,bitbucket, sourceforge...) and then give the URL of your branch in your merge request.

MantisBT Tips and Tricks

MantisBT (Mantis Bug Tracker) has it's own unique markup. Here is a list of useful ones:

  • @mention - works just like on GitHub where if you prepend '@' to someone's username they will receive an email that they have been 'mentioned' in a ticket thread
  • #1234 - By adding a hash tag in front of a number a shortcut to link to another ticket within MantisBT will present.
    Note: if you hover over a ticket it will show you the summary + if the ticket is closed, it will be struck-through like #1234.
  • ~5678 - a shortcut that links to a bug note within a ticket. This can be used to reference someone's response within the thread. Each person that posts will show a unique ~#### number next to their username. If you look at the image in the example, you see that the shortcut is referencing the ticket number:comment number of said ticket
  • <del></del> - Using these tags will strikeout text.
  • <code></code> - To present a line or block of code, use this tag and it will colorize and differentiate it elegantly.
  • c:FreeCAD:git commit: - Part of the MantisBT Source-Integration plugin which will link to the FreeCAD GitHub git commit. c stands for 'commit'. FreeCAD stands for the FC GitHub repo. 'git commit' is the specific git commit hash to reference. Note: the trailing colon is necessary.
  • d:FreeCAD:diff: - similar to the above, but shows the diff
  • p:FreeCAD:pullrequest: - similar to the above but should show the Pull Request.

GitHub and MantisBT

The FreeCAD bugtracker has a plug-in called Source Integration which essentially ties both the FreeCAD GitHub repo to the tracker. It makes it easier to track and associate git commits with their respective tickets. The Source Integration plugin scans the git commit messages for specific keywords in order to execute the following actions:


The below keywords need to be added in the git commit message and not the PR subject

Attaching a git commit to a ticket

The format MantisBT will recognize:

  • bug #1234
  • bugs #1234, #5678
  • issue #1234
  • issues #1234, #5678
  • report #1234
  • reports #1234, #5678

For the inquisitive here is the regex MantisBT uses for this operation:

Remotely resolving a ticket

The format MantisBT will recognize:

  • fix #1234
  • fixed #1234, #5678
  • resolve #1234
  • resolved #1234, #5678

For the inquisitive here is the regex MantisBT uses for this operation:
