Flamingo Workbench

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 09:33, 15 January 2017 by Oddtopus (talk | contribs)


"Flamingo tools" is a set of macros made to speed up some actions in FreeCAD. It is available among the list of official addons, so it's possible to get it using the addons-installer macro.

The most developed toolbar is CommandsFrame.py: that is one simple toolbox of 12 commands to arrange frames, trusses and similar in FreeCAD with the Arch`s Structure objects. Read tutorialFrame.pdf for more informations.

Other toolbars:

CommandsEagle.py: that's basically an addition, and shortcut, to the very fine FreeCAD-PCB workbench, to import position of objects from a .brd Eagle's file on a PCB drawn in FreeCAD with the a.m. workbench relating only on their names. -> "If the parts in the group Parts of the .FCStd file have the same name of the parts in the .brd file, they will be moved to the position of the PCB specified in the .brd file." Read tutorialEagle.pdf for more informations

CommandsPolar.py: to import a set of polar coordinates from a spreadsheet and use them to draw a sketch. That is for future development of a project that includes also a prototype electronic board and a ultrasonic range finder...

CommandsPipe.py: new toolbar under development from September '16. Read tutorialPype.pdf for some anticipations. Read tutorialPype2.pdf for more specific features.



Detailed description here



Automatic installation

See Installing

From GitHub

To install the workbenches, you may copy as usual the files of this repository in a subfolder of \Mod in you FreeCAD installation of your system.

Links to Flamingo WB

Other useful links