TechDraw API

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 13:38, 14 November 2016 by Wandererfan (talk | contribs)

These functions are part of the TechDraw module and can be used in scripts and macros or from the python interpreter, once the TechDraw module has been imported.


import FreeCAD
import TechDraw
page = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('TechDraw::DrawPage','Page')
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Template.Template = templateFileSpec
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Page.Template = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Template
view = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('TechDraw::DrawViewPart','View')
rc = page.addView(view)

EdgeWalker(listOfEdges, [bool])

Description: Creates wires from edges in input by planar graph traversal. Optionally exclude the OuterWire by setting optional parameter to false.

Returns: List of wires sorted by size (descending)


Description: Finds the OuterWire (largest) of a list of edges (that form a planar graph).

Returns: Outer wire

findShapeOutline(TopoShape, scale, direction)

Description: Project shape in direction and find outer wire of result.

Returns: Outline wire