Fasteners Workbench

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 16:55, 31 May 2016 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs)


Usage is pretty straightforward:

Start a new document in FreeCAD. Select the Fasteners workbench from the drop-down list.

A series of screws will show on the toolbar.

Simple Usage: Clicking on any of the screws will create this screw in the origin position with default size. To change size/length select the newly created screw, then go to the data tab in the property panel, there you can change diameter and length. (For now it is in metric standard):



Automatic installation

See Installing

From GitHub

To install the workbench simply download this file: Fasteners_V0.2.15 Extruct the file into FreeCAD Mod directory. (On Windows its somewhere like “C:\Program Files\FreeCAD 0.15\Mod”, On Linux: “~/.FreeCAD/Mod” , create it if not exist) That’s it. Under the Mod directory you should see a new directory called Fasteners.


Detailed description here



Fasteners commands

Fasteners screws

Links to Fasteners WB

Other useful links