TechDraw VerticalDimension

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 12:25, 16 October 2016 by Wandererfan (talk | contribs)

TechDraw Dimension_Vertical

Menu location
TechDraw → Dimension_Vertical
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The Dimension_Vertical tool adds a vertical dimension to a View. The dimension may be between two vertices, the length of one edge or the vertical distance between 2 edges. The distance will initially be the projected distance (ie as shown on the drawing), but this may be changed to the actual 3D distance using the Link Dimension 16 tool.

How to use

  1. Select the points or edge which define your measurement.
  2. Press the 16 TechDraw Dimension_Vertical button
  3. A dimension will be added to the View. The dimension may be dragged to the desired position.




  • DataX: Vertical position of the dimension text relative to the View.
  • DataY: Vertical position of the dimension text relative to the View.
  • DataFont: The name of the font to use for the dimension text.
  • DataFontsize: Dimension text size in mm.
  • DataFormatSpec: Allows additional text to be added to the dimension text. Dimension value will replace %value%.
  • DataLineWidth: Dimension line weight.
  • DataType: Length,radius,diameter, etc. Not normally manipulated by the end user.
  • DataMeasureType: "True" - based on 3D geometry or "Projected" - based on the drawing. Not normally manipulated directly by the end user.


Vertical dimensions can be added to Pages using Python.

dim1 = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('TechDraw::DrawViewDimension','Dimension')
dim1.Type = "DistanceX"
dim1.References2D=[(view1, 'Edge1')]
rc = page.addView(dim1)


  • None at this time